Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1488

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AFO-87451 — AFO-87407
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AFO-871450 (con.)

Aufl. Best Germany. 180 p. (Honog- raphien aus dem Gesaatgebiete d&r Psychiatcie, Bd. 1) S Spcinger-Verlaq; 31Jan77; SPO-871150.


fissociative fflemory; a system^theoretical approach. By Teuvo Kohonen. West Germany. 176 p. (communication and cybernetics, 17) C Sprinqer-Veriag; 16Feb77: &F0-87451.


Bemessung im Stahlbetonbau ait SI-Einheiten. Von Peter Funk. Best Germany. 17 p. C Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst und Sohn, K.G.; 3Feb77; AFO-87lt52.


Dictionary of environnental terms. By Alan Gilpin. Australia. 191 p. 3 University of Queensland Press; 5Apr76; AF0-87453.


Computing methods in applied sciences: second international symposium, Dec. 15-19, t975. Edited by R. Gloninski 6 J. L. Lions. West Germany. 593 p. (Lecture notes in physics, vol. 58) Lectures presented during the Second International Symposium on Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering; English & French- 6 Springer-Verlaq; 10Dec76; AFO-87a5t.


Turbulence and Navier Stokes equations; proceedings of the conference held at the University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, June 12-13, 1975. Edited by floger Temam. West Germany. 1911 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 565) Papers of a Workshop on the Hatheoatical Aspects of Turbulence; English E French. O Springer-Verlag; 29Dec76; AFO-87t55.


Function theoretic methods for partial differential equations; proceedings of the international symposium held at Darmstadt, Germany, Apr. 12-15, 1976. Edited by V. Erhard Meister, Wolfgang L. Uendland 6 Norbert Heck. West Germany. 520 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 561) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Function-Theoretic Methods for Partial Differential Eguations held at the Technische Bochschule, Darmstadt, Germany; English & German. @ Sprinqer-Verlag ; 29Dec76: AFO-87456.


Seminaire de theorie du potentiel Paris, no- 2. Redacteurs: Francis Hirsch & Gabriel Hokobodzki. West Germany. 292 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol- 563) e Springer-Verlag; 29Dec76; AFO-87457.


Computing methods in applied sciences and engineering; second international symposium, Dec. 15-19, 1975. Edited by R- Glowinski & Jacgues Louis Lions- West Germany. 390 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, vol. 134) Papers presented during the second International Symposium on Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engi- neering; English & French. 3 Springer- Verlaq; 10Dec76; AFO-871458.


Dictionnaire anglais-f rancais d»e- lectrotechnique. By Jean-Guy Grenier, pref . : John Roussos, appreciation: Jacques Hondor. Canada. 245 p. Jean-Guy Grenier; 10Dec76; AFO-87459.


Medien im Unterricht: Intention, Analyse, Methode. Herausgeber: Albert Schnitzer. uest Germany. 151 p. Q Franz Ehren»irth Verlag, G.M-B.H. £ Co., K.G. ; 28Jan77; AFO-87460.


Spaetsommer. Einst. By Ferdinand Trinks. Austria. 109 p. O Oester- reichische Verlagsanstalt; 15Kov76; AFO-8746 1.

AFO-87a6 2.

Ssaki; zvierze ta swiata. By Ulodzimierz Serafinskx £ Ewa Uielgus- Seraf inska. Poland. 433 p. Nil: text £ 60X illus. e Fanstvoiie Hydaynictvo Naukoae; 270ec76: AFO-87462.


The Shah. By Harqaret Laing. Great Britain. 263 p. @ ttargaret Laing; 24Fei)77; AFO-87463.


Any color so long as it's black; the first fifty years of automobile adver- tising- By Peter Roberts. Great Britain. 144 p. e Peter Roberts; 140ct76; AFO-87464.


Adresses utiles et tarifs publics. France. 48 p- Add- ti: Useful addresses and public notices- 6 Selection du header's Digest, S-A-; 25Bov76; AFO-87465-


Claude Cugnasse presente des fous de Dieu aujourd'hui- France- 198 p. e Les Editions Ouvtieres; 28Feb77; AFO-87466.


Emile Ciceron, Floride Gt-.-urd presentent Emile Damiens Face au cancer- France- 115 p- Les Editions Ouvrieres; 24Feb77; AFO-87467-


J*ai vu grandir la J-O.C-: temoignage d ' un aumonier ;jociste- By Charles Veret- France- 220 p- <3 Les Editions Ouvrieres; 9Feb77; AFO-87468-

AF 0-87469.

Fachtagung Prozessrechner, 1977; Augsburg 7. £ 8- Haerz 1977- Hrsg- von Guenther Schmidt- West Germany. 524 p- (Informatik-Fachberichte, Bd- 7) Add. ti: GHfi-GI-GfK Fachtagung Prozessrechner, 1977. e Springer-Verlag; 21Feb77; AFO-87469.


Beader's Digest outdoors Canada. Editor: Douglas R, Long £ other editors, art director: Brian E- Priest- Canada. 384 p. Appl. au: The Reader's Digest Association (Canada) Ltd. © The Reader's Digest Association (Canada) Ltd.; 15Jan77; AFO-87470.

AFO-87 47 1.

De Racine au Parthenon: essais sur la iitterature et i'art a I'aqe classique- By Raymond Picard, pref. de Thierry Haulnier. France. 278 p- Appl- au: Maurice Lever. NK; additions, pref. S editing. S Editions Gallimard; 30Jan77; AFO-8747 1.


Fichier museum. Fiches 41-60. Suitzerland. 19 cards. Appl. au: Alain Lecoultre. ^ Edito-Service, S.A.; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-87472.

AFO-8747 3.

Champions, le grand fichier des sports. Suitzerlaud. 24 cards- Appl. au: Antoine Bordier £ Jean Bosonnet- 6 Editions Rencontre, S.A. ; 30Dec76; iFO-87473.

AFO- 87474-

L' Homme de guantite. fly Bernard Ronze. France. 26 7 p. e Editions Gallimard; 18Feb77; AFO-87474.

4FO-874 75.

Die Haibtou-Schrif t; Oder, Die Chromatische Notation: eine graphische Darstellung der Husik. By Albert Brennlnk- Hest Germany. 25 p. Add. ti: The Chromatic notation: a graphical representation of music- German £ English. S Dipa-Verlag * Druck, G.H.B.B. £ Edition Chroma, K.G. ; 15Jan77 (in notice; 1976); AFO-e7475.


L' Atelier contemporain. By Francis Ponqe. France. 361 p. NH: neii text £ compilation of teJ£ts. Q Editions Gallimard; 18Feb77; AFO-87476.


Anthology for guitar. By Gabriell Kish. Canada. 36 p. NH: compilation £ edition. @ The Frederick Harris Music Company, Ltd.; 28tlar77; 4FO-87477.


The Soviet Air Force since 1918. By Alexander Boyd. England. 259 p. e Alexander Boyd; 17Feb77; 4FO-87478.


Anatomia porownawcza kregowcow. Pod redakcja Henryk Szarskiego. Poland. 773 p. BH: text £ lOS of illus. e Panstvone Wydaanictvo Naukove; 23Dec76; AFO-87479.


£lat for alle aarstider. Norway. 415 p. Add. ti: The Cookery year. NM: tran- slation, e Det Beste, A/S ; 18Jan77; AFO-a7480.


The Header's Digest family book of things to make and do. Edited £ designed by the Header's Digest Association, Ltd. Great Britain. 408 p. e The Reader's Digest Association, Ltd.; 11Feb77; AFO- 87481.


Twenty best books. British Crown Colony. 595 p. Chinese; title romanized on appl. NM: translation. O Reader's Digest Association Far East, Ltd.; 18NOV76; AFO-87482.


Position and change; a study in law and logic. By Lars Lindahl- Holland. 299 p. Appl. au: Paul Needham. NM: English translation. 3 D. Reidel Publishing company; 4 Mar 77; AFO-87483.


The Doomsday carrier- By Victor Canning. Great Britain. 211 p. Victor Canning; 180ct76; AFO-87484.

AFO- 874 85.

L'Americain. By Henry James, traduit de I'americain par Gilles Chahine. France. 377 p. NM: translation. Librairie Artheme Fayard; 23Feb77; AFO-87485.


Behind the mirror; a search for a natural history of human knowledge. By Konrad Lorenz, translated by Ronald Taylor. England. 261 p. First pub. 1973 as Die Rueckseite des Spiegels. NM: English translation. 3 Methuen aiid Company, Ltd.; 10Mar77; AFO-87486.


Da Zoaga ruckt auf zwaeife; bairische Gedichte. By Fritz Fenzl. West Germany. 98 p. Franz Ehrenwirth Verlag, G.H.B.H.

£ CO., K.G. ; 23Feb77; AFO-87487.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.