Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1435

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AF45110 - AF45144
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Panoraoa du 20e siecle; eocyclopedie du monde contemporaiD. T. 6. Dicecteur de la publicatiOD: Etienne Gilioc. France. p. 1581-1880. Appl. au: Claude Horcau 6 Jean- Louis Horeau. 6 Societe des feciodiques Larousse: 30Dec76: &fit5110.


L'lcaD. Les teites soot de Claude Seanaz £ others. France. 1S7 p. (noode et Toyaqes. CollectioD diciqee pac Daoiel Horeau) Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76: AF45111.


Larousse des preooos et des saints. By Pierre Pierrard. France. 255 p. The portion of the text, Prenoos du caleudrier ronaia, prev. pub. under the title, Oictionnaire des prenons et des saints. NS: Dew text 6 conpilation of illus. , some prev. pub. O Librairie Larousse; 30NOV76; AF45112.


Les Hautes nontagnes. France. 1 v. Appl. au; Jacques Jaubert, Jean-Jacques Leblond & Pierre Hacaigne. Si: neu text & illus. & compilation of texts, soae prev. pub. Librairie Larousse; 3aoct76; AF45113.


La Survivance. By Edouard Boubat. France. 107 p. C Bercure de France 6 Edouard Boubat; 30llov76; AF45114.


Froa a Spanish iail. By Eva Forest, translated by Rosemary Sheed. Great Oritdln. 191 p. Add. t i: From a Spani.sli prison. First pub. 1975. O on English tianslation; Rosemary Sheed; 27Nov75: AF45II5.


Uiario y cartas desde la catcel: Journal et lettces de prison. By Eva Forest. France. 538 p. c Editions des Femmes; J0JU175; AF45116.


Nouvelle encyclopedie autodidactique Quillet. I. 1-2. Prance. Appl. au: Jean Bocaut, christian Gocaut £ Guy Bocaut. NH: revisions & additions. Librairie Aristide Quillet; 30Jun7e; AFISII?.


lo, Paperino. By Halt Disney. Italy. 270 p. Appl. au: Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, employer for hire. NM: compilation £ additions. Halt Disney Productions; 10ct71; AF45118.


lo. Topolino. By Walt Disney. Italy. 270 p. Appl. au: Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, employer for hire. MH: compilation £ additions. O Ualt Disney Productions; 10ct70; AFUSIIS.


Supervisor's reference manual. 6th ed- Denmark. 214 p. (3750 snitching system) Appl. au: IBH France, e International Business Hachines Corporation; 27Sep76; AFit5120.


IBH system/370 storage and information retrieval system/virtual storage- -thesaurus and linguistic integrated system thesaurus generator, program fiPQ: P71045: program description £ operations manual. Program no. 5799-AQL (OS/VS) Denmark. 192 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Germany. O International Business aachines Corporation; 16»ov76; AFI45121.

AF45122. Ixnk — customer information control system Airtual storage, programming fiPQ P7 1 038; description & operations manual. Program no. 5799-APA (CICS/DOS/VS) Denmark.. 359 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Germany. o International Business Hachines Corporation; 17Uov76; AF45122.


DOS-ABSIS Ablauf-Sicherungs-System fuer das DCS/VS; Lizenzproqramm, Proqramm- /Bedienerhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DGG. France. 82 p. (Spezielles An»endun- qsproqramm SAP) e XBH Deutschland, G.H.B. H. ; 22Jan76 (in notice: 1975); AF115123.


DOS-ABSIS Ablauf-Sicherungs-System fuer das DOS/»S; Lizenzproqramm, Systeahan- dbuch. Proqramm-Nr. 5788-DGG. France. 50 p. (Spezielles Anuendungsprograma SAP) IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 22Jan76 (in notice: 1975); AF45124.


IBH 3650 retail store system admi- nistrative operations guide, cash and carry, KPQ 7B0240. Program no. 5799-UJB (OS/VS), 5799-BJB (DOS/WS) Denmark. 27 p. (Systems) Appl. au: XBH Germany. O International Business Machines Corporation; 290ct76; AF45125.


IBH 3774 and 3775 communication terminals reference summary; RPQ 7S0148, BPQ 7S0147, BPQ 7S0119, 1017/1018 paper tape reader/punch attachment to 3774. Denmark. 2 p. Appl. au; IBM Sweden. N«; abridqaent. O International Business Hachines Corporation a.d.: IBH Corpo- ration; 28Sep76; AF4512b.


Operating procedures guide: IBM 3774 and 3775 communication terminals: BPQ 7S0I47 and BPQ 7s0 14a, 10 18 paper tape punch attachment to 3774. Denmark. 13 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Sweden. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 2asep76; AF45127.


IBH 3650 retail store system sales operation guide for cash and carry: IBH 3653 point of sale terminal, BPQs 7B0234 to 7B0237. 7B0240 and 7B0241. Denmark. I V. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. International Business Machines Corporation; 260ct76; AF45128.


IBH 3650 retail store system host program logic for cash and carry: BPQ 7B0239. Proqram no. 5799-BJB (OS/VS), 5799-UJB (DOS/VS) Denmark. 42 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Germany. d International Business Hachines Corporation; 270ct76; AF45129.


Increase auober of blocks in data collection messaqes, BPQ X23870 reference. Denmark. 3 p. (3750 switching system) Appl. au: IBH France. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 70ct76; AF45130.


IBH 3770 data communication system; customer site preparation planning guide. Denmark. 6 p. Appl. au: IBM Sweden. e International Business Machines Corporation; 28Sep76; AF45131.


Proqramming support for tie-line 50, BPu 196304 reference. Denmark. 2 p. (3750 switchinq system) Appl. au: IBH France. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 70ct76; AF45132.


Programming support for tie-line 52, uPQ Y96365 reference. Denmark. 2 p. (3750 switching system) Appl. au: IBM France. International Business Hachines Corporation; 70ct76; AF45133.


Programming support for HFB-2S, BPQ Y96504 reference. Denmark. 5 p. (3750 switching system) Appl. au: IBH France. O International Business Machines corporation; 70ct76; AF45134.


IBH structured Cobol preprocessor (Scobol): program description and operations manual; programming BPQ 7S0208. Program no. 5799-AEk (DOS/VS), 5799-Aaa (OS/VS) Denmark. 1 1 1 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Sweden. 6 International Business Hachines corporation; 260ct76; AF45135.


IBH 3650 retail store system, subsystem definition and programmer's guide, cash and carry: SPQ 7B0239 and 7B0240. Program no. 5799-llJB (DOS/VS), 5799-UJB (OS/VS) Denmark. 50 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. O International Business Machines Corporation; 280ct76; AF45136.


Operating procedures guide: IBH 3774 and 3775 communication terminals: BPQ 7S0II9 aid BPg 7S0148, 10 17 paper tape reader attachment to 3774. Denmark. 19 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Sweden. O International Business Machines Corporation; 2«Sep7b; AF45137.


The IBM 3770 and 3790 communication systems in insurance; industry appli- cation, executive overview. 2nd ed. Denmark. 2 1 p. Appl. au: IBH United Kingdom, Ltd. International eusincs:^ Machines Corporation; 260ct7b; AF45138.


Tuning IMS/VS. Denmark. 15 p. Add. ti: IBH tuning IHS/VS. Appl. au: IBH France. O International Business Machines Corporation; 260ct76; AF45139.


A Systematic approach to installing and managing IHS/VS. Denmark. 9 p. Appl. au: IBM France. International Business Machines Corporation; 220ct76; AF45140.


IBH 3600 finance communication system; problem, recovery, procedure. Denmark. 59 p. Appl. au: IBH United Kingdom, Ltd. d International Business Machines Corporation: 5oct76; AF45141.


Scobol reference card. Program no. 5799-AaE (OS/VS). 5799-AEB (DOS/VS), BPQ 7S0208. Denmark. Folder. Appl. au: IBH Netherlands. BH: abridgment. O In- ternational Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d. : IBM Corporation; 260ct76; AF45142.


IBH 3650 retail store system, int- roduction to cash and carry functions: BPus: 7B0234 to 7B0237. 7B0239 to 7B0244. Program no. 5799-BJE (OS/VS), 5799-UJB (DOS/VS) Denmark. 48 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Germany. Q International Business Hachines Corporation; 270ct7&; AF45143.


IBH 3770 data communication system, system components: BPQ 7S0147 and BPQ 7S0148, 1018 paper tape punch attachment

to 3774. Denmark. 16 p. (Systems)


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