Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/888

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860 Index, Paris, University of, 283, 350 ; Nicolas Cop's Beotorial address to, 285, 354 ; Parliament of (1521), proclamation of, 288; (1542), and the Protestants, 288; the Placards of, 286; Edict of (1S43), 288 Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury, 671 sq., 576, 597 Parliament of Paris (1521), proclamation of, 283 ; (1542), and the Protestants, 288 Parma, 80-7; siege of (1521), 44 Parpaglia, Vincent, papal Nmieio, 587 sq. Parr, Catharine, Queen of Henry VIII, 457, 488 Parrasio, Gianpaolo, 16 Pascal, Blaise, 711 Fascual, Mateo, 401 Pasquier-Brouet, 652 sqq. Passau, conference of (1552), 272; treaty of (1552), 277 Pastor Aetemus, the Bull (1516), 31 Patrizzi, Francesco, 707 Paul m. Pope (Alesaandro Farnese), 21, 32, 69 sqq., 80, 83, 85, 233 sqq., 249, 251, 255, 260, 379, 385, 414, 444, 642-4, 660- 70 Paul IV, Pope (Giovanni Piero Caraffa), 33, 89-92, 379, 381 sq., 534, 545 sqq., 564, 636, 648, 652-6, 673 sq. ; his Index Li- brorum Prohibitorum, 687 Pauvan, Jacques, death of, 284 Pavia, campaign of (1525), 23, 50 sq., 423 sq. Paz, Duarte de, 413 Peairl of the Passion, the, 107 Peasants' Bevolt, the, in Germany (1524), 175-194, 715 Pectham, Sir Henry, 544 Pedersen, Christian, 610 Pedersson, Gebel, Bishop-elect of Bergen, 620 Pedro di Toledo, Viceroy of Naples, 70 sq. PeUican, Conrad, 161, 356 Pembroke, William Herbert, Earl of, 475, 505 sq. Penance, Sacrament of, 125, 672 Penances, 124 sq. Pepin, Guillaume, 280 Percy, Henry, Lord, 559 Perez, Juan, his Spanish New Testament, 406, 411 Pergola, Bartolommeo della, 386 Peronne, siege of (1536), 71 Perpignan, 76 Perrenot de Chantonnay, Thomas, 302 Persecution, of " sectaries," in Germany, 224; of Protestants, in France, 289 sq., 293 sq., 347; in England, 601, 533, 538 sqq. Perugia, revolt of (1540), 76 Peruzzi, Baltasar, 12 Pesoara, Marquis of, 23 sq., 44, 48 sq., 52 Festh, siege of (1542), 242 Peter Martyr, see Vermigli, Pietro Martire Peto, William, 438, 546 Petre, Sir WilUam, acts as deputy for Cromwell, 445; 480, 495, 525 Petri, Olaus and Laureutius (Olaf and Lars Petersson), 624-30 Petrucci, Cardinal, 14 Peutinger, Conradj 29 Ffefferkorn, Johann, 696 Pfeffinger, Dr, 122 Pfeiffer, Heinrich, 186-9 Pflug, Julius von. Bishop of Naumburg, 240, 242, 264, 667 Pfyffer, Ludwig, 341 Philip II, King of Spain, 75, 90 sqq., 244, 267, 409, 566, 574, 578 sq. ; his and Mary's reign in England, chap, xv, pas- sim; and the Council of Trent, 675 sqq. Philip the Fair, Duke of Burgundy, 36 , PhiUppeville, 89, 102 Philosophy, in the Age of the Eeformation, chap. XIX, passim Philpot, John, 539 Piacenza, 44, 56, 80-5 ; murder of Pier- luigi Farnese at, 83 Pico della Mirandola, Galeotto, 72, 387 Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, 4, 7, 16, 308, 702 ; his Oratio de Beformandis MoribtiB, 31 ; his character and achieve- ments, 696 Piedmont, 62, 73, 89, 94 Piero di Sacco, Alessandro da, 381 Pighino, Archbishop of Siponto, 671 Pighius, Albert, 667, 717 Pilgrimage of Grace, the, 446 Pindar, &;st Greek book printed at Borne, 17 Pinerolo, 73, 94 Pinkie, battle of (1547), 487, 556 Pio, Alberto, 16 Piombino, 84, 88 Pirates of Algiers, the, 68 sq. Pirkheimer, Wilibald, 138, 160, 168, 698 Pisa, council of (1511), 29 Pistoris, Maternus, 111 Pius II, Pope (Aeneas Silvius Picoolomini), 29, 355 Pius IV, Pope (Giovanni Angelo de' Me- dici), 578 sq., 656, 674-87 Pius V, Pope (Michele Ghislieri), 33, 397, 410, 656, 687 Pizarro, Fernando, Francisco, and Gonzalo, 101 Placards of Paris, the, 286 Planitz, H. von der, 170 Plato, 701 sq. Platonism, introduction of, into Florence, 4; the Platonists, ib., 702 Platter, Thomas, 356 Plethon, Gemistos, 701 Podiebrad, George, King of Bohemia, 198 Poissy, Colloquy of (1561), 302 Poitiers, Diane de, 97, 98; and the Guises, 296 Poland, Italian Eeformers in, 393 ; the Beformation in, 634-8 Pole, Reginald, Archbishop of Canterbury, 33, 85, 239, 379, 398 sq., 447 sqq., 501, 518-46, 641, 660-8 Pole, Sir Geoffrey, 449 Polenz, George von. Bishop of Samland, 160, 162 Polish Prussia, the Eeform in, 636