Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/889

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IndeoB. 851 Folitian (Angelo Ambrogio de Poliziano), 16, 701 Pomerania, George and Barnim, Dukes of, 170 Fomponazzi, Pietro, 4, 702 sqq. Ponet, Bishop of Winchester, 501 sq. Pontano, G. G., 16 Poor Laws, English, 469 Porta, Egidio della, 381 Porto, Francesco, 384 sq. Portugal, social condition of, and the In- quisition in, 412-5 Porzio, 16 Possevin, Antony, 631 Potenza, Giovanni Francesco di, 607 Poyet, Guillaume, 288 Pragmatic Sanction, the (1438), 29, 31, 32, 281 ; (1548), 102 Praise of Folly, by Erasmus, 280 Predestination, pMloaophy of, 717 Fresbyterianism and EpiscopaUanism, in Scotland, 593 Prisidiaux, the, in Prance, 96 Pressburg, Ferdinand elected King of Hun- gary at, 199 PreTost-Paradol, L. A., 712 Frierias, see Mazzolini Princes, the German, growth of their power, 150 sq. ; Eeformation in alliauoe with, 194 Printing-press, established in Worms by Luther's friends, 139 ; Greek, established at Verona, 23 ; in Germany, 111 Friuli, Luigi, 379, 398 Privy Council, of Edward VI, its composi- tion, 475 Privy Six {Heimliehe Rath), in Zurich, 322 Protest, the, against decisions of the Diet of Speier, 204 sq. Protestant Synod, French (1559), 295 Protestants, persecution of, in Germany, 224 ; in France, 289 sq., 293 sq., 347 ; in England, 501, 533, 538 sqq. ; the ori- ginal, 205, 211 Provence, invasion of (1536), 71 Prussia, Albrecht, Duke of, 198, 270 Psalms, English metrical version of the, 482 Publicius, Jacob, 111 Pucoi, Antonio, Cardinal, 30, 413 Fucoi, Lorenzo, Cardinal, 413 Puritanism, beginnings of, 592 Puritans, the, and the English Church, 597 Fnteo, Jaoopo, 676 sqq. Quart du sel, in France, 96 Quemo, Camillo, 18 Quignon, Cardinal, Breviary of, 484 Quintana, Juan de, 411 Rabelais, Franpois, 690, 710 sq. ; his Gargantua, 287 Eadstadt, siege of (1526), 190 sq. BaffaeUe, Sanzio, 6 sq., 8, 12, 13, 14, 22, 28 Eagnone, Lattanzio, 390 Eaimund, Cardinal, 112 Eandolph, Sir Thomas, 580 Bangone, Countess Ginlia, 384 Eantzau, Johann, 230 Banzan, Hans, 615 EastsU, William, 501 Eatisbon, 238; conferences of (1524), 172; (1526), 326; Diets of (1532), 218; (1546), 253; Eeligious Colloquy of (1541), 33, 76, 240, 645 Bectorial address, Nicolas Cop's, to the University of Paris, 354 Bed Book of Sweden, the (Bdda Boken), 630, 632 Eefl, Hans, Bishop of Oslo, 620 Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum, the, 508, 689 Eeformation, early ideas of and demand for a, 2, 29 ; the, in the sixteenth century, its birth and growth, 104; in Germany, 25 sq., 158 sq., chaps, iv-vm, passim; in Geneva, 362; in Italy, 378-99; in Spain, 399-412 ; in Portugal, 412-15; in France, chap. IX, passim, 346-9 ; in Switzerland, chap. X, passim, 216, 362 ; in England, chaps, xin-xv, passim ; the Scottish, and the Anglican settlement, chap. xvi,pas8im; in Denmark, 602-17 ; in Norway and Ice- land, 617-21; in Sweden, 621-33; in Poland, 634-8; its connexion with the Feasants' Eevolt in Germany, 175 ; Euro- pean Thought in Age of, chap, xix, passim ; and the Benaissance, connexion and distinctions between, 282, 691 Eeformation Parliament, the English (1559) , 566 sqq. ; the Scottish (1560), 579 Beformed Church, the, and Calvin, chap, xi, passim ; doctrines, spread of, in Germany, 160 ; ministry, the, and Calvin, 370 sqq. Eeformers, German, 160 sqq., 168, 362; French, 282 sqq. ; Genevan, 362; Italian, 393,637; Enghsh, 538 sqq. ; the Catholic, chap, xvni, passim EegiuB, Urbanus, 160, 183 Beichskamm^rgericht, the, 149, 214, 217, 219, 232 Beichsregiment, the, 149, 151, 170 sq. ; revolt of the cities against, 153 ; failure of, 156 sq. Beina, Cassiodoro de, 411 Beinhkrd, Anne, marries Zwingli, 313 Beinhard, Martin, 606 Eeligious associations in Germany, 108, 122 ; life, popular, in Germany, 105 ; revival, in Germany, 106; settlement, the, of 1559, in England, 570 sq. Beligions Houses, reform of, in Spain, 400 ; suppression of, in England, 444, 448, 460, 467 sq.; spoliation of, in Norway, 618 Eehgious Orders, the, and the Counter- Eeformation, 646-9 B%, Jean de, Bible of, 283 Benaissance, the.: in Italy, chap, i, passim, 640, 700-10 ; not opposed to the Catholic Church, 342; its effect upon European thought, chap, xix, passim; the Latin, 700-10 ; the French, 282, 710-12 ; the