Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1438

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AF45222 — AF45255
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AF45221 (con.)

2 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germaay. e laternational Business Hachines Corporation; 9Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4F45221.


IBM system/370 (OS/VS) storage and information retrieval system — data lanquaqe/I (ST4IBS-DL/I) data base administrator's quide. Proqram no. 57fO-XE7. Denmark. 129 p. (Proqram product) Appl. au; IBM Germany. Q International Business Machines Corporation; 9Feb77 (in notice: 1976, on copies: 1st ed., 1977); 4FIJ5222.


IBM Evstem/370 (OS/VS) storage and information retrieval system — data lanquaqe/I (SI4IES-DL/1) terminal user's quide. Program no. 5740-XR7. Denmark. Sheets (266 p.) (Program product) Appl. au: IBM Germany. € International Business Machines Corporation; 9reb77 (in notice; 1976. on copies: 1st ed.. 1977); AF45223.


IBM system/370 (OS/VS) storage and information retrieval system — data ianquage/I (STAIES-DL/I) system ins- tallation guide. Program no. 57i(0-XE7. Denmark. 69 p. (Proqram product) Appl. au; IBM Germany. © International Business Machines Corporation; 9Feb77 (in notice; 1976, on copies: 1st ed. . 1977); 4F45224.


IBM system/370 (OS/VS) storage and information retrieval system — data lanquage/I (ST4IRS-DL/I) ; general information manual, proqram number 57ao-XB7. 2n(J ed. Denmark. 50 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBM Germany. g International Business Machines Corporation; 9Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF4522S.


Programming support for tie-line type 55 EPU i 9637a logic and service. 3rd ed. Denmark. 12 p. (3750 svitchinq system) Appl. au: IBM France, © International Business Machines Corporation: «Feb77; AF45226.


Programming support for direct call function, logic and service. EPQ Y96556. Denmark. 26 p. (3750 switching system) Appl. an: IBM France. O International Business Machines Corporation; 2Feb77; AF45227.


IBM 3750 switching system internal barring BPQ U09835, system partitioning EPQ Y96 382 reference. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. GN 11-8557) Appl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions. Q International Business Machines; 2Feb77; AF4S228.


IBM 3750 switching system internal barring BPQ U09835, system partitioning EPO 196 382 logic and service. Denmark. 1 V. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN1 1-8551) Appl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions. © International Business Machines; llFeb77; AF45229.


IBM 3750 switchinq system proqramminq support for D20P attachment EPQ Y96379 logic and service. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN 11-8553) Appl. au: IBM France. BH: corrections. @ International Business Machines Corporation; aFeb77; AF45230.


IBM 3750 switchinq system BSC output feature EPQ 196503, basic output feature EPQ Y96513 reference. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. GN1 1-8556) Appl. au; IBM France. MM; revisions. @ International Business Machines Corporation; 2Feb77; AF45231.


IBM 3750 switching system BSC output feature BPu Y96503, basic output feature EPQ Y96513 logic and service. Denmark. 1 V. (IBM technical newsletter, no. sml-8550) Appl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions. S International Business Machines Corporation; 2Feb77; AF45232.


Programming support for tie-line prefix and direction number increase BPQ XtlSIO reference. 2nd ed. Denmark. 8 p. (3750 switching system) Appl. au; IBM France. International Business Machines Corporation; 4Feb77; AF45233.


Programming support for tie-line prefix and direction number increase BPQ X4 1810 logic and service. 2nd ed. Denmark. 14 p. (3750 switchinq system) 4ppl. au: IBM France. <d International Business Machines Corporation; 4Feb77; 4F45234.


Programming support for tie-line type 51 EPQ Y96364 reference. 2nd ed. Denmark. 4 p. (3750 switching system) 4ppl. au; IBM France. S International Business Machines Corporation; 2Feb77; AF45235.


Programming support for tie-line type 51 EPQ Y96364 logic and service. 2nd ed. Denmark. 13 p. (3750 switching system) Appl. au; IBM France. O International Business Machines Corporation; 4Feb77; 4F45236.


IBM 3600 finance communication system 36 19 administrative terminal printer; model 401, £ others, BPQ reference manual, program numbers 5799-yKP (DOS/VS), 5799-UKE (OS/VS) 2nd ed. Denmark. 79 p. (Systems) 4ppl. au: IBM Germany. 6 International Business Machines corporation: 10Feb77; 4F45237.


Programming support for direct call function reference BPQ Y96556. Denmark. 27 p. (3750 switchinq system) 4ppl. au: IBM France, © International Business Machines Corporation; 4Feb77; AF45238.


PL/1 lanquage general information. 3rd ed. Denmark. 111 p. (Call) Appl. au: IBM United Kingdom, Ltd. O International Business Machines Corporation; 1Feb77; 4F45239.


PL/1 language reference manual. 3rd ed. Denmark. 178 p. (Call) Appl. au: IBB United Kingdom, Ltd. © International Business Machines; 9Feb77; 4F45240.


Burn therapy and research. By Hitold Eudowski. iiieslaw Nasilowski. Uitold Sietkiewicz & Konrad Zienkiewicz. Poland. 332 p. © The Johns Bopkins University Press: 28aar77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4F45241.


Corpuscules: essai sur la forme des globules rouges de I'homme. By Marcel Bessis. yest Germany. 1 v 6 Sprinqer- Verlaq; 30Oct76; AF45242.

of the 3116

Snares, translated from the French by Vincent G. Stuart £ Micheline Stuart. United States of America; Great Britain. 152 p. e on translation; Vincent G. Stuart £ Micheline Stuart: 10Apr7S; 4F4 5243.


The lantric view of life. By Berbert V. Guenther. Great Britain. 168 p. Herbert V. Guenther; 100ct72; AP45244,


Ihe Viaalakirti nirdesa ^utra (wei mo chieh so shuo ching) Translated by Charles Luk. pseud, of Lu K'uan Yu. Great Britain. 157 p. English. © Charles Luk; lD0ct72: 4F45245.


Mudra. By Chogyam Trungpa. Great

Britain. 106 p. 6 Chogyam Trungpa;

154pr72; 4F45246.


4 Bibliography of English conjuring, 1581-1876. By Eaymond loole-Stott. England. 288 p. O Eaymond Toole-Stott; 40ct76; 4F45247.


German aircraft of Horld Bar 2, with colour photographs. By Christopher Shepherd, introduced by Adolf Galland. Great Britain. 143 p. Appl. au: Sidqwick and Jackson, Ltd. 6 on pictorial material, design £ artwork; Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd.; 230ct75: 4F45248.


German aircraft of Uorld Bar 2, with colour photographs. By Christopher Shepherd, introduced by Adolf Galland. Great Britain. 1 43 p. on text; Christopher Shepherd; 230ct75; 4F45249.


British aircraft of Borld Bar 2; with colour photographs. By John Frayii Turner, introduced by Douglas Bader. Great Britain. 143 p. 6 on text; John Frayn Turner; 230ct75: AF45250.


British aircraft of Borld Bar 2; with colour photographs. By John Frayn Turner, introduced by Douglas Bader. Great Britain. 143 p. Appl. au: Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd. © on pictorial material, design £ artwork; Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd.; 230ct75: 4F45251.


Le Corps a ses raisous: auto-guerison et anti-gymnastique. By Therese Bertherat avec la collaboration de Carol Bernstein. France. 20 1 p. Q Editions du Seuil: 15Jun76; 4F45252.


Le Coeur d' un autre. By Frank G. Slaughter, traduction de France-Marie Watkins, iilus oriqinales de Kathrin Vanni-Gloor. Switzerland. 407 p. Oriqinal ti. : Surgeon's choice. @ on illus. ; Edito-Service, S.4.: 20Aug76: Af45253.


Man-eater! United Kingdom. Folder. Appl. au: Bichard Brabazon Macrory £ Nicholas Gordon Young. @ Footloose Productions, Ltd.; 24Sep76 ; 4F45254.


Habla el Antiguo lesta Dto. By Samuel J. Schultz, traduccion: Cazarola. Spain. 416 p. Original ti.: The Old Testament speaks. © on tran- slation; outreach. Inc.; 20Nov76:



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