Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/126

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A818502 - A818533
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A818501 (con.)

Publishinq Corporation. e ATC Pubiishinq Corporation; iaNov76: 4818501,


inoa. By Eiizateth Loqan. 11 p. (The Readinq comprehension library, level D) Accooipanied by sound recording & additional material in bojc. Appl. au: ATC Publishiaq corporation. 'ff ATC Pubiishinq Corporation; ie»ov76: 4B18502.


The 'jrave of Sittinq Bull, By Bennie aacKay- 11 p. (Tne Heading comprehension library, level D) Accompanied by sound recordinq S additional material in box. Appl. au; ATC Pubiishinq Corporation. 6> 4TC Pablishing Corporation; 18Kov76; A8185Q3.


The Kad master. By Daniel Quinn, illustrated by Charles liitti. 11 p. (The Readinq coroprehensioa library, level D) Accompanied by soujQd recordinq & additional material in box. Appl. au: ATC Pubiishinq Corporation- -3 ATC Publishing corporation; 18Nov76; 48185011.


fcelcome to the Biqfoot Fan Club. By Daniel Quinn. 11 p. (The Beading comprehension library, level D) Accompanied by sound recording £ additional material in box. Appl. au: ATC Pubiishinq corporation. Q AIC Pubiishinq Corporation; 18SOV76; 4818505.


House for sale: haunted. By Daniel Quinn, illustrated by George Roth. 11 p. (The Beading comprehension library^ level D) Accompanied by sound recording 6 additional material in box. Appl. au: &IC Publishing Corporation. e ATC Pubiishinq Corporation; 18Nov76; A8ie506.


Doc Savaqe, the man of bronze. By fiennie MacKay, illustrated by Dick Brooks, lip. (Tne Readinq comprehension library, level 0) Accompanied by sound recording 8 additional material in box. Appl. au: ATC Pubiishinq Corporation. C ATC Publishing corporation; 18flov76: AB18507.


The Last peddler. By Daniel Quinn, illustrated by George Roth. 12 p. (The Eeadinq comprehension library, level D) Accompanied by sound recordinq £ additional material in box. Appl. au: ATC Pubiishinq Corporation. « ATC Publishing Corporation; 18Nov76; 4818508.


The Case of the food that nasn't missing. By I. N. Danniguel, illustrated by Charles Nitti. 10 p. (The Reading comprehension library, level D) Accompanied by sound recording £ additional material in box. Appl. au: ATC Publishing Corporation. © ATC Pubiishinq corporation: 18!lov76; A818509.


The Night of the invaders. By Daniel Quinn. 14 p. (The Reading comprehension library, level F) Accompanied by sound recordinq £ additional material in box. Appl- au: ATC Pubiishinq Corporation. Q ATC Publishing Corporation; 18llov76; A818510.


The Strangest thinq of all. By Daniel ^uinn. 16 p. (The Readinq comprehension library, level F) Accompanied by sound recordinq £ additional material in box. Appl. au: ATC Pubiishinq Corporation. ^ ATC Pubiishinq Corporation; 18Nov76; 4818511.


Boodles and I. By Daniel Quinn, illustrated by Linda Wener- 15 p- (The Reading comprehension library, level F) Accompanied by sound recording £ additional material in box- Appl. au: ATC Publishing Corporation. « ATC Publishing Corporation; 18Nov76; A818S12.


Hy lire yith ijfos. By Daniel Quinn. 16 p. (The Reading comprehension library, level F) Accompanied by sound recording £ additional material in box- Appl. au: ATC Publishing Corporation- e ATC Publishing Corporation; iasov76; A818513.


The Haunted short cut. By Paul Bell. 16 p. (Tne Heading comprehension library, level F) Accompanied by sound recording £ additional material in box. Appl. au: ATC Publishing Corporation. '0 ATC Publishing corporation; 13Nov76; ASiaSlU.


Shere did it start? By fiennie MacKay, illustrated by Jared Lee. 15 p. (The Reading comprehension library, level F) Accompanied by sound recording £ additional material in box. Appl. au: AIC Publishing Corporation. (8 ATC Publishing Corporation; 181iov76; A818515.


Scene 10:01:01. By Daniel Quinn, illustrated by Charles Nitti. 16 p. (The Reading comprehension library, level F) Accompanied by sound recording £ additional material in box. Appl. au: ATC Publishing Corporation. e ATC Publishing Corporation; iaSov76; A818516.


A Book about the people who made these books. By Daniel Quinn, photos, by B. Van Lewis. 16 p. (The Beading comprehension library, level F) Accompanied by sound recording £ additional material in box. Appl. au: ATC Publishing Corporation. e ATC Publishing Corporation; 18Nov76; 4818517.


Triangle of the lost. By Daniel Quinn, illustrated by Dick Brooks. 15 p. (The Reading comprehension library, level E) Accompanied by sound recordinq £ additional material in box. Appl. au: ATC Publishing Corporation. © ATC Publishing Corporation; 18Nov76; A818518.


The Secret life of a gopher (and other animal heroes) By Teresa Quinn. 15 p. (The Beading comprehension library, level E) Accompanied by sound recording 5 additional material in box. Appl. au; ATC Publishing corporation. e ATC Publishing Corporation; 18Nov76; A818519.


The Strange little shop. By Daniel Quinn, illustrated by Jared Lee. 15 p- (The Readinq comprehension library, level E) 4ccofflpanied by sound recording £ additional material in box- Appl. au: ATC Pubiishinq Corporation- e AIC Pubiishinq Corporation: 18Nov76; A818520.


Strange reading- By Rennie HacKay, illustrated by Bobbye Cochran- 12 p- (Ihe Reading comprehension library, level E) Accompanied by sound recording £ additional material in box. Appl. au: ATC Publishing Corporation. © AIC Publishing corporation; 18igov76; A818521.


A Place among the great. By Angela Newberry- 16 p. (The Readinq comprehension library, level E) Accompanied by sound recording fi additional material in box. Appl. au: AIC Publishing Corporation. © ATC Publishing Corpo- ration; •18NOV76; AB18522.


bhen I was Wonder woman. By onda Verge. 15 p. (The Reading comprehension library, level E) Accompanied by sound recording £ additional material in box. Appl. au: AIC Publishing Corporation. © ATC Publishing Corporation; 18Nov76; A8ia523.


The Surrender of Lazy Fair. By Daniel Quinn, illustrated by George Both. 15 p. (The Reading comprehension library, level E) Accompanied by sound recording £ additional material in box. Appl. au: ATC Publishing Corporation. © ATC Publishing corporation; 18Bov76; Aei3524.


Annie Oakley. By Rennie MacKay. 15 p. (The Beading comprehension library, level £) Accompanied by sound recording £ additional material in box. Appl. au: AIC Publishing Corporation- © 4TC Publishing corporation; 18Nov76; 4818525.


Tne Case of the missing mailman- By 1. N. Danniguel, illustrated by Charles Nitti. 15 p. (The Reading comprehension library, level E) 4ccorapanied by sound recording £ additional material in box. 4ppl. au: 4TC Publishing Corporation. 9 4TC Publishing Corporation; 18Sov76; 4318526-


Ihe King of the forest. By Paul Bell, illustrated by George Roth- 16 p. (The Heading comprehension library, level E) Accompanied by sound recording £ additional material in box. Appl. au: ATC Publishing Corporation. © ATC Publishing Corporation; 18Nov76; A818527.

481852 8-

ainnesota statutes annotated. Vol. 1-47, cumulative annual pocket parts for use in 1977- 47 v- in 69- © Best Publishing Company; 15Dec76; A818528-


The Adventures of Brother Babbit; an American tale. Kit. Accompanied by sound recording in box. Based on the stories by Joel Chandler Harris. © Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 9Jun75; 4813529.


The Wizard of Oz; an American tale. Kit. 4ccompanied by sound recording in box. Based on the story by L. Frank Baum- e Society for Visual Education, Inc-; 9Jun75; 4818530.


The Legend of Sleepy Hollow: an American folktale. Story adaptation; Richard Hhittingham, illus.: Sue Hassey. Kit. Accompanied by sound recording in box. Based on the story by Washington Irving. Appl. au: Society for Visual Education, Inc. e Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 9Jun75; 4818531.


Tales of Hans christian Andersen. Adapter: Emilie Carter Cook. 6 v, £ 6 filmstrips- Accompanied by sound recording in box- 4ppl- au: Society for Visual Education, Inc. © Society for Visual Education, Inc. ; 11Jun75; 4818532.


Tall tales of cowboy Jack: an American folktale. Story adaptation; Stephen litra, illus.: Phil Kantz. Kit.

4ccompanicd by sound recording in box.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.