Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/14

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A613892 — A813934
JAN.-JUN. 1977


BiqratiOD and undecdevelopment; the case of westerii Samoa. By Paul Shackman. 129 p. t! hestview Press, Inc.; J0auq7b; S813892.


Cadres, coBnanders, and conmissars: the traiiiinq of the Chinese Communist leadership, 1920-45. By Jane L. Price. 226 p. e Sestvieu press. Inc.; 180ct76; a813893.


The Hispanic contribution to the State of Colorado. Edited by Jose De Onis. 232 p. iD Board of Regents, University of Colorado; 164uq76: A813894.


Precipitation history of the BocJcy Mountain states. By Raymond S. Bradley. 334 p. O Board of Begents^ Oniversity of Colorado; 30Jun76; A813895.


Planning for higher education: background and application. By Allan o. Pfnister. 354 p. 8 Hestvien Press, Inc.; 15JU176; A813896.


Mayday at Yale: a case study in student radicalisa. By John Taft. 224 p. 6 Westview Press, Inc.; 22Jun76; A813897.


The Persian Gulf. By David E. Long. 172 p. Hestvieu Press, Inc.; 16Auq76; A813898.


Moving in cities. By Brian Bichards, edited by John Lewis. 104 p. O Brian Hichards; 16JU176; A813899.


a Handbook on open admissions; success, failure, potential. By Anne Folger Decker, Huth Jody £ Felicia Brings. 161 p. a Anne Folqer Decker, Ruth Jody S Felicia Brings; 11Nov76; A313900.


The Emergence of classes in Algeria: a study of colonialism and socio-political change. By Harnia Lazreg. 252 p. e Marnia Lazreg; 20Nov76; A813901.


The Changing economics of world energy. Edited by Bernhard J. Abrahamsson. 165 p. Q Bestview Press, Inc.; I80ct76; A813902.


Indira Gandhi's India: a political system reappraised. Edited by Henry conies Hart. 313 p. 19 Westvieu Press, Inc.; 9Dec76; 4813903.


Oil, the Arab-Israel dispute, and the industrial world: horizons of crisis. Edited by Jacob Coleman Hureuitz. 331 p. e aestvieu Press, Inc.; llllov76; A813904.


Oil money and the world economy. By Yoon 3. Park, uith the collaboration of Joseph Aschheim. 205 p. 6 ilestvien Press, Inc. ; 17Jun76; A813906.


Charles Boettcher: a study in pioneer western enterprise. By Geraldine B. Bean. 220 p. e Westview Press, Inc.; 180ct76; 4813907.


problems, strategies, counterstrateqies. Edited by Karl P. Sauvant £ Farid G. Lavipour. 335 p. 8 Hestview Press. Inc.; 6JU176; A813908.

A8 13909.

Growth alternatives for the Eocky Mountain Best: papers from the Vail symposium 5. Edited by Terrell J. Minger £ Sherry D. oaks, introd. by Toib McCall. 266 p. e Hestview Press, Inc.; 290ct76; 48 13909.


Hungary: an economic geography. By Gyoergy Enyedi. English translation by Elek Helvei, translation revised £ edited by Mary Voelgyes. 289 p. S Bestview Press. Inc.; 22Jul76; A813910.


The Radea program. Editor: Elizabeth S. ort. Kit. 4ppl. au: Dallas County Mental Health/Mental Retardation Center. Dallas County Mental Health/Mental Retardation Center; 3May76; A813911.


Start M4PS. 1 V. e International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation; 10Dec76; 4813912.


IBM 3601 models 24, 2B , 34, and 3B finance communication controller maintenance information. Sheets. (IBM technical newsletter, no. TBL SN31-0510) NM: additions £ editorial revision. e International Business Machines corporation a.a.d.; IBM Corporation; 3NOV76; A813913.


IBM 3604 keyboard display maintenance information. Sheets. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN31-0266) KB: additions £ revisions. © International Business Machines corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation; 1Dec75: 4813914.


IBM 3790 communication system messages. Version 5. 5th ed. 172 p. (Systems) 9 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.; IBM corporation (in notice: International Business Machines corporation) ; 30Jul76; A813915.


IBM 3790 communication system prog- ramming statements reference. Version 5. 3rd ed. 1 V. (Systems) S International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 12Aug76; A813916.


IMS/VS data base performance problem 1; preliminary ed. . Sept. 1976. Sheets (287 p.) (IBB field engineering education supplementary course material) NM: additions £ revisions- © International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines corporation) ; 7Sep76; 4813917.

AS 13918.

3135 processing unit support training. 3rd ed. 218 p. (IBM field engineering education student guide) © International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 9Nov76; A813918.


3705-2 programming support introduction; preliminary ed . , Oct. 1976. 25 p. (IBM field engineering education student self-study course) e International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation); 250ct76: 4813919.


IBM virtual machine facility/370; interactive problem control system (IPCS) user's guide. Release 3. 2nd ed. 73 p. (Systeas) Q International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation); 260ct76; A813920.


3800 ALD. Vol. 3. 1 v. (Field engineering) © International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation; 29Jul76; A8 13921.


3800 ALD. Vol. 5. 1 V. (Field engineering) © International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB corporation: 29 Jul76 ; A8139 22.


3800 ALD. Vol. 6. 1 v. (Field engineering) @ International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation; 29Jul76; A813923.


3 800 4LD. Vol. 4. 1 v. (Field engineering) © International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation; 29Jul76; 4813924.


3800 4LD. Vol. 7. 1 v. (Field engineering) © International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM corporation; 29Jul76; A813925.


3800 AID. Vol. 1. 1 V. (Field engineering) © International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM corporation: 29Jul76; 4813926.


3800 AID. Vol. 2. 1 V. (Field engineering) © International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM corporation; 29Jul76; A813927.


The Establishment. By Stephen E. Schlarb. 173 p. © Stephen E. Schlarb; 10Sep76; A813928.


Satan in Sunday school. By Edward T. Dullum. 70 p. © Edward I. Dullum; 5Aug76; A813929.


For your any mood; poems. By G. M. Down. 25 p. § G. W. Down; 8Sep76; A813930.


The Sign of the flying fox. By Jan Grieg, pseud, of George Rolf Richardson. 187 p. © George Rolf Richardson (real name). Jan Grieg, pseud.; 8Sep76; 4813931.


Morning all day. By Dana Mani, pseud, of C. Diane Busse. 35 p. © C. Diane Busse, real name (Dana Bani, pseud.}; 13Sep76; 4813932.


To you; a collection of poems. By Francis Eiera-Kirkpatrick. 32 p. © Francis Riera-Kirkpa trick; 1Sep76; 4813933.


Looking for Jesus; the adventures of a

young man in the search for God. By


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.