Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1437

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AF45181 - AF45221
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AF45181 (con.)

enl. Great BritaiD. 235 p. Add. ti: Darwin bibliographical handlist. O B. B. Freeman: 23Feb77; AF45180.


Theses and dissertations as infornation sources. By Donald Edward Davinson. Great Britain. 88 p. NB: revisions e additions. e Donald Edward Davinson; 23Feb77; AF4S181.


Television and children. By Dichael J. A. Howe. Great Britain. 157 p. e Hichael J. A. Howe; 23Feb77; AF45182.


Youth, Empire and society: British youth movements, 1883-1940. By John Sprinqhail. Great Britain. 163 p. 6 John Sprinqhail; 23Feb77; AF45183.


fiural settlement in Britain. By BriaA K. Boberts. Great Britain. 221 p. (Studies in historical geography series) Brian K. Bobects; 23Feb77; AF45184.


Finland: daughter of the sea. By Hrchael Jones. Great Britain. 247 p. (Studies in histoirical geography series) O nichael Jones; 23Feb77; AF45185.


The nixing and spreading phases of BEDOC. 1. By peter D. Killworth. Great Britain. p. 59-510. (Progress in oceanography, vol. 7, no. 2, 1976. Editor: Hary Swallow) Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire ot the editor. O Pergamon Press, Ltd.: 25oct76; AF45186.


Progress in energy and combustion science; an international review journal. Vol. 2. no. 2, 1976. Editor: N . A. Chigier. Great Britain. Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. Pergamon Press, Ltd.; t1Oct76; AF45187.


The Communications factor in office decentralization. By J. B. Goddard & Diana Borris. Great Britain. 8 p. (Progress in planning, vol. 6, pt. 1. Editors: D. B. Diamond & J. B. BcLoughlin) Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editors. C Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 250ct76; AF45188.


Le Livre de la photographie. Photos de John Uedgecoe, texte de John Bedgecoe & Adrian Bailey, traduction de Bene Bouillot, adaptation francaise de Bene Bouillot 6 Pierre Bontel. France. 256 p. NB: translation. C Librairie Larousse; 30BOV76; AF45189.


Your teeth. Britten £ photographed by Neville John Chipping, drawings by Gerald Laru 6 Bryan Evans. 2nd. ed., completely rev. England. 78 p. N. John Chipping; 10ct75; 4F45190.


La Grande encyclopedie. Mo 57. France, p. 12029-12248. Add. ti: loulouse- Lautrec-Turquie. Appl. au: Etienne Gillon, Claude Boreau 4 Jean-Louis Boreau. NB: text & editing. Q Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76: AF45191.


La Grande encyclopedie. No 58. France, p. 12249-12472. Add. ti: Tuyau- vegetal. Appl. au: Etienne Gillon. Claude Boreau i

Jean-Louis Boreau. No: text & editing, Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AP45192.


La Grande encyclopedie. No 59. France, p. 12473-12696. Add. ti: yeqetation- voilier. Appl. au: Etienne Gillon, Claude Boreau 6 Jean-Louis Boreau. NB; text £ editing. e Librairie Larousse; 30llov76; AF45193.


La Grande encyclopedie. No 60. France, p. 12697-12931. Add. ti: loir e- Zw ingli. Appl. au: Etienne Gillon, Claude Boreau £ Jean-Louis Boreau. NB: text £ editing. Librairie Larousse; 30Dec76; AF45194.


Grand Larousse de la langue francaise en sept volumes. T. 5. 0-PSI. Sous la direction de Louis Guilbert, Bene Lagane £ Georges Niobey, avec ie concours de Henri Bonnard, Louis casati, Jean-Paul Colin £ Alain Lerond. France. p. 3699-4737. e Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45195.


Boss of darlcness brings you gospel blues. Canada. Folder. Add. ti: Boss of darlcness, gospel blues. Appl. au: Henri Boy (Henry Boy) Henry Boy; 310ec76; AF45196.


Cockburn's millennium. By Karl Blller. Great Britain. 322 p. O Karl Biller; 21Dec75; AF45197.


Suitable for children? Controversies in children's literature. Edited £ introduced by Nicholas TucJcei. United Kingdom. 224 p. O on lutrod., notes £ selection; Nicholas Tucker; 16Auq76; Ar45198.


How I became a holy mother. By Suth Prawec Jhabvala. Great Britain. (In Encounter, Feb. 1976, p. 3-13) Buth Prawer Jhabvala; 20Jan7b; AF45 199.


Circus: a world history. By Bupert Croft-Cooke £ Peter Cotes. England. 192 p. NH: text £ compilation of illus. Paul Elek, Ltd.; 40ct76; AF45200.

AF4520 1.

God and all bis angels. By Graham Lord. Onited Kingdom. 216 p. O Graham Lord; 16Sep76; AF4520 1.


4 Fringe of leaves. By Patrick White. United Kingdom. 405 p. O Patrick White; 9Sep76; 4F45202.

AF4520 3.

Kingdoms of Eifin. By Sylvia Townsend Harner. United Kingdom. 221 p. NB: p. 152-168, 169-175, selection £ compilation. Sylvia Townsend Warner; 6Jan77; AF45203.


The Disgraceful duke. By Barbara Cartland. Great Britain. 187 p. e Barbara Cartland; 22Nov76; AF45204.


Bultiple sclerosis: control of the disease. By UiiliaiB Bitchie Bussell. Great Britain. 77 p. C Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 20Dec76; 4F45205.

4F4520 6.

Extractive metallurgy of copper. By 4nil Kumar Biswas £ William George Davenport. Great Britain. 438 p. C 4. K. Biswas £ Patricia Bargaret Davenport; 20Dec76; AF4S206.



The Biology of the Hollusca. By B. D. Purchon. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 560 p. O Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 6Jan77; Af45207.


A Dark and secret place. By Bargaret Summerton. England. 224 p. UB: additional text. Bargaret Summerton; 14Bar77; 4F45208.


Development support libraries: slide presentation script. 2nd ed. Deboark. 11 p. Accompanied by 48 slides in box. 4ppl. au: IBB Netherlands. Inter- national Business Bachines Corporation alternate designation: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation); 13Dec76; 4F45209.


The Pastoral Epistles: 1st and 2nd Timothy, Titus. By J. L. Houlden. United Kingdom. 166 p. NB: additions. 6 J. L. Houlden; 30Jul76; AF45210.


The Energy question. By Gerald Foley with Charlotte Nassim, consultant: Gerald Leach. United Kingdom. 343 p. O Gerald Foley; 29Bay76; AF45211.


German short stories 2. Edited by David Constautine. United Kingdom. 296 p. Add. ti: Deutsche Kurzgeschichten 2. English £ German. Appl. au: Penguin Books. NH: English translation. O Penguin Books; 29Jun76; AF4S212.


Social anthiopology in perspective: the relevance of social anthropology. By 1. H. Lewis. United Kingdom. 386 p. NB: all text by I. B. Lewis. i; I. H. Lewis; 29Jun76; AF45213.


The Economics of Barx; selected readings of exposition £ criticism. Edited by B. C. Howard & J. E. King. United Kingdom. 277 p. O on introd., notes £ selection; a. C. Howard £ J. £. King: 29Jun76; AF45214.


Volcanoes. By Peter Francis. United Kingdom. 366 p. O Peter Francis; 29JUU76; Ar45215.


The American Indians; their archaeology £ prehistory. By Dean Snow, photos, by Werner Forman. United Kingdom. 272 p. NB: photos. Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 5Apr76; AF45216.


Begastructure: urban futures of the recent past. By Beyner Banham. Great Britain. 224 p. C Thames and Hudson, Ltd. ; 1NOV76; AF45217.


Jutland 1916. By John Costello £ Terry Hughes. England. 230 p.' e John Costello £ Terry Hughes; 11Nov7b; AF45218.


5788-DOE (sourcecode) West Germany. Printout. e IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 15NOV74; AF45219.


To kill a coconut. By Patricia Boyes. England. 222 p. O Patricia Boyes; 31Jan77; AF45220.


IBB 3600 finance communication system security grid installation manual-

-physical planning supplement. Denmark.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.