Page:Castes and Tribes of Southern India, Volume 7.djvu/241

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Tulasi (Ocimum sanctum, sacred basil). — A sub-division of Velama, and gōtra of Kōmati. The tulsi plant is planted in Hindu houses and worshipped by women, and the wood is made into beads for rosaries.

Tulukkar (Turks). — A Tamil name sometimes applied to Muhammadans.

Tuluva. — Tulu, Tuluva, or Tuluvan occurs as the name of a sub-division of the Tamil Vellālas, and of the Agasas, Billavas, Gaudas, Kumbāras, and other classes in South Canara. The equivalent Tulumar is recorded as a sub-caste of Māvilan, which speaks Tulu.

Concerning the Tuluva Vellālas, Mr, H. A. Stuart writes *[1] that these are immigrants from the Tulu country, a part of the modern district of South Canara. Mr.Nelson is of opinion that these are the original Vellālas, who were invited to Tondamandalam after its conquest by the Chola king Adondai Chakravarti.†[2]

Tunnaran (tailor). — An occupational sub-division of Nāyar.

Tupākala.— Tupākala or Tupāki (gun) has been recorded as an exogamous sept of Balija, Kavarai, and Yānādi.

Turaka.— Recorded as a sept of Kuruba. It is further a Telugu name sometimes applied to Muhammadans. There is also a thief class, known as Bhattu Turaka. (See Bhatrāzu.)

Turuvalar. — Recorded in the Salem Manual as a caste name, by which some of the Vēdans call themselves. "The Turuvalar are distinguished as the Kattu-kudugirajāti, a name derived from a custom among them which authorizes informal temporary matrimonial arrangements."

  1. • Madras Census Report, 1891.
  2. † Manual of the Madura district.