Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/111

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A817892 — A817913
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Sleep and the K-coopXex toward psychophysioioqical parallelisn in sleep. By Bobect Teccy Scott. aicrofila. Robect Tecry Scott; 15Dec76: A817892.


The Foceiqn policy of a BultiDatiooal enterprise: an analysis of the policy interactions of Dou Chemical Conpany and the United States. By Gordon Kent Sorey. HiciofilB. Gordon Kent Sorey; 150ec76; A817893.


A systens-theoretic vieM of pathologic interaction: alcoholism and &l-Anon. By Karen aarie Kellock. aicrofilm. Karen aarie Kellock; 15Dec76; 4817891.


A Multifactorial study of patients with asthma. By John Bisayoshi Kurata. Hicrofilm. & John Hisayoshi Kurata; 15Dec76; Aei7895.


Fitna* corsairs, and diplomacy: Horocco and the maritime states of Western Europe, 1603-1672. By Jerome Bruce Heiner. flicrofilm. C Jerome Bruce iieiner; 15Dec76; A817896.


Bureaucratic politics and weapons innovation: a study of the development of the intercontinental ballistic missile. By Paul Edmund Beard. Hicrofilm. C Paul Edmund Beard; 15Dec76; A817897.


The Historical development of Histadrut: an evaluation of its post-state waqes policy, 191(8-1967, and its impact on the economic independence of Israel. By Joseph Giatt. (licrofilm. e Joseph Glatt; 15Dec76: A817898.


The Architecture o£ Carrere and Hastinqs. By Curtis Channinq Blake. Hicrofilm. O Curtis channinq Blake; 15Dec76: A817899.


Keepinq the corporate iaaqe; public relations and business, 1900-1950. By aichard Steven Tediow. Hicrofilm. C Bichard Steven Tediow; 1SDec76; A817900.


The Developmental effects of irrelevant information on problem solvinq strateqies. By Abiqail Hiriam vender Boss. Hicrofilm. Abiqail Hiriam Wender Hoss; 1S0ec76: A817901.


Nuclear spin diffusion and other related phenomena. By John vanatta Gates, 2nd. Hicrofilm. C John Vanatta Gates, 2nd; 15Dec76; A817902.


Desiqn, evaluation and application of the school readiness screeninq tests for use in the kinderqarten. By Sarah Gluyas Bhaley. Hicrofilm. O Sarah Gluyas Uhaley; 1SDec76; A817903.


An Examinatioo and evaluation of criticism directed against the linguistic relativity hypothesis. By Sue Ellen Sloca. Hicrofilm. C Sue Ellen Sloca; 15Dec76; A817904.


Synthesis of the developmental frameworks of Erik B. Erikson and analytical psychology: ego and self development. By Ann Bernhardt.

A81790 6.

Canaan, Ugarit and the Old Testament: a study of relationships. By tjilliam Jeffree Jobling. Hicrofilm. C Uilliam Jeffree Jobling; 15Dec76; A617906.


Vietnamese villages in the Hekong Delta: their articulations with the wider society and the implications for local social organization. 3y Bandy Craig Cummings. Hicrofilm. O fiandy craiq cummings; 15Dec76; A817907.


Psycho-social processes of identity formation in moderately retarded children. By Sibyl Kocher Hitcheil. Hicrofilm. C Sibyl Kocher Mitchell; 150ec76; 4817908.


Otilization of selected administrative concepts by public school administrators in the State of Baryland. By Sobert Heal Ueidner. Microfilm. 3 Sobert Neal Heidner; 15Dec76; A617909.


Advice and ascent: the development of the Maryland Assembly, 1635-1689. By Susan Bosenfeld Falb. Microfilm, e Susan Bosenfeid Palb; 15Dec76; A8179 10.

A81791 1.

contexts for A Portrait of the artist as a younq man. By Joseph A. Buttigieg. Hicrofilm. Joseph A. Buttigieg; 15Dec76; A817911.


The Superpowers: perceptual, behavioral and capability dynamics, 1950-1965. By Judith Ayres Daly. Microfilm. C Judith Ayres Daly; 15Dec76; 4817912.


On the structure and thematics of Dostoevsky's The Devils. By Irene Kriskiians. Hicrofilm. O Irene itriskiians; 15Dec76; Aei7913.


Patterns of domestic political conflict behavior in west and equatorial Africa: 196 1-1970. By Hargaret Corgan Kenski. Hicrofilm. Hargaret Corgau Kenski: 150ec76; A81791I*.


The Effects of economic disturbances on the demand for money. By Tim Sichard Tyler. Hicrofilm. C Tim Bichard Tyler; 150ec76; 4817915.


A Psycholinquistic analysis of schizophrenic language. By Patricia faith Wilcox. Microfilm. f> Patricia faith Wilcox; 15Dec7o; 4817916.


Language maturation among school children: a sociolinguistic analysis. By Barbara Hay Uorvath. Microfilm. Barbara Hay horvath; 15Dec76; 4817917.


Comparison of the nominal grouping and sequenced brainstorming techniques of creative idea generation: a field study. By Baiter Edward Stead. Hicrofilm. O Waiter Edward Stead; 15Dec76; 481791B.


Domestication and exploitation of livestock in the Mepal Himalaya and Tibet: an ecological, functional, and culture historical study of yak and yak hybrids in society, economy, and culture. By Bichard Pietro Palmieri. Microfilm, o Bichard Pietro Palmieri; 15Dec76; A817919.


Notes on knowledge painfully acquired: a translation and analysis of the K*un-chi.i cm by Lo Cn'in-shun (Ilt6^15it7) By Irene Tilenius Bloom. Hicrofilm. e Irene Tilenius Bloom; 150ec76; 4817920.


future educational needs — model development and findings. By Gilbert aonico Valdaz. Hicrofilm. a Gilbert Monico Valdez; lSDec76: 4317921.


L'Economie dela Grece, 1950-1970. By Nicolas Vernicos. Hicrofilm. Nicolas Verticos; 15Dec76; 4817922.


4 Case grammar analysis of the English predicate nominal. By Louis 4. Baer. Microfilm. i3 Louis 4. Baer; 15Dec76; 4817923.


Objective evaluation of English composition. By Harjorie HcGowan Saint 4maat. Hicrofilm. Harjorie McGowan Saint 4mant; 15Dec76; 4817924.


Clio and the Constitution: the influence of the study of history on the Federal convention of 1787. By Ejaoui Soskin Narall. Hicrofilm. 6 Baoul Soskin Naroll; 15Dec76; 4817925.


Ultrastructure and function of sarcoplasmic reticulum in normal and dystrophic mice. By Robert Emii Hrak. Microfilm. e Robert Eoil Mcak; 15Dec76; 4817926.


Swift ana the Lucianic tradition. By Bicaard Edward Compean. Microfilm- O Richard Edward Compean; 15Dec76; 4817927.


4cid deoxyribonucleases from the yeast Rhodototula Graminis. By Hamza Mohamed A. Ei-Sayed Ei-Nakhal. Hicrofilm. C Hamza Hohamed H. El-Sayed El-Nakhal; 15Dec76; 4817928.


Education in the Hissouri Ozark region: one school's story, 1807-1975. By Wesley Eugene Oakley. Microfilm. 6 Hesley Eugene Oakley; 15Dec76; A817929.


Following Curupira: colonization and migration in Para, 1758 to 1930 as a study in settlement of the humid tropics. By Robin Leslie Anderson. Hicrofilm. 6 Bobin Leslie Anderson; 15Dec76; A817930.


Studies on inflammation and repair in the dog: glucocorticoid- vitamin A antagonist as a modifying factor. By Hafldh Icrahesm al-Sadl. Hicrofilm. o Hafldh Ibraheem al-Sadi; 15Dec76; 48 17931.


Police-specific commuDlcation training: a practice approacn to family crisis mediation. By Geraidine schwalb. Hicrofilm. Geraidine Schwalb; 15Dec76; 4817932.


The "New society" of the Philippines: a case study of a developmental movement

regime. By Benjamin Navarro Huego.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.