Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1448

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AF45581 — AF45628
JAN.-JUN. 1977


In search of Canada. Vol. 1. By flonald C- Kirbyson, assisted by Elizabeth Peterson. Canada. 398 p. 6 Prentice- Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 18Feb77: 4F45581.


In search of Canada. Vol. 2. By Ronald C. Kirbyson. assisted by Elizabeth Peterson. Canada. 5148 p. Prentice- Hall of Canada. Ltd.; 4Feb77; AFlt5582.


The Siqla of Finnegans wake. By fioland HcHuqh. England. 150 p. e Boland McHuqh; 1ltDec76; AF45583.


My day on the farn. Story £ pictures by Chiyoko Nakatani. Japan. 29 p. 6 on translation; The Bodley Head, Ltd.; 30ct76: AFl)558lt.


The World of Ottoman art. By Michael Levey. Great Britain. 152 p. @ Michael Levey: 15Mar76 (in notice: 1975) ; AF"t5585.


Crocodile and Pierrot. By fiussell Hoban £ Sylvie Sellq. Great Britain. 1 v. e on illus.; Sylvie Seliq; 20ct75; AFI45586.


Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie; Erqaenzunqswerk zur achten Aufl. Bd. 10: Utan-ocqanische Verbindungen, T. 1; Eiukerniqe Vetbindunqen 1. Von Ulf Theiidlt, Bearbeiter dieses Bandes: Ulf Iheualt, Eedakteur dieses Bandes: Adolf Slduisch, enqlische Fassuuq der Stic- huoertei neben dem Text: H. J. Kaodiner. Hest Gecnany. 212 p. Appl. au; Gmelin Institut fuer Anorqanische Cheaie, Gmployer for hire. G Sprrnqer-Verlaq ; 25Feb77: AFI45587.


Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie; Erqaenzungsuerk zur achten Aufl. Bd. 11: Eiseu-Orqanische Verbindungen, T. Ai Ferrocen 6 (Zueikernige und mehrkernige Ferrocene) Haupt redakteure; Ulrich Krueerke 6 Adolf Slauisch. Bearbeiter dieses Bandes: Helga Koetteluesch & Ulrich Krueerke, Redakteure dieses Bandes: Ulrich Krueerke 6 Adolf slauisch, enqlische Fassung der Stichuoerter neben dem Text: E. Lell. Best Germany. 316 p. Appl. au; Gmelin Institut fuer Anorqanische Chemie, employer for hire. 3 Springers Verlaq; 27Feb77; AFa5588.


La Comedie humaine. T. 5. By Balzac, publiee sous la direction de Pierre- Georges castex, avec, pour ce volume, la collaboration de Roland Chollet £ Rose Fortassier. France. 1574 p. HM: editing. 6 Editions Gallimard; 26Bar77; AF45589.


Asservissements lineaires continus. Par Francis De carfort, Claude Foulard fi J. Calvet, pref. de R. Perret. 3. ed. France. 184 p. 6 Bordas; 30Sep76; AF45590.


A Historia de Israel no Antigo Testamento. By Samuel J. Schultz, traducao: Joao Margues Bentes. Brazil. 413 p. Original ti.: The old Testament speaks. IIM: Portuguese translation, e outreach. Inc.; 31Mar77; AF45591.


A Few steps in Italian and a bit further; Italian grammar for beginners. By Liliana Gaqliardi £ Ida ijelchionna. drawings by Liliana Gaqliardi. Italy. 115 p. Liliana Gaqliardi £ Ida Melchionna; 26Dec76; AF45592.


Asanas. By B. K. S. lyenqat. Great Britain. 169 p. (Yoga darsana, London. 1970-1974, vol. 1) Text of these notes was taken verbatim from tape recordings made by Dona Holleman during lessons given by B. K. S. Iyengar. B. K. S. Iyengar; 1Feb77; AF45593.


This Bar without an enemy: a history of the English civil wars. By Richard Ollard. England. 224 p. Richard Ollard; 180ct76; AF45594.


Bridge of friendship. By Mabel Esther Allan. Great Britain. 149 p. £ Mabel Esther Allan; 29May75; AF45595.


Last movement. By Joan Aiken. England. 251 p. e Joan Aiken; 21Apr77: AF45596.


The Pretty pink shroud. By Elizabeth Ferrars. pseud, of M. D. Brown. England. 196 p. e M. D. Brown; 12Apr77; AF45597.


The Tyger voyage. Text: Richard Adams, illustrated by Nicola Bayley. Great Britain. 30 p. 9 on text; Richard Adams; 20aay76; AF45598.


The Tyqer voyage. By Richard Adams, illustrated by Nicola Bayley. Great Britain. 30 p. C on illus.; Nicola Bayley; 20May76; AF45599.


Bonders of the stereoscope. By John Jones. Great Britain. Kit. Appl. au: Roxby Press Productions, Ltd. e on photos., editinq. compilation £ adap- tation; Roxby Press Productions, Ltd.; 10NOV76; AF45500.


Bonders of the stereoscope. By John Jones. Great Britain. Kit. 6 on text; John Jones: 10Nov76: AF4S601.


One last glimpse. By James Aldrldqe. England. 182 p. e James Aldridge; 14Mar77; AF4560 2.


The Camel who left the zoo. By Fascale Allamand. English version by Michael Bullock. Great Britain. 1 v. e on illus.; Pascale Allamand; 9Sep76: AF45603.


Making model aircraft. By Bryan Philpott. Great Britain. 160 p. e Bryan Philpott; 20Sep76; AF45604.


Lamy transport, 1977. I. 2. Sous la direction de Leon Brunat. France. 854 p. e Lamy. S.A. ; 30Dec76; AF45605.


Lamy transport, 1977. I. 1. Sous la direction de Leon Brunat. France- 801 p. 3 Lamy. S. A. ; 1Dec76; AF45606.


Les Marches financiers et la gestion de portefeuille. By Bertrand Jacquillat £ Bruno Solnik. 2. ed. France. 258 p. (Nouvelles techniques financieres, 11) a Bordas; 30Sep76; AF45607.


Kramer's war. By Derek Robinson. United Kingdom. 345 p. 6 Derek Robinson; 24Mar77; AF45608.


La Contabilita clienti "VOL" sul sistema/32 (5797 NKL) guida applicativa. Italy. 238 p. e IBM Italia, S.P.A.; 1Aug76; AF45609.


Contabilita di magazzino "VOL" sul sistema/32 (5797 NKK) guida applicativa. Italy. 346 p. 6 IBM Italia, S.P.A.; 1Aug76; AF45610.


La Contabilita aziendale "VOL" sul sistema/32 (5797 NNG) guida applicativa. Italy. 266 p. e IBM Italia. S.P.A.; 1Aug76; AF45611.


A.D.M. "VOL" sistema/32 personaliz- zazione sicurezza. Italy. 68 p. IBM Italia, S.P.A.; 1Aug76; AF45612.


IBM system/370 capacity planning and operation sequencing system — extended (CAPOSS-E) program reference manual: program numbers 5740-M41 (OS/VS) . 5746-fl41 (DOS/VS) Vol. 2: data base system. 2nd ed. Denmark. 114 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBM Germany. e International Business Machines Corporation; 17Mar77; AF45613.


La Fatturazione "VOL" sul sistema/32 (5797-liKJ) guida applicativa. Italy. 386 p. e IBM Italia, S.P.A. ; 1Aug76; Ar45614.


la Contabilita fornitori "VOL" sul sistema/32 (5797-BBF) guida applicativa. Italy. 192 p. e IBM Italia, S.P.I. ; 1Aug76; AF45615.


La Fatturazione con stampa immediata sul sistema/32 (5797-liBB) guida applicativa. Italy. 126 p. 6 IBM Italia, S.P.A.; 1Aug76; AF4S616.


IBM system/370 planning, control, and decision evaluation system/standard (PLASCODE/S)-DOS/VS operations guide, program product 5746-XXA. Denmark. 48 p. (IBB technical newsletter, no. SN19-1083) Appl. au: IBM France. BM: revisions £ updating. 6 International Business Machines; 22rei77; AF45617.


IBM systea/370 capacity planning and operation sequencing system-extended (CAPOSS-E) program reference manual, program numbers 5740-M41 (OS/VS) , 5746-M41 (DOS/VS) Vol. 1: planning system. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN12-5106) Appl. au: IBM Germany. NM: revisions £ updating. @ International Business Machines Corporation; 10Har77; AF45618.


IBM system/370 capacity planning and operation sequencing system-extended OS/VS operations guide, program number 5740-M41 (OS/VS) Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN12-5103) Appl. au: IBM Germany. NM: revisions £ updating. @ International Business Machines Corporation alternate designation: IBM corporation; 7Mar77; AF45619.


IBM system/3750 switching system

supervisor's reference manual. Denmark.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.