Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/12

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A813809 — A813851
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A813808 (con.)

U. Snyder. ← A-Mark. Inc.; 1Sep76: A813808.


Effective commodity pricing. 15 p. Appl. au: perry Kaufman 5 Frank Scharrer.

Commodity Service Company, Inc.. ; 30Sep76: A813809.

A8138 10.

Shadow over the garden. By Clarissa Boss, pseud, of u. £. D. Boss. 25i4 p. a i. E. D. Boss; 150ct76; Aei3810..


aary's Diary. By Mary Ellen Lee. 28 p- 6 aary Ellen Lee; 9Nov76; A81381I.


Index to map of the United States. Editor-in-chief: aelville Bell Grosvenor £ otner editors. 3H p. Appl. au: National Geographic Society. NH: compilation. =gi National Geographic Society; 290ct76; A813812.


The Trapp Family Singers. By Elizabeth M. South- 5 p- h Betty South; 150ct76; AB13813.


Manual of clinical dietetics, 1975. Besearciied £ approved by Chicago Dietetic Association 6 South suburban Dietetic Association of Chicago, 1 v. © South Suburban Dietetic Association, Chicago Dietetic Association & Johnson Printers (in notice; South Suburban Dietetic Association of Chiago, Chicago Dietetic Association £ Johnson Printers) ; 90ct75; A813811.


En1oy your Bee Vee more- 87 p. Appl. au; Bruno M. J.arsen £ Virginia H. Larsen. S Ginaco £ Bruno M. Larsen d-b.a. Ginaco; 11»lov76; A813815.


Door displayers — new avenues to profit!

1 p. Add- ti; Door displayer price list V-96D. MB: revised editorial material. O yisador Company; taul76; A813816.


Bust-Oleum engineered coating systems for the liguid gas industries. Folder. © Bust-Oleum Corporation; 10ct76; A813817.


Trouble at the North Pole. 33 p. Appl. au: John Boss Showers. @ John Boss Showers; 290ct76; A8138 18.


Game-call Loadinq-coal. Invented by Bonald Dean Holmes. 1 p. 8 Bonald Dean Holmes: 8Dec76: 4813819.


aary Bahoney's Old French House Bestauuant and old Slave Quarters Lounge- Folder. IIM: contents S back. © Mary Mahoney's, Inc. (in notice: nary Mahoney) ; 203ep76; A813820-


"Hew Life" game- Kit. Appl. au: Charles G. Tucker. NM: new text., a Charles G. Tucker d.b.a. PV Edjcation Company; 20Nov76; A81J821.


True Temper finest quality tools; TT full line catalog. 83 p. & True Temper Corporation; 2Aug76: A813822.


The Emancipation of the bass drum. Britten by John Frank Hannino. 39 p. NH:


Commodity customer agreement. Folder. Shearson Hayden stone. Inc.; 1Dec76; Ael3S21.


Shrinky Dinks idea and pattern book. Kit no. 1000. Folder. Add. ti: Idea and pattern book for Shrinky Dinks. Appl. au; Kathryn C. Bloomberg S Betty J. Morris. (C and B Innovations, Inc.; 15Jul76; AS 13825.


Shrinky Dinks idea and pattern book. Kit no. 2000. 16 p. Add. ti: Idea and pattern book for Shrinky Dinks. Appl. au: Kathryn C. Bloomberg 6 Betty J- Morris. a K and B Innovations, Inc.; 15Nov76; 4813626.


Mirror Shrinky Dinks idea and pattern book. No. 2^00. 12 p. Add- ti; Idea and pattern book for airror Shrinky Dinks. Appl. au; Kathryn c. Bloomberg £ Betty J. Morris. & K and B Innovations, Inc. ; 150ct76; A8 13827.

A8 13828.

The Magic glass of forgiveness; poem. By Virginia Euth Barber Kandris. 1 p. d Virginia Barber Kandris; 12Nov76; A813828-


Designs for good neighborhoods. By Mary Ellen Hombs. 8 p. S center for the Visual Environment; 30Jul76; A813829.

A8 13830.

Empire tools. Catalog no. 46. 67 p. Appl. au: Howard N. Girardin. Nfl: additional text £ pictorial matter £ revisions- t^ Empire Tool Company; 10Dec76; A8 13830.


The Tennis fairy. By Sophia November, illus. by Laurxe Snow Casey, calligraphy by Nancy November. 1 v- © Penny November; 22Kov76; A813831.

A8 13832.

Baby love book of memories, 1 v. Add. ti: My baby love book of memories- e Saint Anthony Medical Center; 1Jul76; A813832-


Third supplement to Number iack in its entirety (description and rules of the game "Flip") By Falk Felix Gottschalkson. 1 V. e Falk Felix Gottschalkson; 20NOV76; A8138J3.


Victorian nostalgia. By Georgrna Brown, photography by Boss Brown. 32 p. 8 Georgina Brown; 30JU176; A81383it.


A Unified theory of space-time. By James H. L. Lawler. 38 p. Portions prev. pub. 1970. NM: additions. 9 James H. L. Lawler; 22Sep76; A813835.

A8 13836.

IBM 370 hardware simulator documen- tation. By James E. Nelson. sheets (26 p.) e James E. iielson; 6Dec76; A813836.

48 13837.

Modern legends and fables by Jim. 26 p. Appl. au: James C. Holstein, Sr. 6 James C. Holstein, Sr. ; 20Sep76: 4813837.

481383 8.

Super dictionary unrt. By Mary Elizabeth Bradford 6 Nancy Mastroianni,

illustrated by Jack wiens- 92 p. e teachers; 21Jul75; 48 13838.


A Student guide to Economics and the private interest; an introduction to microeconomics, second edition. By James A. Phillips. 101 p. NH: revisions.

Goodyear Publishing Company, Inc.; l(Jun76; A813839.


Graded lists for guitar: selected solo and ensemble music. Compiled by the American string Teachers Association Selective Guitar Lists Committee. 28 p- (9 ASIA Guitar Division; 12Nov76; A8138"t0-


Collection of World War 1 posters; exhibition, sale £ auction at the museum of the New Jersey Historical Society- Issued by the New Jersey Historical Society, catalogue preparation by Gallery 9- 87 p. Add. ti: The New Jersey Historical Society collection of World War

1 posters- Appl. au: Gallery 9 Interior Innovations, Inc. NM: compilation £ reproduction of pictorial matter S additional text. fS Gallery 9 Interior Innovations, Inc. t.a. : Gallery 9 Publications; 1bOct76; A8138lt1.


Every fourth Tuesday. By Bobert DeBonville. 173 p- © Agape Publishers, Inc. 6 Bobert DeBonville; 210ct76; A813842.


Pan Am-'E Guide to Europe- Aug- 1976 ed. 302 p. 3 Pan American Airways, Inc. a.a.d.o. Pan American World Airways, Inc.; 27Aug76; A813843.


Pan Am's Guide to the Pacific. Aug. 1976 ed. 219 p. 6 Pan American Airways, Inc. a.a.d.o. Pan 4merican World Airways, Inc.; 27Aug76; A813844.


Pan Am's Guide to Latin America. Aug.

1976 ed- 178 p. O Pan American Airways, Inc. a-a-d-o- Pan^ American World Airways, Inc- ; 274ug76; AS 13845-


Killing ground! By Dom Gober, pseud- of Joseph Nazel- 224 p. O Dom Gober, pseud, of Joseph Nazel; 1Jul76; A81384b.


Jenny's Ohio farm recipes- Folder. 4ppl. au: Anita M. Prince, pseud.: Jenny- e 4. H. Prince; 15Nov76; A813847.


4 Synthesis, neu age empathy card. By Jinni, pseud- of Virginia Lee Meyer- Sheets (3 p.) in folder. 9 Synthesis of Conscious Living and Dying; 6Apr76; 4813848.


God's love- By Kaoda L. Bailey- 19 p., e Sanda Bailey; 27Apr76: A8 13849.


Clark's Directory of Southern hospitals-

1977 ed. 343 p. Appl. au: Clark Publishing company, J- Eandolph Taylor, Ingrid Beeves, Sarah D. Taylor £ Janice M- Eckart. e Clark Publishing Company, Inc.; 14Dec76; 4813850-


The Bible: the story of a family, and other titles. Folders. Appl. au: The Sisters of Sotre Dame £ Sister Mary

Madelaine shoup, S. N. D. S The Sisters of


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