Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/887

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Index. 849 Napoleon I, Emperor of the Freush, 148 Nassau, WiUiam, Count of, 71, 78 Naumburg, Lutheran Convention at (1655), 176 Nauplia, besieged by the Turks, 72 ; surren- der of, 74 Navagero, Andrea, 16 Nayagero, Bemhard, Bishop of Verona, 682 Navarre, 91 Navy, Henry VIII's, 472 Nebrija, Alfonso de, 400 Needs of the German Nation, the, 185 Negri, Francesco, 381 Negri, Qirolamo, 20 Neo-Platonists, the, 701 Netherlands, the, resources of, 63; diffi- culties of Emperor Charles V in, 74 sq., and his abdication ceremony in, 90; effects of Treaty of Cateau-Cambrgsis on, 94; Burgundy and, 102; internal develop- ments of, 102 sq. ; spiritual movements in, 103; revolutionists in, 225 Neto, Bras, 413 Neumark, Wolfgang, Count Palatine of, 264 Neville, Sir Henry, 505 New Testament, the ; Luther's translation, 164; Spanish versions, 402, 406; Tyn- dale's translation, 464 sq. ; Danish ver- sions, 610 ; Icelandic version, 621 ; Swedish version, 625 ; the Greek, of Erasmus, 699 Newman, John Henry, Cardinal, 34 Nice, truce of (1538), 73 ; siege of (1543), 77 Nicene Creed, the, 665 Nicholas, Bishop of Bergamo, 3U Nifo, Agostino, 16 Nigri, Philip, 525 Nino, Eodrigo, 378 Noailles, Amtoine de, 513-44 Noailles, Francois de, Bishop of Acqs, 544, 546 Norby, S5ren (Danish Admiral), 608, 623 Nordhausen, conference of (1531), 217 NSrdlingen, 205 Norfolk, Thomas Howard, second Duke of, 417; Thomas Howard, third Duke, 78, 434, 446 sq., 456, 459, 462, 475 ; Thomas Howard, fourth Duke, 367 Norman, George, 629 North, Edward, first Lord, 475 Northampton, William Parr, Marquis of, 480, 493 Northampton, Henry Howard, Earl of, 499, 506 Northumberland, Thomas Percy, Earl of, 434, 439 Northumberland, John Dudley (Earl of Warwick), Duke of, 505-11, 512-21 Norway and Iceland, the Eeformation in, 617-21 Notables of France, 57, 93, 284, 298 Noveschi, the, 83 NoweU, Alexander, Dean of St Paul's, 585 Noyon, peace of (1516), 39, 143 Nun of Canterbury, the (Elizabeth Barton), 441 Numberg, Beieharegiment at (1521), 151 ; (1524), 156; Diets of (1522), 153, (1524), 156, and the papal nuncios, 170 sq. ; spread of the Beformed doctrines at, 160; and the original Protestants, 204 sq. ; peace of (1532), 218. 221, 232; League of (1538), 235 Ochino, Bernardino, 390, 392 sq., 477, 687, 716; his Labyrinth, 716 Odense, Herredag of (1527), 612 Oebli, Hans, 831 Oechsli (Swiss reformer), 325 Oecolampadius, John (Eansschein), 155, 161, 207, 216, 234, 289, 326 sq., 355, 698 Olaf, King of Denmark and Norway, 600 Olafsson, Martin, Bishop of Linkceping, 631 Oldenburg, Christopher, Count of, 230, 259, 261, 614 sq. Olivier, Francois, 297 OUanda, Francesco d', 34 Oppfede, Jean Meynier, Seigneur d', 290 Orange, Philibert, Prince of, 55 sqq. ; Een^ (Benatas) of Nassau, Prince of, 78; WiUiam of Nassau, Prince of, 78 Oratory of Divine Love, the, 379, 640, 647 Orders, the religions, and Eeform, 161, 647 ; Sacrament of, 680, 683 Ordmal, the, of 1550, 503 Ordinaries, the, in Sweden, 629 Ordonnances EccUsiastiques, by Calvin, 370 .. sqq. Orebro, synod of (1529), 628 Orleans, Louis, Dnke of, 36 Ory, Matthieu, Inquisitor-General, 288, 386 Osiander, Andreas, 160, 169, 207, 265 Ossory, Piers Butler, Earl of, 442, 471 Ostia, 56 Ostrorog, John, 634 Otto Henry, Count, Elector Palatine, 244 Oudenarde, 74 Oxford, University of, 468, 503; martyrs, 538-42 Pachecho, Cardinal, 656, 673 Pack, Otto von, 201 sq. Padilla, Cristdbal de, 407 Paget, WilUam, Lord, 474, 493 sqq., 505 sq., 525, 531, 543 Pagnani, Santi, 383 Painting, under Pope Julius II, 6 sq. ; under Pope Leo X, 13 ; decadence of, 28 Paleario, Aonio, 395 sq. Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da, 686 Palissy, Bernard, 292 Palla^us (Peder Flade), Bishop of Sjealland, 616 sq. Pallavicino, Giambattista, 380 Pallavicino, P. Sforza, 9, 10 Palmer, Sir Thomas, 505 sq., 520 Palmier, Pierre, Archbishop of Vienne, 411 Palz, John von, 114, 126 Papino, Fra Girolamo, 387 Paris, George van, 501 C. M. H. II. 54