Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/127

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A818538 — A818560
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A618533 (con.)

Appl. aa: Society for Visual EdocatioD* IDC Society for Visual EdacatioQ«  Inc.; 9JUJ175; 4818533.


People of the forest: a study io huaan values: social studies learning modale. Kit. 4ccoapanied by sound recording £ 6 filastrips in box. O Society for Visual Education, Inc.; e4ug7S: 4818534,


Holtiplication learning aodiile. Kit. 4dd. ti: The Uizardry of ouabers. 4ccoapanied by 6 filastrips in box S sound recording in boxes. O Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 22Jal75: 4818535,


Dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures: aaaaals; Picture-Story Study Prints. Set SP 186. iriter: Bobert Burleigh, illustrated by Jaaes Teasoo, Felix Pala £ Toa Dunniugton. 24 cards in 3 envelopes. Appl. au: Society for Visual Education* Inc. Society Cor Visual Education, Inc.; 26Jan76: A816536.


The Trail west: foiJclore; Picture-Story Study Prints. Set SP 190. Author: Bobert Burleigh* illustrated by B. Charles acBarroD £ Toa Onnnington. 24 cards in 3 envelopes. Appl. an: Society for Visual Education, Inc. C Society for Visual Education, Inc. ; 26Jan76; 4818537.


The Lollipop Dragon: world of work learning aodule. No. CH-82. Kit. Accoapanied by sound recording £ 6 filastrips in box. Appl. states copyright claiaed on all coaponents except sound filastrip set. C Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 5Dec75 (in notice: 1976): 4818538.


The Goose-Girl, illus. : Cecilia Biegel. And other titles. By The Brothers Griaa, editor: Alaa Gilleo, story adaptation: Janes B. fiobertson, book design: Bobert Bor1a. 6 V, Add. ti: Fairy tales of The Brothers Griaa cassette-books. Accoapanied by sound recordings in portfolios. Appl. au: Society for Visual Education* Inc. Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 30Apr76; 4818539.


Hans Clodhopper, illus.: George Haablin. 4nd other titles. By Hans Christian 4ndersen, editor: 4laa Giileo, story adaptation: Eailie Carter Cook, book design: Bobert Borja. 4 v. 4dd. ti: Bans Christian 4ndersen cassette-books. Accoapanied by sound recordings in portfolios. Appl. au: Society for Visual Education, Inc. Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 26Apr76; Aei8S40.


Unsolved aysterieS nith Sherlock Holaes and Doctor Batson; learning aodole. No. CA-37. Kit. Accoapanied by sound recording in box. O Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 13Peb76: A818541.


Sylvester and the aagic pebble puppet kit. Accoapanied by Sylvester and the aagic pebble £ sound recording Id box. Based on the book by Uilliaa Steig. Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 17Har76; 4818542.


One fine day puppet kit. Accoapanied by One fine day £ sound recording in box- Based on the book by Nonny Bogrogian. Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 17aar76: A818S43.


The Snowy day; puppet kit. Accoapanied by sound recording £ 32 p. in box; based on the book by Ezra Jack Keats. O Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 17llar76: A818544.


Nine days to Christaas puppet kit. Accoapanied by Nine days to Christaas £ sound recording in box. Based on the book by Harie Hall Ets £ 4urora Labastida. O Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 17Har76: 48 18545.

4818 546.

Hetric aeasureaent: linear aeasure, area, voluae, capacity , teoperature and aass; learning aodule. No. cn-57. Kit. Add. ti: Hetric aeasareaeot learning aodule (CH-57) Accoapanied by sound recording in box. Society for Visual Education, Inc. ; 54pr76: A81 8546.

A8 18547.

Adventures in self-awareness: the ae I can bel Learning nodule. Poster: art by Dave Povilaitis, activity cards: written by Hary Jo Yunker, art by Dave Povilaitis. Kit. Accoapanied by sound recording £ 6 filastrips in box. Appl. au: Society for Visual Education, Inc. O Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 27Feb76; A818547.


Chaapions in sports; learning aodule. Kit. Accoapanied by sound recording £ 6 filastrips in box. Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 23Jan76: A818548.

A81854 9.

Divide your way to power and success. Kit. Add- ti: Division learning aodule. Accoapanied by sound recording £ 6 filastrips in box. O Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 14Jan76; 4618549.


Poetry by aj»d for kids. Filastrip writer: Jill Gaynes, filastrip illus^ trator: George Haablin, books £ idea cards: coapiled £ edited by Jill Gaynes. 5 v., 4 posters, 70 cards £ filastrip. Accoapanied by sound recording in box. Appl. au: Society for Visual Education, Inc. O Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 10Dec75 (in notice: 1976); 4816550.

A8 18551.

The Middle East: facing a new world role. 1 V. £ 6 filastrips. Accoapanied by sound recording in box. Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 13Feb76: A618551.


Life long ago. 1 v. £ 6 filastrips. Accoapanied by sound recording in box. O Society for Visual Educatioo, Inc. ; 2flar76; A818552.

A6 18553-

Soaething special: work. 1 v. £ 6 filastrips. Accoapanied by sound recording in box. Society for Visual Educatioo, Inc.; 12Har76; 4618553.


The Buaan body: a machine at work. 1 v. £ 6 filastrips. 4ccoBpaoied by sound recording in box. O Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 24aar76; 4818554.


Indians of North 4Berica. 1 v. £ 6 filastrips. 4ccoBpanled by sound recording in box. O Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 24Feb76: 4818555.

48 16 556.

Citizenship adventures of the Lollipop Dragon; teacher's guide £ reading scripts, filastrip writer: Grace A. Clarke, artwork : Lollipop Dragon Productions, Inc., art director: Luther J. Peters, Lollipop Dragon created by Connie Boss £ Luther J. Peters. 46 p. £ 6 filastrips. Accoapanied by sound recording in box. O Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 16aar76; A8ie556.


Earth and the universe. Briter/producer of filastrips: John LaDoe, additional illus.: H. Charles HcBarron, Frank Ahern, Felix Pala £ Don Heighan. 1 v. £ 6 filastrips. Accoapanied by sound recording in box. 4ppl. au: Society for Visual Education, Inc. Society for Visual Education, Inc. ; 194pr76: A816557-


Siaple siachines. Uriter/prodacer of filastrips: Patricia A. Sanders, , photographer: Daniel D. Hiller. 1 v. £ 6 filastrips. Accompanied by sound recording in box. Appl. au: Society for Visual Educatioo, Inc. Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 11Feb76: A818558.


Electricity- 1 v. £ 6 filastrips. Accoapanied by sound recording in box. Society for Visual Education, loc; 4Jun76; Aai8559.


Heather and cliaate. 1 v. £ 6 filastrips. Accoapanied by soucd recording in box. Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 22llar76; A818560.


Six native Anerican faailies. 1 v. £ 6 filastrips. Accoapanied by souai^ recording in box. Hichard Erdoes; 2Apr76; A81d561.


Enjoy growing plants without soil. By Hilliaa Grahaa, pseud, of uilliaa G. Swoish. 32 p. O Uilliaa G. Svoish d.b.a. National Badio Studio; 1tJov76; 4616562.


Story locks. By Tercy L. Boses. 1 v. O Terry L. Boses; 25Nov76; 4618563-


Study guide to accompany the Patriot's pledge (formerly Bicentennial pledge) By Sara L. Ensor. 18 p. O Sara L. Ensor; 18Nov76; 4618564.


Saco River history and canoeing guide: the valley in Haine. By Viola Sheehan, cover £ drawings by Paa Hawkes, canoeing aaps by Hary Beth Teas. 73 p. Add. ti: The Saco Biver: a history and canoeing guide. Saco Biver Corridor Association; 10NOV76; 4818565.


The Sexual coapatibility test. Folder. Add. ti; Profile sheets for The Sexual coapatabili ty test. Appl. au : Arthur L. Foster. Arthur L. Foster; 15Sep76; A818566.


The Oniversai lattice. 5 p. Known in earlier work as The Logic grid. Appl. au: Everett Leary Holt. NM: figure 3. O Everett Leary Holt; 4Aug76; A818567.


Berkeley Tilden Park Golf Coucse. 2 p. Add. ti: A Page to be included in a directory of public and seai-private golf

courses which are located in northern


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.