Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1436

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AF45144 — AF45180
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AF45144 (con.)

Appl. au: IBM Sueden. International Business Uachines Corporation; 28Sep76; AF45144.


IBH 3770 data coumunlcation systea, system components: BPQ 7S0119 and EPQ 730148, 1017 paper tape reader attachment to 37 74. Denmark. 14 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Sveden. Q International Business Machines Corporation; 28Sep76; AF45145.


Bibliography. 4th ed- Denmark. 1 v- (3750 switching system) Appl. au: IBM France- © International Business Machines corporation; 290ct76; AF45146.


IBM 3750 snitching system interface descriptions: tie line attachments. Denmark. 1 ». (IBH technical neusletter, no. GN 19-6 180) Appl. au: IBM France. NMi revisions & updating. © International Business Machines Corporation a. d.: IBM Corporation: 280ct76; 4145147.


IBH system/370 capacity planning and operation seguencing system — extended; DOS/VS operations guide. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical nensletter, no. SN12-5099) Appl. au: IBM Germany. NM: revisions 6 updating. © International Business Machines Corporation a.d. : IBM Corpo- ration: 260ct76; AF45148.


3750 syitching system, system des- cription. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. GN 19-6185) Appl. au: IBH France. NM; revisions fi updating. O International Business Machines corporation a.d.: IBM corporation; 22uct76; AF45149.


IBH system/370 capacity planning and operation seguencing system — extended; OS/VS operations guide. Denmark. 1 v. (IBH technical newsletter, no. SN12-5098) Appl. au: IBH Germany. NM: revisions 6 updating. O International Business Machines Corporation a.d.; IBM Corpo- ration; 260ct76; AF45150.


IBH 3600 finance communication system 3619 administrative terminal printer, models A0 1, B01, B02, and B03 reference manual; BPQ: 7B0400, 7B0401, 7B0402, 7B0403, 7B0405, 7B0406, 7B0407, 7B0408, 7B0409, 7B0497, 7B0499, 7B0504, program no. 5799-HKP (DOS/VS), 5799-HKa (OS/VS) Denmark. 63 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. © International Business Machines Corporation; 280ct76; AF45151.


Increase number of data collection prefixes: EPQ ]t23871 reference. Denmark. 3 p. (3750 switching system) Appl. au: IBM France- © International Business Machines Corporation; 70ct76; AF45152.


Valid action expansion, BPQ X19775 reference. Denmark. 4 p. (375 switching system) Appl. au: IBB France. © International Business Machines Corporation: 70ct76 ; AF45153.


The History of anti-Semitism. Vol. 3: from Voltaire to Bagner. By Leon poliakov, translated from the French by Miriam Kochan. England. 582 p. First pub. as Histoire de 1 'an tisemitisme. NM: translation B index. © Eoutledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd.; 27Har75; AF45154.


Ladies of Spain. By George Beardmore. England. 117 p. © George Beardmore; 25Sep75: AF45155.


Black madonna. By Jacynth Hope-Simpson. England. 123 p. © Jacynth Hope-Simpson; 2Feb76; AF451S6.


The Golden future. By Ihorsteinn Stefansson, illustrated by Victor G. Ambrus. England. 165 p. © Thorsteinn Stefansson; 14Nov74; 4F45157.


Dictionnaire des locutions francais- allemand. Par Paul Uerny & Alexandre Snyckers, France. 636 p. Add. ti: Dictionnaire francais allemand des locutions. © Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45158.


Petite encyclopedie Larousse- France. 1487 p. Appl. au: Etieune Gillon, Claude Moreau & Jean-Louis Moreau. NM: editing. 9 Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76 ; AF4515S.


Diccionario moderno espanol- ingles. Dirigido & realizado por Bamon Garcia- Pelayo y Gross & Micheline Durand. France. 1487 p. Add- ti: Diccionario moderno English-Spanish- © Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45160.


Soudage des fontes; etude bibliog- raphigue. Par Marie-Therese Morelle. 2. ed., revisee £ completee. France. 143 p. Q Editions Technigues des Industries de la Fonderie; 30May76; AF45161.


Physics in Industry; proceedings of the international conference held in Dublin, March 9-13, 1976. Edited by E. O'Mongain £ C. P. 0' Toole. Great Britain. 595 p. Appl. au: J. H. Ziman £ 5. G. Lipson; Pergamon Press, Ltd. , employer for hire of the editor. O Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 11NOV76; 4F45162.


Schizophrenia today. Edited by D. Kemali, G. Bartholini £ D. Bichter. Great Britain. 282 p. Appl. au: G. Abbate 6 £. Bartholini; Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. © Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 22NOV76: AF45163.


Non-commutative harmonic analysis; actes du Collogue d* Analyse Harmonigue liou Commutative, Marseiile-Luminy, 1 au 5 juillet 1974. Edited by Jacgues Carmona, Jacgues Dixmier £ Michele Vergne. Hest Germany. 231 p. (lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 466) English fi French. Appl. au; Nicole Conze-Berline. © Springer-Verlag; 2ajul75; AF45164.


Mathematical foundations of computer science 1975; 4th symposium, Harianske Lazne, Sept. 1-5, 1975. Edited by Jiri Becvar. Best Germany. 476 p- (Lecture notes in computer science, vol- 32) 4th Symposium on Hathematical Foundations of Computer Science, held in Marianske Lazne, Czechoslovakia. ippl. au: J. M. Barzdin £ J. J. Bicevskis. © Springer-Verlag; 6Aug75; AF45165.


Variable structure systems with application to economics and biology; proceedings of the 2nd US-Italy Seminar on Variable Structure Systems, May 1974. Edited by A. Huberti £ fl. B. Hohler. Best Germany. 321 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, vol. Ill) Appl. au: A. Isidori. © Springer- Verlag; 31JU175; AF45166.


Fourier integral operators and partial differential equations; collogue international, Universite de Nice, 1974. Edited by Jacgues Chazarain. Hest Germany. 372 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 459) French fi English; proceedings of a conference entitled: Operateurs Integraux de Fourier. Appl. au: L. Boutet De Honvel fi J. J. Ouis- termaat. O Springer-Verlag; 28Jul75; AF45167.


Chinese seals. By T. C. Lai, introd. by Jiu-fong L. Chang. Hong Kong. 200 p. I. C. Lai; 2Jun76; AF45168.

AF45 169.

Durcb Gleichberechtigung geht der Staat zu Grunde- By Bilhela Altheimer- Best Germany- 6 p- © Bilhelm Altheimer; llJun76; 4F45169.


Population et demographie. Par Paul claval £ others. France. 127 p. Librairie Larousse; 301io¥76; AF45170.


Bene Guy Cadou: choiz de poemes. Par Michel Dansel. France. 127 p. NM: introd. £ compilation- © Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45171-


Le Japon. Par Nicole Delaine £ others. France. 255 p. NH: additions £ compilation. 6 Librairie Larousse; 30NOV76; 4F45172.


Les Sports. Par Jean Bobet fi others. France. 255 p. NM: additions £ compilation. © Librairie Larousse; 30NOV76; 4F45173.


Le Systeme social. Par Francis Balle, Francois Bourricaud fi Claude Biviere. France. 12 7 p. Nfl: additions £ compilation. © Librairie Larousse; 30NOV76; 4F45174.


Paris et sa region. By Jean Bastie £ others. France. 255 p. NM: additions fi compilation. © Librairie Larousse; 30NOV76; AF4517S.


La Linguistigue structurale; sa portee, ses limites. Par Jean-Pierre Corneille. France. 255 p. NM : additions £ compilation. 3 Librairie Larousse; 300ct76; 4F45176.


Encyclopedie de la civilisation britannigue. Sous la direction de Monica Chariot. France. 606 p. NM: additions £ compilation- © Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45177-


At aillie Tucker's place. By Alison Morgan, illustrated by Trevor Stubley- England. 96 p. © on text; Alison Morgan; 160ct75; AF45178-


The Pilgrimage. By Joan Lingard. England. 159 p. © Joan Lingard; 29JU176; AF45179.


The works of Charles Darwin: an annotated bibliographical handlist. By

Brchard Broke Freeman. 2nd ed. , revised fi


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.