Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1447

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AF45538 — AF45580
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AF45537 (con.)

pharmacologr. No. 77. Editors: B. B. Adrian t, other editors. Uest Gernacy. 236 p. Appl. au: H. A. Gruneaald £ KJlaus Starke. Formerly Ergebnisse der Physioiogie, biologischea Cheuie und experimentelleD Pharaakologie. O Springer- Verlag: 25Jan77; AF45537.


Art and knovledge. By Joseph Cniari. England. 132 p. 6 Joseph Chiari; 29Har77; AF45538.


The Dickens ayth: its genesis and structure. By Geoffrey John Ihurley. Australia. 379 p. O Oni?ersity of Queensland Press; 19Jul76; AF45539.


The London book trades, 1775-1800; a prelioinary checklist of members. By Ian daxted. England. 257 p. e Ian Baited; 12Apr77; AP45540.


Super lung power and breath control in 5 minutes a day. By Alexander Albert Adam. Canada. 46 p. UN: additions £ revisions. Alexander Albert Adam (Sandy Adam- -professional name); 18Har77; AF45541.


3750 snitching system, volume 3: svitcbinq subsystem, book 5: 3750 terminals, t heory- main te nance-instal- lation-parts catalog. Denmark. 1 v. (IBB technical nensletter, no. SN19-6165) Appl. au: IBB France. NB: revision. O International Business Machines Cocporation a.d. : IBB Corporation; 15Feb77; AF45542.


3750 switching system, volume 1: system, book 2: operations. 3rd ed. Denmark. 1 V. (IBH maintenance library) Appl. au: IBR France. International Business Sachines Corporation; 15Feb77; AF45543.


38714 modem, theory-maintenance- installation-parts catalog. 3rd ed. Denmark. 1 v. (IBB maintenance library) Appl. au: IBB Prance. International Business Bachines Corporation; 9Feb77: AP45544.


Programme Ditto/3790 version 1, modification 0, 5788-ABG. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBB Prance. O I BB Corporation: 1«Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AF4554S.


5797-Nac. Nev Zealand. Printout. IBB New Zealand, Ltd.: 16Feb76:



5788-DKJ. France. Printout. C IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.B. ; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF45547.


5788-DJI. France. Printout. IBB Deutschland, G.H.B.B.; 17Jan77 (in notice; 1976) ; AFH55118.


5788-DGB. France. Printout. IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFit5519.


5797-NQD. New Zealand. Printout. IBB New Zealand. Ltd.; 16Feb76: APII5550.

AF45551. Printout. 6 IBB Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 20Dec76 (in notice: 1975); AF45551.


578e-DGS. Nest Germany. Printout, la IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H. ; 10ct75: AF45552.


5740-}[XB. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBB Deutschland. G.B.B.H. e IBB Horld Trade Corporation; 13Dec76; AP45553.


Programm-Nummer 5788-DFI. Nest Germany. Printout. IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 15Feb75; AF4555II.


5786-AAG. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBB France. NB: additions £ revisions. O IBB corporation; 19Jul76 (in notice: 1974, 1975); AF45555.


Law and politics in China's foreign trade. Edited by Victor H. Li. Hong Kong. 467 p. Appl. au: Frank Bunzel £ Gabrieie Crespi Beghizzr. University of Uashingtou Press; 11Bar77; AF45556.


Troubled heritage of an island chronicle. Vol. 2. By Jeanne Uilson. England. 271 p. Jeanne Hilson; 1Bar77; AF45557.


The Pleasures of deception. By Norman Boss. Great Britain. 208 p. C Norman Boss; 1Apr77; AF45558.


The Caretaker wife. By Barbara Whitehead. England. 166 p. NB: additional text. O Barbara Nfaltehead; 7Bar77; AF45559.

AF4556 0.

Queens of Britain. By Norah Lofts. England. 192 p. NB: text. O Norah Lofts; 21Apr77; Ar45560.


Situations, i: politigue et autobiog- raphie. By Jean-Paul Sartre. France. 226 p. O Editions Gallimard; 23Jan76: AF45561.


Housing by people: towards autonomy in building environments. fiy John F. C. Turner, introd. by Colin Nard. Great Britain. 162 p. John P. c. Turner; 24Jun76; AF45562.


Ultimatum. By Paul Bonnecarrere. France. 311 p. O Librairie Artbeme Fayard; 16Apr75; AF45563.


Eye-deep in hell. By John Ellis. Great Britain. 215 p. e on all new text £ photos.; John Ellis; 15NovV6; Ar45564.


Bysteres et secrets du cinema americain. By Jacgues De Juchereau De Saint-Denys, pref. de Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., avant propos d 'Alexandre Henaud £ illus de Louise Sourdy. France. 462 p. NB: new text, new illus., £ compilation of texts £ ilius. F.P.G.D. a.a.d.o. Force Prisonniers de Guerre et Deportes; 30Dec71; AF45565.


The Old joke book. By Janet Ahlberg £ Allan Ahlberg. United Kingdom. 1 v. C Janet £ Allan Ahlberg; 23Sep76; AP45566.


A Short history of Western philosophy. By Johannes tiirschberger , translated from the German by Jeremy Boiser. Great Britian. 218 p. C on English tran- slation; Lutterworth Press; 15Dec76; AF45567.


Geoarchaeology: earth science and the past. Edited by Donald A. Davidson £ Byra L. Shackley. England. 406 p. NB: front matter. 6 D. A. Davidson £ B. L. Shackley; 13Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4F45568.


The Canadian North: source of wealth or vanishing heritage? By Bruce U. Hodgins, Jamie Benidicksou, Bichard P. Bowles £ George A. Bawlyk. Canada. 257 p. Nfl: compilation fi revisions. Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd. ; 23Nov76 (in notice: 1977); AP45569.


Programm 5788-DEL. Best Germany. Printout. C IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 15Sep75 (in notice: 1974); AF45570.


5788-DFll. nest Germany. Printout. O IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 290ct7S: AF45571.


5788-DHN. Nest Germany. Printout. IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 12Feb76 (in notice: 1975) ; AF45572.


5788-DHC. West Germany. Piiutout. U IBB Deutschland, U.B. B. H. ; 1tlFeb77 (in notice: 1976); AF45573.

AF4 5574.

Progress in water technology; a joutnal 01 the international Association on Water Pollution Besearch. Vol. d, no. 2/J, 197b. Executive editor: :i. H. Jenkins fc other editors. Great Britain. 450 p. Papers discussed at the second Inter- national Congress on Industrial Waste Nater and Wastes, Stockholm, 1975. Appl. au: J. L. Strachan £ A. Netzer; Pergamon Press, Ltd.. employer for hire of editor. O International Association on Hater Pollution £ Pergamon Press, Ltd. (in notice: lAbPB/Pergamon Press, Ltd.); 24Jan77 (in notice: 1975) ; AF45574.


Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. Executive editor: Alasdair B. Breckenridge fi other editors. Great Britain. 257 p. (Pharmacology and therapeutics, pt. C, vol. 1. no. 1/2, 1976) Appl. au: G. H. Wilson £ S. H. Hasan; Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire. O Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 24Jan77 (in notice; 1976J ; AF45575.


X believe. By T. Lobsang Bampa. Great Britain. 174 p. e T. Lobsang Sampa; 12Apr77; AF45576.


An Evil streak. By Andrea Newman. England. 223 p. O Andrea Newman; 2aBar77; AP45578.


Superbike: modern high performance motorcycles. By Bartin Bedman. Great Britain. 120 p. O Vantage Books; 23Bay75; AF45579.


Carlos, portrait of a terrorist. By Colin Smith. England. 304 p. C Colin

Smith; 9Sep76; AF45580.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.