Page:Canada Gazette, June-December 1868.djvu/41

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And the Registrar shall, for recording the said last mentioned Certificate be entitled to receive from such person, the sum of fifty cents, and a further sum of twenty-five cents for every search and certified copy of the same, and no more.

10. The privileges of Naturalization imparted by this Act to the several classes of persons herein mentioned, are imparted to such persons respectively on the terms and conditions herein set forth, and are to be by such persons exercised and enjoyed, according to the true intent and meaning of an Act passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in the Session held in the tenth and eleventh years of Her Majesty's Reign, and intituled: An Act for the Naturalization of Aliens.

11. Nothing in this Act contained shall repeal or in any manner affect the Act of the Legislature of Upper Canada, passed in the fifty-fourth year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled: An Act to declare certain persons therein described Aliens, and to vest their estates in His Majesty, or any proceedings had under the said Act.

12. Nor shall any thing in this Act contained repeal or in any manner affect the Act passed in the session held in the fourth and fifth years of Her Majesty's reign, chapter seven, intituled: An Act to secure to and confer on certain inhabitants of this Province, the civil and political rights of Natural-born British Subjects, or the first, second or third section of the Act passed in the twelfth year of Her Majesty's reign, chapter one hundred and ninety-seven, intituled: An Act to repeal a certain Act therein mentioned, and to make better provision for the Naturalization of Aliens,—or impair or affect the naturalization of any person naturalized under the said Acts, or either of them, or any rights acquired by such person or by any other party by virtue of such naturalization, all which shall remain valid and be possessed and enjoyed by such person or party respectively.

Penalty for False Swearing.

13. Any person wilfully swearing falsely, or making any false affirmation under this Act, shall be deemed guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, and shall, on conviction, in addition to any other punishment authorized by Law, forfeit all the privileges or advantages which he or she would otherwise, by making such oath or affirmation, have been entitled to under this Act, but the rights of others in respect to estates derived from or held under him or her, shall not thereby be prejudiced, excepting always such others as shall have been cognizant of the perjury at the time the title by which they claim to hold under him or her was created.

14. The following Acts are hereby repealed, that is to say: The Act respecting the Naturalization of Aliens, forming the eighth chapter of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, save and except the ninth section thereof, the thirty-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, third series, Of the privileges and Naturalization of Aliens, save and except the first, second and third sections thereof; the Act of the Legislature of New Brunswick, passed in the twenty-fourth year of Her Majesty's reign, chapter fifty-four, intituled: An Act relating to the Naturalization of Aliens; and the Act of the same Legislature passed in the twenty-eighth year of Her Majesty's reign, chapter five, intituled: An Act to amend the Act relating to the Naturalization of Aliens; but nothing in this section contained shall impair or affect the naturalization of any person naturalized under the said Acts, or either of them, or any rights acquired by such person, or by any other party, by virtue of such naturalization, all which shall remain valid, and be possessed and enjoyed by such person or party respectively.