Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1434

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AF45070 — AF45100
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AF45069 (con.)

Uacher. United Kingdom. it6 p. e John Wacher; 31Dec7«; AF45069.


The Norman fate, 1100-1154. By David c. Douglas. United Kingdom. 258 p. O David C. Douglas; 15Har76: AF45070.


A Social and economic history of the Near East in the Middle Ages. By E. Ashtor. United Kingdom. 384 p. e E. Ashtor; 13Feb76 ; AF45071.


The Genetics of algae. Edited by Baiph A. Levin. United Kingdom. 360 p. (Botanical monographs, vol. 12J e Blackwell Scientific Publications; 12JU176; AFlt5072.


Byzantium and Bulgaria: a comparative study across the early medieval frontier- By Bobert Browning. United Kingdom. 232 p. O Robert BroMuing; 27Har75; AFII5073.


Island biology illustrated by the land birds of Jamaica. By David Lack. United Kingdom. 445 p. (Studies in ecology, vol. 3) e Blackuell Scientific Pub- lications; 4Aug76; AF45074.


Given to praisei An array of pro- vocative metaphysical- philosophical utterances. By Kenneth G. Mills, edited uith pref. C notes by Jaan Koel. Canada. 152 p. e Kenneth G. Hills; 20Nov76; AF45075.


Tinkers and travellers. Text: Sharon Gmelch, photos.: Pat Langan 6 George Gmelch. Ireland. 144 p. o Pat Langan. Sharon Gmelch, George Gmelch £ The O'Brien Press; 21NOV75; AF45076.


The Ban Of the Friday. By O. C. Albert, pseud, of Alberto Ortiz Colina, Spanish translation: Asa Zats. Mexico. 314 p. Translation of El Hombre del viernes. NM; translation. 6 0. c. Albert; 12Dec76 (in notice: 1974); AF45077.


Stations. By Desmond O'Grady, with drawings by Margo Veillon. Egypt. 41 p. on text; Desmond O'Grady; 7Dec76; AF45078.


Spucqeon ainda fala; esbocos de sermoes de C. U. Spurgeon, Genesis ao Apocalipse. 194 esbocos de sermoes, editados e condensados poc David Otis Fuller, translator: Luiz Aparecido Caruso. Brazil. 298 p. Translation of Spurgeon's sermon notes: Genesis to Bevelation. NM: translation. @ Outreach, Inc.; 28Dec75; AF45079.


Die Diebe and der Hahn; Fabeln des Aesop und aesopische Fabeln des Phaedrus. Mit Tusch- und Federzeichnungen von Josef Beqenbarth, hrsg. von Hans Harquardt. East Germany. 126 p. Verlag Philipp Beclam, Jun.; 1Feb76 (in notice: 1975); AF450 80.


Plant engineering management control manual. Prepared by John Crysler. Canada. 1 v. O John Crysler; 27Dec76; AF45081.


SBA Schoolhouse mathematics 2. Project editor: Elma Schemenauec, illustrators: Buth Bagshau, Boy Condy, Tibor Kovalik & others. Canada. Kit. Appl. au: Science Besearch Associates (Canada) Ltd. © Science Besearch Associates (Canada) Ltd.; 15Sep76; AF450a2.


The Australian outback. By lao Boffitt £ the editors of Time- Life Books. The Netherlands. 184 p. (The World's wild places) Appl- au; Time-Life International (Nederland) B. V. , employer for hire, e Time-Life International (Nederland) B. V. ; 250ct76; Ar45083.


United States Navy aircraft since 1911- By F. Gordon Swanborough & Peter M. Bowers. 2nd ed- Great Britain- 545 p- Add. ti: United States aircraft since 1911- e F- G- Swanborouqh £ P- M- Bowers; 5Dec76; AF45084-


The Cayman Islands holiday guide, 1977- Managing editor: Jim Graves, associate editor/photography: John Bedman. The Cayman Islands, British Hest Indies. 140 p. Appl. au: The Northwester Company, Ltd. e The Northwester Company, Ltd.; 1Feb77; AF45085.


La Parola attiva: poesia come racconto. By Leonida Bepaci. Italy. 228 p. 3 Arnoldo aondadori Editore; 30Har75; AF45086-


Conversion of random motion in floating vessels to rotary motion. England. lip. Appl- au: Thomas Uilliam Shaughnessy. O Thomas U. Shaughnessy; 2Jun76; AF45087-


Troldmanden d jad ja-em-ankfa et oldaeg- yptisk eventyr. Oversat, illustreret og kommenteret af Lise Manniche. Denmark. Folder (8 p.) 6 Lise Manniche; 18Nov76; AF45088.


The Order of death. By Bugh Fleetwood. Great Britain. 183 p. e Hugh Fleetwood; 11Mar76; AF45089.


Herzkrankheiten: Pathophysiologie Diagnostik Therapie. By Herbert Beindell £ others- West Germany. 930 p. e Springer- Verlag; 18Dec76 (in notice: 1977); AF45090.


Cosmic kaleidoscope. By Bob Shaw. England. 187 p. NH: compilation. Bob Shaw: 70ct76: AF45Q91.


Death in darkness; an Armstrong novel. By Alan White. England- 167 p- C Alan White; 27Nov75; AF45092.


The Werewolf trace. By John Gardner. England. 219 p. C John Gardner; 31Jan77; AF45093.


Designing for embroidery from ancient and primitive sources. By Jan Bessent. England. 127 p. 6 Jan Bessent; 23Sep76; AF45095.


Pottery in easy steps- By John Dickerson, photos, by Alain Le Garsmeur. England. 64 p. e Studio Vista; 210ct76; AF45096.

AF45097. crystallography. By Bamachandran Srinivasan £ S- Farthasarathy . Great Britain. 2 48 p. (International series in natural philosophy, vol- 83) 6 E- Srinivasan £ S. Farthasarathy; 22Nov76; AF45097.


Worked examples in engineering field theory. By A. J. Baden Fuller. Great Britain. 321 p. S A. J- Baden Fuller; 11NOV76; AF45098-


The Death of the king's canary- By Dylan Thomas & John Davenport, with an introd. by Constantine FitzGibbon. United Kingdom. 144 p. O on introd.; Constantine FitzGibbon; 27Sep76; AF45099-


The Death of the king's canary- By Dylan Thomas £ John Davenport, with an introd- by Constantine FitzGibbon. United Kingdom. 144 p. Appl. states all new except introd. © The Estates of Dylan Thomas and John Davenport; 27Sep76; AF451O0.


Water for a starving world. By Halin Falkenmark £ Gunnar Lindh, translated by Boger G. Tanner, foreword by Yahia Abdel Mageed, pref- by Ven Te Chow- Sweden- 204 p. Prev. pub- in Sweden 1975- on English language ed-; Westview Press, Inc- ; 13Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF45101-


Prehistoire et vestiges gallo-romains. France. 1 v- (Beautes de la France) Appl. au: Francois Engel, Pierre Binvielle e Christian Plume. NB: text £ new illus. £ compilation of illus. O Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45102.


Kit actualites jeunes- France. 153 p. Appl. au: Etienne Gillon, Claude Moreau & Jean-Louis Boreau. @ Librairie Larousse; 300ct76; AF45103.


La Guerre. Par Elizabeth Niobey. France. 175 p. BB: introd. £ compi- lation. & Librairie Larousse; J0Sep76; AF45104.


L'Art. Par Jean-Bene Gaborit £ others. France. 12 7 p. NB: new text fi com- pilation of texts, some prev- pub- Librairie Larousse; 30Nov76; iF45105.


La Danse. Par Helene Hachard- France- 127 p. NB: new text £ compilation of texts, some prev- pub- 6 Librairie Larousse; 30Nov76; AF45106-


Les Autos- Far Jacques Parisse £ Maurice Lecerf. France. 191 p. NB: introd. £ compilation. @ Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45107.


Le Larousse des grands peintres. Sous la direction de Bichel Laclotte. France. 470 p. NM: introd. fi editing. O Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45108.


Panorama du 20e siecle; encyclopedie du monde contemporain. T- 5- Directeur de la publication; Etienne Gillon- France- p. 1281-1580. Appl. au: Claude Moreau fi Jean-Louis Moreau. Q Societe des

Periodigues Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45109.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.