Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 2).djvu/74

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yet experienced all that partiality in his Lordship's favor which her heart was capable of feeling.

Such was the state and sentiments of the party, now about to set off for Scarborough. The day previous to which, after a consultation between the Marquis, his Lady, and the Countess, on the entrance of the Count, to pay his morning compliments, the Marquis led him to the Countess, "My dear friend, you have hitherto known this lady only as Madame Le Roche, the name she bears in England; I now introduce you to her as our dearest sister, the Countess of Wolfenbach, whose death you have heard us often lament."

The Count started with surprise; "Good heavens! (said he, after saluting her) how is this possible?"

The Marquis gave him a brief recital of her confinement, and promised him the particulars another day. "I could no longer