Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/891

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Index. 863 Schappeler, Christoph, German reforiuer, 160, 177j 179 Schartlin za Burtenbach, S., 255 sq., 270 SchaumbnTg, Adolf, Count of, 2S9 Sohelling, Friedrioh Wilhelm you, 714 Schenk, Bnrchard yon, 380 Scheurl, Ohristoph (German JTiriBt], 134 Schinner, Matthaus, Cardinal of Sion, 309 SchmaUsalden, League of, 26, 215 sqq,, 232-43, 252-8 Sohmalkaldic War, the (1546), 256 sq. Schmid, Felix, 322 Schnepf (German reformer), 234, 265 Scholarship, Catholic, revival of, 688 ; Pro- testant, 718 Scholasticism, the new, 704 sq. Schomberg, Kicholas von. Archbishop of Capua, 23, 423, 642 sq. School of Athens, the, 7 Schurf, Jerome, 117 Schwabaoh, conference at (1530), 209 sq. Schwendi, Lazarus, 272 Schwerin, Henry, Count of, 599 Soioppius, Caspar, 708 Scory, John, Bishop of Chichester, 502, 521 Scotland, and England, 419-22, 453-62, 548; attempted union of (1547), 487; and France, 499, 574 sqq. ; the Reform- ation in, chap, xvi, passim ; Scottish re- bellion, the (1559), 572 sq. Scripture and tradition, authority of, 665 sq. Scriptures, Luther's attitude towards the, 164 Sculpture, under Pope Leo X, 13; decad- ence of, 28 Sects, growth of, in Germany, 223; perse- cution of, 224 Secular control of religion and charity in Germany, 108 Seehaufen, the, 179 Siguier, Pierre, 294 Senarcleus, Louis and Claud de, 403 Septuagint, Boman edition of the, 688 Seripando, Girolamo, Cardinal, 667 sq., 676-82 Serveto y Eeves, Miguel, 375, 411 sq., 716 Service-books, destruction of, in England, 503; Swedish servioe-book (EenHcrndbock piid Swensko), 628 Servicio, the, in Spain, 99 Seso, Carlos de, 407 sq. Sessa, Duke of, 21 Seville, the Reform at, 404-7 Sextus Empiricus, 712 Seymour, Jane, Queen of Henry VHI, 445, 448 Seymour, Sir John, 445 Seymour, Thomas, Baron, Lord High Admiral, 242, 475, 488 Sforza, Francesco, Duke of Milan, 43-60, 69, 232 Sforza, Massimiliano, Duke of Milan, 308 Sharington, Sir William, 488 Sheffield, Edmund, Lord, 475 Ship of Fools, by Sebastian Brant, 280 Shrewsbury, Francis Talbot, Earl of, 420 Sicily, visited by Emperor Charles V, 70 Sickingen, Franz von, 41, 43, 154 sqq. Siena, 83; revolt and conquest of (1552-5), 88 Sievershausen, battle of (1553), 275 Sigbrit, Mother, 604 Sigismund I, King of Poland, 198, 635 Sigismund II Augustus, King of Poland, 270, 635 sq. Sigismund in. King of Poland and Sweden, 632 Suva, Diogo da, 413 Simon, Bishop of Modena, 30 Simonetta, Luigi, 676 sqq. Sinapius, Johann and Eilian, 384 Sistine Chapel, the, Michelangelo's decora- tion of, 6, 14, 34 Sittioh, Mark, of Ems, 329 Six Articles, Act of the (1539), 450, 466 sq., 477 Sixtus IV, Pope (F. d'Albesoolla della Eovere), 686 Sixtus V, Pope (P. Peretti), 650, 686 sqq. Skeffington, Sir WilUam, 442 Skelton, John, 423 Skodborg, Jorgen, 610 Skram, Peder (Danmarhs Vovehals), 230, 615 Slaghoek, Diederik, Archbishop-elect of Lund, 603 sqq., 607, 610 Smeton, Mark, 445 Smith, Dr Richard, 501 Smith, Sir Thomas, 484, 495 sq. Social Revolution, in Germany, 174^194; in Switzerland, 318 ; in England, 489 sqq. Socinians, the, 638 Soderini, Francesco, 22 Solway Mobs, battle of the (1542), 456 Solyman H, Sultan of Turkey, 67 sqq. , 77, 207, 218, 242 Somerset, Edward Seymour (Earl of Hert- ford), Duke of, Protector, 476-96, 504-7, 512, 556 Sommario della Santa Scrittura, the, 386 Soranzo, Giacomo, 513, 529 Soranzo, Vittorio, Bishop of Bergamo, 390, 398 Sorbonne, the, and the Meaux preachers, 283 ; and Calvin's Institutio, 288 Soriano, Antonio, 26 Soto, Domenico de, 250 Soto, Pedro de, 402, 541 Soubise, Madame de, 384 Southampton, Thomas Wriothesley, Barl of, 475 sq., 488, 494, 497 sq. SouthweU, Earl of, 497 sq. Sozzini, Lelio and Fausto, 393, 637 sq., 716 Spain, resources of, 63 ; the government of, 99 ; internal developments of, 99 sqq. ; industries of, under Charles V, 100; problem of her deoUne, 100; the Reforma- tion in, 399-412; reception of Erasmus' writings in, 400 sq. ; her successes in Italy and France (1557), 547 64—3