Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/892

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854 Index. SpalatinuB (George Burkhardt of Spelt), 111, 132 Sparre, Aage, 610 Speier, congress of cities at (1523), 153; Council of (1524), 173; Diets of (1526), 196 ; (1529), 203 sq., 330; (164i), 77, 244, 661; Eeoess of (1626), 199, 203 sq. ; secret understanding of Lutheran Princes at (1529), 204, 206 Speng, Jakob, 403 sq. Spengler (German reformer), 138 Speziale, Pietro, his De^ Gratia Dei, 380 Spiera, Francesco, 394 sq. Spinoza, Baruoh, 691, 708 sqq. Spiritual Exercises, Ignatius Loyola's, 657 sq. St Angelo, castle of, Pope Clement VII takes refuge in, 24, 64 St Anne, oalt of, 107 St Augustine, 707, 712 sq.; Eule of, 114; Calvin's relation to, 365 St Dizier, siege of (1544), 78 St Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary, 110 St Francis of Assisi, 2 St Gallen, 205, 331 St Germain, Conference of (1562), 303 St John of Jerusalem, Military Order of, 60, 69, 451 St John of the Cross, 409 St John, Lord, see Wiltshire, Earl of St Paul, 712 sq. St Peter's, Eome, rebuilt by Pope Julius II, its architectural symbolism, 6 St Quentin, battle of (1557), 92; surrender of (1557), 547 St Teresa, 409 8t Ursula's Schifflein, in Germany, 108, 122 Stadt, Carl, 333 Stafford, Thomas, rebeUion of (1557), 546 Stagefiihr, Dr, 613 Stanoari, Franoeaoo, 637 Standish, Bishop of St Asaph, 431 Stanza della Segnatv/ra, the, wall-paintings of, 14 Starkey, Thomas, 490 States-General of the Netherlands, the, 74, 102 Staupitz, Johann von, his influence on Luther, 115; 117 sq., 168 Stein, Albreoht von, 815 Stein, Heynlin von, 168 Sternhold, Thomas, his metrical version of the Psalms, 482 Stewart, James, Lord, see Moray, Earl of Stockhohn Bath of Blood, the (1520), 604 Stokesley, Dr, Bishop of London, 433 Storch, Nioolaus, 166 Story, Dr John, 474, 585 Strassburg, 87, 160, 206, 328 sq. Strauss, Jacob, 160, 183, 697 Strengnas, Diet of (1523), 622 Strozzi, Filippo, 26, 72 Strozzi, Piero, 77 sq. , 88 Stfibner, Marcus, 166 Stiihllngen, peasants' rising at (1624), 177 sq. Stuhlweissenburg, coronation of John Za- polya at, 198, and of Ferdinand I, 199 St&niga, Diego Lopez de, 400, 699 Sture, Sten (the younger), 601, 603 Sture, Svante, 603 Sturm, Jacob, 204, 258 Sturm, John, 286 Sturzl, Jacob, 329 Stuttgart, siege of (1625), 181 Styfel, M., German reformer, 160 Styria, 150 Subject Lands, the, in Switzerland, 324 " Submission of the Clergy," in England (1532), 438 Subsidy, demanded by Henry VUI, 421 Suffolk, Charles Brandon, Duke of, 47, 421 sq., 446, 560 Suffolk, Henry Grey (Marquis of Dorset), Duke of, 505, 514 sqq., 626, 628 Suffolk, Bichard de la Pole, Duke of (" "White Bose "), 426 Sulz, Count Rudolf von, 329 Summa Doctrinae Christianae, by Canisiua, 682 Svipernae dispositionis arbitrio, the bull, 31 Supremacy, Boyal, in England, 436; Acts of (1634), 442 ; (1569), 667 sqq. Surian, Miohiel, 373, 647 Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of, executed, 462 Surrey, Thomas Howard, Earl of (after- wards Duke of Norfolk), 46, 420, 471 Swabian League, the, 41, 146, 166, 181, 224 Sweden, early history of, 599 sqq.; con- quest of (1620), 603 ; the Beformation in, 621-33 Swiss Confederation, the, 306, 320, 324, 341 ; mercenaries in the French and Imperial armies, 44 sq. Switzerland, Austria's policy towards, 329 ; Italian Beformers in, 393; the Beforma- tion in, 216, chap, x, passim Taborites, the, 186 Tacitus, writings of, published, 16 Taille, the, in France, 96 Tassoni (U Vecchio), 386 Tast, Hermann, 160, 611 Tausen, Hans (the "Danish Luther"), 609- 16; his Confession of Faith, 613, 617 Taxation, oppressive English, 470 Taylor, Eowland, 539 Telesio, Bernardino, 706 Ten Articles, the, 446 Termes, Mar^ohal de, 93 T6ronanne, French capitulation of (15S3), 89; recovered, 94 Tetrapolitana, the, 212, 336 sq. Tetzel, John, 121, 130, 134, 204 Teutonic Eenaissance, the, 712-18 Teutons, the, contrasted intellectually with the Latins, 692 sq. Theatines, Order of, 23, 379, 648 Theology, Calvin's, 363 sqq. Thesaurus linguae Qraecae, by Guarino di Favera, 17