Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 2).djvu/75

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keep our secret from you, but she must still retain her former name, until the whole affair is brought forward. The Ambassador was made acquainted with it yesterday; he will take some private steps, at first, if possible, to do us justice; and when we return to London for the winter, we shall use decisive measures; mean time, I have written to a friend, as has likewise my sister, to procure Joseph's testimony, as far as his knowledge extends, lest, as he is old, we should lose a witness of some consequence."

The Count entered warmly into the business; his life and fortune was at the service of his friends: they embraced and thanked him.

The following day they left town, after writing the most affectionate letters to their beloved Matilda, whose absence they most sincerely regretted.