Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/110

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A917651 - A817891
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A817850 (con.)

By Michael Kent Blalier. microfilm. Michael Kent BlaXet; 15Dec76; A817e50.


Japanese private economic diplomacy, 1956-68. By William Ransom Bryant. Microfilm. © ailliam Bansom Bryant; 15Dec76: A817351.


Joseph Conrad's Under western eyes: a aenecic, textual, and critical study. By John Raaericic Davis. Microfilm. © John Roderick Davis; 15Dec76; A817852.


Paradise reconceived; a pastoral reading of Hair's Collected poems. By (.illian Rae Klein. Microfilm, a Lillian Sae Klein; 15Dec76; A8178S3.


The Relationship of cognitive style, achievement, and self-concept to an indicated preference for self-directed study. By Marilyn Coi Powell. Microfilm. © fiarilyn Con Powell; 15Dec76: A8 178SU.


Early academic critique of the Stoic criterion of truth. By Ralph Edward Doty, Jr. Microfilm. 6 Ralph Edward Doty, Jr.; 15Dec76; A817855.


Roqer Van Der Weyden, and the altarpiece of the "Last Judgment at Beaune". By Theodore Herbert Feder. Microfilm. 9 Theodore Herbert Feder; 15Dec76; A817856.


Brief interviews in psychiatric social worK: a study of social workers" experience, attitude, therapeutic orientation and techniques of inter- vention. By Ram Naresh Sinqh. Microfilm. e Bam Naresh Sinqh; 15Dec76: A817857.


Semantic qrammar; a technique for efficient lanquaqe understanding in limited domains- By Richard Roderick Burton. Microfilm. Q Richard Roderick Burton; 15Dec76; A8178S8.


Science affairs and Australian politics. By Colin Lewis Rubenstein. Microfilm. ^ Colin Lewis Rubenstein; 15Dec76; A817859.


Politics of tae Tanzania-Zambia railway project. By Kasuka Simwinji Mutukwa. Microfilm. e Kasuka Simwinji fiutukwa; 15Dec7a; AS 17865.


Psychophysiological changes in psychotherapy; beyond symptoms to comprehensive change. Sy Earl Christopher Mapie. Microfilm. ^ Earl Christopher Maple; 15Dec76; Aei7866.


The Korean Communist movement and tae peasantry under Japanese rule. By Se Hee yoo. Microfilm. 6 Se Hee Yoo; 15Dec76; A817667.


Toward mature parenthood: potential for qrowth throuqh self- actualization and perceptual congruency. By Anne Haynes Price. Microfilm. 3 Anne Haynes Price; 15Dec76; Aai7868.


Experiments on suprathreshold loudness tracking of continuous and interrupted pure-tone stimuli. By Joanne Schwartz. Microfilm. O Joanne Schwartz; 15Dec76; A817869.


A Formalization for modelling structures and the generation of efficient imp- lementation structures. By Lawrence Arnold Rowe. Microfilm. e Lawrence Arnold Rowe; 15Dec76; A817870.


D. H. Lawrence as ego psychologist; self and being in the novels. By Marguerite Beede Howe. Microfilm. © Marguerite Beede Howe; 15Dec76; A817871.


h'hen dreams change: sleep in psyc- hotherapy. By Michael Roy Hopper. Microfilm. 6 Michael Roy Hopper; 15Dec76; A817872.

A81787 3.

Female fertility, social structure, and the economy: a controlled comparison of two southern Ethiopian communities. By Judith Virginia Olmstead. Microfilm, e Judith Virginia Olmstead; 15Bec76; A817873.


Court painters of the K'ang-hsi period, vol. 1-2. 'By Daphne Lange Bosenzweig. Microfilm. « Daphne Lange Bosenzweig: 15Dec76; A817878.


Progressive Presidents and black Americans. By Pearl Kluger. Microfilm. e Pearl Kluger; 15Dec76; A817879.


Effects of order of presentation on arm positioning accuracy. By Jacgues Nacson. Microfilm. S Jacques Nacson; 15Dec76; A817880.


An Investigation of voluntary and involuntary turnover among managers and professionals. By Suzanne Smith Osborn. Microfilm. O Suzanne Smith Osborn; 15Dec76; A817881.


The Effects of contingencies of reinforcement, instructional set and player sex on cooperative and competitive game behavior.' By Lorraine Ruth Nacson. Microfilm. 6 Lorraine Ruth Nacson; 15Dec76; A817882.


Samuel David Luzzatto: traditionalist scholar. By Morris B. Hargolies. Microfilm. O Morris B. Margolies; 15Dec76; A817883.


Activity analysis: a methodology for the discrete process modeling of information systems in organizations, with an application to a governmental database. By Richard Dale Hackathorn. Microfilm. e Richard Dale Hackathorn; 15Dec76; AS17884.


Odisea mistico-realista en la novela docente de Pedro Antonio De Alarcon. By Roger Rodriguez Fernandez. Microfilm. & Roger Rodriguez Fernandez; 15Dec76; Aai7885.


The Effect of a patient's social class, race and sex on mental health profes- sionals' diagnoses, prognoses and recommendations for treatment. By Marie Terese Oppedisano-Beich. Microfilm. © Marie Terese Oppedisano-Reich; 15Dec76; A817886.


Studies in program correctness. By Arthur Gibson Duncan. Microfilm. e Arthur aibson Duncan; 15Dec76; A817860.


The Novel of the composite Latin American republic. By Maura Jean Hood. Microfilm, e Maura Jean Hood; 15Dec76; A317861.


Public policy and urban riots: the antecedents of violence in large American cities. By Devin Charles Bent. Microfilm. S Devin Charles Bent; 15Dec76; A817862.


Artificial ther ffloluminescence behavior of carbonate host rocks in the vicinity of zinc-lead and fluorite-zinc-lead deposits and its potential as an exploration tool. Bv Helena Sophia Swiderski. Microfilm, a Helena Sophia Swiderski; 15Dec76; A817863.


The Fifth and sixth clarinet concertos by Johann Melchior Molter: a lecture recital together with three additional recitals. By Richard Adrian Shaniey. Microfilm- Appl. states all new except musical examples. O Richard Adrian Shaniey; 15Dec76; A817874.


The Effects of organizers and abstract reasoning levels on learning and retention of post-secondary mathematics students. By Charles Donald Smith. Microfilm. e Charles Donald Smith; 15Dec76; A817875.

A81787 6.

A Study of the contributions of Mary Lizzie McCord to drama education at Southern Methodist University. By Sharon Brown Spalding- Microfilm, e Sharon Brown Spalding; 15Dec76; Aai7876.


The Little victims: the child figure and original sin in English literature. By Robert Bruce Pattison- Microfilm. e Robert Bruce Pattison; 1SDec76; A817877.


The Development of managerial job behavior- re ward expectancies. By Uilliam Jacques Crampon. Microfilm. a Hilliam Jacgues Crampon; 15Dec76; 4817887.


Montaigne's ideas on the soul: a preliminary exploration. By Robert Eugene Julien. Microfilm. a Robert Eugene Julien; 1SDec76; A817888.


Deontic perfection. By Toni Vogel Carey. Microfilm. © Toni Vogel Carey; 15Dec76; A817889.


The Social evolution of craft pro- duction; the woodcarvers of Hong Kong. By Eugene Jay Cooper. Microfilm. O Eugene Jay Cooper; 15Dec76; A817890-


Verbal training to improve explanations of conservation with aphasic subjects. By Laurel Dee Cooper. Microfilm. 6 Laurel

Dee Cooper; 15Dec76; A817891.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.