Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/13

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A813052 — A813891
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A813851 (con.)

Notre Daoe £ Sister aary aaaelaine Sboup, S.N.D.: 5Auq76; 4813851. A813852.

A Tale of tMO cities; student activity book. By Gerald DacReraan £ Marcia Sobi. 16 p. Appl. au: Pendulum Press. Inc. e PenduluB Press, Inc.; 20Sep76: A813852.

A8138 53.

Gulliver's travels; student activity book. By Gerald Dackerman 6 Marcia Sohl. 16 p. Appl- au; Pendulum Press, Inc- O Pendulua Press, Inc.; 20Sep76; A813853.

A8138 5U.

The Scarlet letter; student activity book. By Gerald Dackerman £ narcia Sohl. 16 p. Appl. au: Pendulum Press, Inc. Pendulum Press, Inc.; 20Sep7b: A813e54.


The Story of my lite; student activity book. By Gerald Dackerman fi Harcia Sohl. 16 p. Appl. au: Pendulum Press, Inc. 6 Pendulum Press, Inc.; 20Sep76; A813e55.


Stardust and safetypins. By Elaine Stanavay Walters. 100 p. O Elaine Stanauav Halters; 29Sep76; A813856.


Islip, Sayville, Bayport, NY, and others Yellow Book community telephone directory, 1977. nth ed. e Yelloy Book Corporation; 15Dec76; A813857.


Electricians quide to conduit bendinq. By Richard A. Cox. 145 p. O Pend Oreille Publications; 16Sep76; A813858.


Property inventory prepared for City of Vernon, 1976-77. 1 v. fi Los Anqeles Bureau of Ounicipal Research; 270ct7b; A813859.


Vernon*s Annotated Hissouri statutes. Vol. 1-23, 25-45. Cumulative annual pocket part for use in 1977. 62 v. uest Publishinq Company; 90ec76; A813860.


Uy last ciqarette. 1 p. Appl. au: Gerard Snyders (Smokers Bescue) 3 Gerard Snyders; 22Nov76: A813861.


Keep the faith baby. Poems by Joan HcNerney. 1 v. portion prev. pub. in Aspect 6 others. NS; nen material. Joan HcNerney; 30tlar76: A813862.


The Merrimade collection, 1976-1977. 22 p. Appl. au: David n. Thompson, e nerrimade. Inc.; 24Sep76; 4813863.


The Flannery O'Connor bulletin. Vol. 5, autumn 1976. Editor: Bosa Lee Halston, associate editors: Hary Barbara Tate £ Sarah Gordon. 120 p. 6 The Flannery O'Connor Bulletin; 3Dec76 (in notice: 1975) : A813864.


41onq the road of life; reflections and thoughts. 1 V. 4ppl. au: Gebecca Jones (Becky Jones) O Becky Jones; 244pr76; 4813865.


Echo. By Henriette Kermisch. 103 p. e Henriette Kermisch; 16JU176; 4813866.

A8 13867.

Handbook of Biblical criticism. By Bichard s. Soulen. 191 p. C John Knox Press; 3Nov76; 4813867.


Sensory learning approach to math; learning quide, for use with Beginning numbers kit, numbers and numerals 0-9. By Gilbert BcKeon. 1 v. © Instructional Materials and Equipment Distributors; 16Jun76; 4813858.


Tiltonsviile, Brilliant, Dillonvale, OH, and others, July 197b. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company, d General Telephone Company of Ohio; 1Jul76; 4813869.


Pomeroy, Kiddleport, Letart Falls. OH. and others, July 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. 9 General Telephone Company ot Ohio; 17JU176; 1813870.


Clear Lake. Ventura, II, including Hasou City telephone directory. July 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. ^ Clear Lake Independent Telephone Company; 1Jul76; 4813871.


Cadiz, Adena, Bouerston, OH, and others, July 1976. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company- «3 General Telephone Company of Ohio; lJui76; 4813872.


Blue Earth, Delavan, Easton, UN, and others, July 197b. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. e Blue Earth Valley Telephone Company; 10Jul76; 4813873.


International Council of Scientific Unions: organization and activities. Editor: Harrison Broun. 182 p. £ insert- e International council of Scientific unions; I0ct76; A813874.


Handbook for staff development workshops in Indian education. Prepared by the Indian Education clearinghouse of the center for Applied Linguistics. 58 p. Appl. au: Center for Applied Linguistics. a Center for Applied Linguistics; 27Aug76; A813875.


Languages of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. By Dora E. Johnson, Birgit 4. Blass. Stephen £. Cahir, William li. Gage, William F. Hanks, Elizabeth Kimmell £ Dorothy fiapp. 42 p. (4 survey of materials for the study of the uncommonly taught languages] @ Center for Applied Linguistics; 20Sep76; 4813876.


Languages of Western Europe; Pidgins and Creoles (European based) By Dora E. JohBSon, Birqit A. Blass, Stephen E. Cahir, William w. Gage, William F. Hanks, Elizabeth Kimmell £ Dorothy Bapp. 34 p. (4 Survey of materials for the study of the uncommonly taught languages) @ Center for 4pplied Linguistics; 20Sep76; 4813877.


1850 population census and 1850 mortality schedule, Warren County. Hen York. Edited by Hobert (lc41ear. 257 p.


Sing out of your head onto paper. By Jane Anne Delphine 411en. 3rd ed. 2 v. e Jane Anne Oelphine Allen; 23Nov7b; A813879.


Official talent and booking directory market report study, 1976. Editor: Steve

Toiin. 687 p. e Specialty Publications, Inc.; 1aay76; A813880-


Ernest Bloch: creative spirit; a program source book. Prepared by Suzanne Bloch. in collaboration with Irene Heskes. 146 p. 6H: compilation editorial matter £ new material- O JWB Jewish nusic Council; 210ct76; 48 13881.

A8 13882.

Iowa State Bar Beview School, Inc. 1976 course. Vol- 1-5. O Iowa State Bar Beview School, Inc. ; 29Feb76; 4813882.


John and Alexander Dickey — immigrants. 1772. By Grover C. Dickey, illustrated by aildred L. Dickey. 128 p. C Grover C. Dickey; 29Sep76: A813883.


The Clark Hickoox family history, 1845-1975. Compiled by Verda Fern Uickcox. 95 p. e Verda Fern Hickcox; 29Sep76; A«13884.


Proceedings of Twentieth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 16-20, 1976, Dearborn. Michigan. 814 p- Add. ti: Twentieth Stapp Car Crash conference- Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion written by a U.S. Govt- employee as part of his official duties. e Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.; 200ct76; A813885.


The State fair blue ribbon cookbook: prize winning recipes. By Opal M. Hayes. 124 p. e ETC Publications; 300ct76; 4813886.


The Unknown scientist. By Joseph D. Kennedy, pictures by Paul J. Kennedy. 1 V- e Joseph D. Kennedy; 9Hov76; 4813887.


Slot machines: a pictorial review. By David G. Christensen. foreword by Bichard M. Bueschel. 123 p. NH: complete index, table of contents £ foreword. The Vestal Press; 3Nov76; 4813888.


The Great adventure films. By Tony Thomas. 282 p. 4ppl. states all new material except for pictures, which were recently compiled. O Tony Thomas; 15NOV76; 4813889-


The Tall ships: a sailing celebration. Text by Hyia B. Clark, introductions by Frank 0. Braynard £ Tony Gibbs. 125 p. NH: all ot text, including captions, introd. 6 33X of the photos. 6 Helvetic (I.e. Helvetica) Press, Inc. £ Tree Communications, Inc.; 16Nov76: 4813890.


Prentice-Hall Federal taxes, 1977. Vol. 1-4. 6-7. 6 V. Appl. states copyright not claimed on material reproduced from U.S. Govt, sources. © Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 15NOV76 (in notice: 1977);



These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.