Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/11

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A813771 — A813806
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Directory of Kodak products and services for health services. 2nd ed. , rev. 64 p. Eastaan Kodak Conpaoy; 5Nov76; A813771.


Kodak Ektachrome E-6 processor start-up and shutdown procedures folioMinq operator's checklist, fom Y-8. 39 p. (Kodak seif-instruction packaged proqraa, Z-3221 e Eastman Kodak Conpany; 24Nov7b; 48 13772.

A8 13773.

Scientific publications from Eastman Kodak laboratories. Section 1-1, 1975. «  V. Eastman Kodak Company: 1Nov76; A813773.


eiaster patent file; date order, country order, assignee order. Ed. 8. Hicrofilm (6 cartridges) C Eastman Kodak Company; l(0ct76: A81377a.


Baster patent file; date sort, assignee sort, country sort (edition 7) Magnetic tapes. US: additions e revisions. Eastman Kodak Company: 1«Jun76: A813775.


Image technology patent information system: dual dictionary, ID, corres- pondence and statistics, index with patent numbers (edition 10) Magnetic tapes. KM: additions & revisions. Q Eastman Kodak Company; 2«aay76; A813776.


Foreign tax and trade briefs. Nov. 1976 replacement service, release no. 217. Sheets £ folder (Up.) Hatthen Bender and Company. Inc.; 7Dec76; 4813777.


Federal income taxation of corporations filing consolidated returns. Vol. 1-2. Nov. 1976 revision, release no. 1. Sheets £ folder (3 p.) C Datthev Bender and company. Inc.; 29Nov76; A813778.


Cahill-Parsons Ney York civil practice, sixth edition. Nov. 1976-77 suppl. , release no. 3. By Linda Strumpf , Hartin Kaufman, Frank E. Leonard, David Fames S Hartin J. Fisch. 1 v. S 2 p. Appl. au: Hatthew Bender and company. Inc., employer for hire. C rtatthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 29Bov76; 6813779.


Shoulder and elbow. By Jules a. Kalisch £ Harold Williams. Nov. 1976 suppl. 6 revision, release no. 6. 1976 suppl. by Sandra L. Berdischeusky, Lois L. Caswell £ Barbara a. Smith. Sheets, 2 v. £ folder (U p.) (courtroom medicine, vol. S, 54) Appl. au: aatthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. e Hatthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 23llov76; 4813780.


The Law of liability insurance. Vol. 1-3. By Eowland H. Long. Nov. 1976 revision £ supplemental case table, release no. 12. Sheets. 23 p. 6 folder (3 p.) Appl. au: natthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. 6 Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.: 2Dec76: 4813781.


Collier bankruptcy cases. Vol. 9. Nov. 1976 revision £ current material highlights, release no. 3. Sheets (p. 537-803) £ 2 V. 6 Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 6Dec76: A8 13782.

Bobert L. Sadoff. Nov. 1976 suppl. £ revision, release no. 1. 1976 suppl. by Sandra L. Berdischewsky, Lois L. Caswell & Barbara M. Smith. sheets £ 2 w. (Courtroom medicine, vol. 12) Appl. au: Matthew Gender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. C Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 2'4Nov76; 4813783.


yarren's Forms of agreements; business forms. Vol. 1-3. By Oscar Lefioy Warren, Gloria C. aarkuson £ Gladys Glickman. 1976 revision, release no. 9. Sheets £ folder (3 p.) Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 12liov76; A81378lt.


Connecticut reports; cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Connecticut. Vol. 170, pt. 5. By Donald H. Oowling £ Katbryn Miller, p. 311-4311. KM: index, editorial revisions £ additions. 6 Gloria Schaffer, secretary of the State of Connecticut; 15Dec76; A813785.


Connecticut reports; cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the state of Connecticut. Vol. 170, pt. 6. By Donald H. Dowling £ Kathryn Miller, p. 134-520. NM: index, editorial revisions £ additions. e iloria Schaffer, secretary of the State of Connecticut; 21Dec76; A8U786.


Bender's forms for the consolidated laws of the State of New York. New £ rev. vol. 2B £ revision to index, release no. 24, Nov. 1976. Vol. 2B group managing editor; Buth C. Tachna £ other editors. 522 p. £ sheets. Appl. au; Matthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire, g Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 30NOV76; 6B13787.


West's 4rkansas digest. Dec. 1976, directly supplementing 1976 pocket parts. 94 p. O West Publishing Company; 90ec7b; A813788.


West's Kentucky digest. Dec. 1976, directly supplementing 1976 pocket parts. 67 p. west Publishing Company; 9Dec76; A813789.


Alabama rules of court, 1977. 622 p. 3 Best Publishing Company; 8Dec76; 4813790.


Massachusetts lav finder. 1977 ed. 819 p. West Publishing Company; 10Dec76; 4813791.


Jimmie Hoss, the people's poet and soul

astrologer. 1 v. Appl. au; James Boss

(Jimmie Boss) O James S. Boss (in

notice: Jimmie Boss); 5Nov76; 4813792.


Bulk Bike dealers catalog 1. Folder. 4ppi. au: 4rni Nashbar. O Nashbar/4s- sociates. Inc., Bulk Bike Division (in notice: Bulk Bike); 150ct76: A813793.


Bike builders blueprints. 2 p. Appl. au: Arni Nashbar. O Nasnbar/Associa tes. Inc., Bike uarenouse Division (in notice; Nashbar/ Associates, Inc.); 80ct76; 48 13791.

A8 1379 5.

Evolutionary theory, an international

journal of fact and interpretation. Vol. 1, no. 8, June 1976. Editor: Isidore Nabi, managing editor: Leigh Van Valen. p. 231-260. c Department of Biology, University of Chicago; 3Jun76: A813795.


Evolutionary theory, an international journal of fact and interpretation. Vol. 1, no. 7, Apr. 1976. Editor: Isidore Nabi, managing editor: Leigh Van Valen. p. 179-229. n Department of Biology, University of Chicago; 224pr76: 481J796.


IVS identity verification systems. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Howard A. Sasse. & Howard A. Sasse; 11Jan76: A813797.


Doctor Herbert M. Frisbyj Arctic explorer, correspondent, lecturer, 1966. 28 p. Appl. au: Herbert H. Frisby. NM: compilation £ additions. 6 Herbert M. Frisby; 3Sep76: 4813798.


National Conference on Telescopic

Washington, B.C., June 11-12, 1976. 11 p. Appl. au: Lee N. Hames. e USA, Inc., a.a.d.o. Health and Safety Associates, Inc.; 80ct76: A813799.


Guide to the performing and visual arts. 161 p. Add. ti: Performing Tree guide to the performing and visual arts. o Performing Tree, Inc. ; 10Nov75; A813800.


Lest we not forget: history of the Polk family of Allen, Maryland, a genealogical history of the family of Morris and Bebecca Black Polk. By Velmar PoU Nutter £ Conrad Wilfred Williams. 105 p. e Velmar Polk Nutter £ Conrad Wilfred Williams; 280ct76; 4813801.


Teaching about American Jewry in Israeli high schools; report on a two-year study. By Beuven Surkis. 21 p. 4ppl. au: 4aerican Jewish Committee. 9 American Jewish Committee; 8Jul76; A813802.


The Management program of Sangamon State University. By James C. Worthy. 12 p. o James C. worthy; 15Sep76; A813803.


Kidatlantic Academy for Performing Arts; "a nolistic approach to education." 1 v. Appl. au: Eleanor D. shelton. Eleanor D. shelton; 54pr76; A8 13804.


Adult foster care provider training manual. Developed by Behavioral Resources, Inc. for the Michigan Department of Mental Health 6 the Michigan Department of Social Services. Sheets (156 p.) C Michigan Department of Social Services E Michigan Department of Mental Health; 1May75; A813805.


The Gift. By Jane Louise Kolibaba. (In Becords and tapes from Crown Products) Jane Kolibaba; 1S4ug76: 4813806.


The Family altar materials list and assembly instructions. 1 p. Appl. au: Ted. B. Chumley. C Ted B. £ Kay S. ChuBley d.b.a. Chumley Products Company; 9NOV76; AS 13807.


A-aark 50-program agrimar keting study;

condensed report. 1 p. Appl- au: Kenneth


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