Page:Canadian Alpine Journal I, 1.djvu/275

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Canadian Alpine Journal


1. The name of the Club shall be "The Alpine Club of Canada."

2. The objects of the Club are:

(a) The promotion of scientific study and exploration of Canadian alpine and glacial regions.

(b) The cultivation of art in relation to mountain scenery.

(c) The education of Canadians to an appreciation of their mountain heritage.

(d) The encouragement of the mountain craft and the opening of new regions as a national playground.

(e) The preservation of the natural beauties of the mountain places and of the fauna and flora in their habitat.

(f) The interchange of literature with other alpine and geographical organizations.


3. The work of the Club shall be:

(a) The exploration and study of Canada's alpine tracts; and, with this end in view, it shall gather through its members literary material and photographs for publication and dissemination, and such publications shall be placed on record with the Secretary and Librarian, and be distributed to the members of the Club and to corresponding organizations.

(b) The promotion of the study of glaciers and glacial action in Canada, and of art as applied to mountain regions, for which purposes glacial and art sections shall be formed.

(c) The organization of a corps of reliable guides and outfitters, who shall be available in connection with the work of the Club.

(d) The sphere of action of the Club shall not be confined to Canada alone, but may extend to all the high mountain ranges of the world, and one of the objects of this organization shall be to obtain information concerning other alpine regions and to come closely in touch with those who are interested in all such matters.


4. Membership shall be of five grades, viz.:

Honorary Members. Those who have pre-eminently distinguished themselves in mountaineering, exploration or research and in the sacrifice of their own interests to the interests of the Club shall be eligible for Honorary membership. Honorary members shall be elected only by a two-thirds majority of the recorded votes of the Club.