Page:Canada Gazette, June-December 1868.djvu/40

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in the said Court, and thereupon such Alien shall be thereby admitted and confirmed in all the rights and privileges of British birth, to all intents whatever, as if he or she had been born within Canada.

6. Every such person shall be then entitled to receive a Certificate of Naturalization under the seal of such Court, and the signature of the Clerk thereof, that he or she hath complied with the several requirements of this Act; which Certificate of Naturalization may be in the following form, or to the like effect, that is to say:

Dominion of Canada,

Province of
Circuit, (or County or City) of ____________
to wit:

In the Court of ____________

Whereas A. B., of, &c. (describing him or her as formerly of such a place, in such a Foreign Country, and now of such a place in Canada, and adding his or her addition), hath complied with the several requirements of the Act respecting Aliens and Naturalization, and the certificate thereof has been read in open Court, and thereupon, by order of the said Court, duly filed of record in the same, pursuant to the said Act; These are therefore to certify to all whom it may concern, that under and by virtue of the said Act, the said A. B. hath obtained all the rights and capacities of a Natural-born British Subject, to have, hold, possess and enjoy the same upon, from, and after the day of ________, (the day of filing the Certificate of Residence), in the year of out Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ____________; and this Certificate thereof is hereby granted to the said A. B., according to the form of the said law.

Given under my Hand and the Seal of the said Court, this day of _________, in file year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ____________

(Signature,) C.D.
Clerk of the Peace

(or Clerk of the Recorder's Court, or Clerk of file Circuit Court, or Clerk of the Supreme Court, as the case may be.)

7. A copy of such Certificate of Naturalization may, at the option of the party, be registered in the Registry Office of any County or District or Registration Division within Canada, and a certified copy of such Registry shall be sufficient evidence of such Naturalization in all Courts and places whatsoever.

8. Any Alien entitled, at the time of the passing of this Act, to be naturalized under the provisions of any of the Acts mentioned in the twelfth and fourteenth sections of this Act, may take the oaths or affirmations of Residence and of Allegiance, and obtain Certificates as aforesaid, in the same manner as Aliens entitled to be naturalized under the provisions of the third section of this Act, and with the same effect, to all intents and purposes:

2. Notwithstanding anything in this Act, all Aliens now resident within the Province of Nova Scotia, and entitled to be naturalized by virtue of the thirty-fourth Chapter of the Revised Statures of Nova Scotia, shall hereafter, on fulfilling the requirements of the said last mentioned Chapter, be entitled to all the privileges by this Act conferred on persons naturalized under this Act.

9. The Clerk of the Peace or Clerk of the Recorder's Court, or Clerk of the Circuit Court, or Clerk of the Supreme Court, shall, for reading and filing the Certificate of Residence, and preparing and issuing the Certificate of Naturalization under the Seal of the Court, be entitled to receive from such person the sure of twenty-five cents, and no more;—