Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1489

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AFO-87488. — AFO-87522
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Bittersuess vie Schleheoduf t. By Lise Cast. Hest Genany. 290 p. Fcanz Ehcenvlrth Verlaq. G.B.B.H. £ Co., K.G.; 25Feb77; AFO-87488.


Gymnastik fuer Nuetter vor, aacb UDd nit den Baby. By Lilo Palo-5cheel, nit eioen aerzt lichen Vorvort von V. Scheele £ a. Kienitz. Best Germany. 73 p. Franz Ehcenuirtii Verlag, G.H.B.H. C Co., K.G. : 23Feb77; AF0-87it89.


aariasne. By Glen Petrle. England. 405 p. O Glen Petrie; 3Har77; AFO-87'190.


Theory of the price index. By Uolfgang Eichborn & Joachin yoeller. Vest Gernany. 95 p. (Lecture notes in econonics and uathenatical systeas, vol. lUO: sat- bematical econoaics) C Sprinqer-Verlaq ; 29Dec76: AFO-87491.


Empirical distributions and processes; selected papers from a meeting at Oberwolfach, Bar. 28-Apr. 3, 1976. Edited by Peter Gaenssler i Pal Revesz. Vest Germany. 1146 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 566) Springer-Verlag ; 29Dec76; AFO-87492.


Structure and bonding. Vol. 31. By Bicardo Ferreira & others. West Germany. Ill p. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 10Dec76; AFO-87493.


A Night to remember By Halter lord. England. 232 p. Pr V. pub. 1956. NN: rev. illustrated ed. klalter Lord; 280ct76: AF0-87H9lt.


Hetal-ligand interactions in organic chemistry and biochemistry. Pt. 2. Edited by Bernard Pullman £ Natan Gol4blum. Holland. 400 p. Proceedings of the 9tb Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry, held in Jersusalem, Israel, Bar. 29-Apr. 2, 1976. D. Beidel Publishing Company; <4faar77; AFO-87195.


Methods of alqorithmic lanquaqe implementation. Edited by A. Ershov & C. H. A. Koster. Vest Germany. 351 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol. <i7) Appl. au: N. J. Lehmann & Bernard lorho. Sprinqer-Verlaq: 25Peb77; AFO-87496.


CNO isotopes in astrophysics; pro- ceedings of a special lAB session held on Aug. 30. 1976, in Grenoble, France. Edited by Jean Audouze. Bolland. 195 p. (Astrophysics and space science library, vol. 67) Appl. au: D. S. P. Dearborn. D. Beidel Publishing Company: 7Apr77: AFO-87497.


Tumors of the male qenital system. Edited by Ekkehard Grundmann e Hinfried Vahlensieck. Best Germany. 268 p. (Becent results in cancer research, 601 7tb international symposium of the Gesellschaft zur Beicaempfung der Krebskrankbeiten Nordrhein-Bestf alen, E. v., Duesseldorf, Oct. 24/25, 1975. Appl. au: L. Andersson £ J. Boreau. O Springer- Verlaq; 22Bar77; AFO-871198.


K-theory and operator algebras; proceedinqs of a conference held at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, Apr. 21-25, 1975. Editeu by Bernard B. Barrel £ Isadore Banuel Singer. Best Germany. 191 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 575) Proceedings of a Conference on K-Tbeory and Operator Algebras. Appl. au: B. F. Atiyah £ Graeme Segal. Springei^Veriag ; 22aar77; AFO-87499.


Beviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology. No. 78. Editors: B. H. Adrian S others. Best Germany. 183 p. Add. ti: Beview of physiology, bioc- hemistry and pharmacology, 78. Appl. au: Bernhard Deuticke. Formerly entitled Ergebn isse der Physiologie, biologischen Chemie und experimentellen Pharmakologie. e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 28Feb77; AFO-87500.

AFO-87 501.

Advances in biochemical engineering. Vol. 5. Editors: T. K. Ghose, A. Fiechter £ N. Blakebrouqh, managing editor: A. Fiechter. Best Germany. 145 p. Appl. au: T.-M. Enari £ P. Barkkanen. e Springer-Verlaq; 23Feb77; AFO-87501.


Coincidence deqree, and nonlinear differential equations. By fiobert £. Gaines £ Jean L. Mavhin. Best Germany. 262 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 568) Sprinqer-Verlaq; 28Feb77; AFO-87502.


Lumbar disc, adult hydrocephalus. Edited by B. Buellenaeber £ others. Best Germany. 338 p. (Advances in neuro- surgery, 4) Proceedings of the 27th annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesel- lschaft fuer Neurochirurgie, Berlin, Sept. 12-15, 1976. Appl. au; Ai. Agnoli £ H. Altenburq. ti Sprinqer-Verlaq; 23Feb77; AFO-a750 3.


Safari cards. No. 841-864. Skit- zerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. 6 on translation: Editions Bencontre, S.A. : 11Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-87504.


Safari cards. No. 817-840. Swit- zerland. 24 cards £ folder. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg. Philippe Duflon £ Andr ■- Estoppey. O on translation; Editions Bencontre, S.A.; 11Jan77 (in notice; 1976) ; AFO-87505.


Safari cards. No. 793-816. Swit- zerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. Q on translation; Editions Bencontre, S.A.; 27Nov76: AFO-87506.


Safari cards. No. 769-792. Swit- zerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. on translation; Editions Bencontre, S.A.; 27Nov7e; AFO-87507.


Safari cards. No. 745-768. Swit- zerland. 24 cards £ folder. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg. Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. C on translation; Editions Bencontre, S.A.; 27Nov76; AFO-87508.


Safari cards. No. 865-888. Swit- zerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. ti on translation: Editions Bencontre, S.A.; 11Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-87509.


Healing yourself with water: how you can use hydrotherapy for gaining and maintaining health. By J. Bussell Sneddon. England. 63 p. Appl. au: Bargaret B. T. Sneddon. Prev. pub. as About the water cure, 1965. NB: revision. e flargaret H. I. Sneddon; 20 Jan 77; APO-87510.


The London Sinfonietta and its world tour. By Bichael Vyner. England. (In Tempo, Dec. 1976. p. 16-19) C Bichael Wyner; 30Dec76: AFO-87511.


Pax orcadiensis. By Peter fiaxwell Davies. England. (In Tempo, Dec. 1976, p. 20-22) NB: editing. O peter Bazwell Davies; 30Dec76: AFO-87512.


Bedclif fe-Baud and its implications. By Bernard Jacobson. England. (In Tempo, Dec. 1976, p. 2-5) Bernard Jacobson: 30Dec76; AFO-87513.


A Sacred tetralogy. By Francis flouth. England. (In Tempo, Dec. 1976. p. 23-29) ti Francis Bouth; 300ec76: AF0-87S14.

AFO- 87515.

Tennis: playing a winning game with Don Piatt. Photography by Bick fladelja. Canada. 103 p. Appl. au: Don Piatt. C BcGraw-Hill flyerson, Ltd. ; 2Feb77; AFO-875I5.


The Church in the power of the spirit. By Jueryen Boltmann, translated by Margaret Kuhl. Great Britain. 407 p. Appl. au: SCB Press, Ltd. Prev. pub. as Kirche in der Kraft des Geistes. O on translation; SCB Press, Ltd.; 1Mar77; AFO-87516.


Die Schiffe der Hamburg-Sued, 1871-1951. By Arnold Kludas. Best Germany. 160 p. O Verlaq Gerhard Stalling, A. G. ; lNov76; AFO-87517.


Scienza e tecnica, 1976; annuario della ESI, enciciopedia della scienza e della tecnica. Direttore editoriale: Edgardo Bacorini £ others. Italy. 606 p. ti Arnoldo Bondadori Editore. S.P.A. ; 30Aug76; AFO-87518.


Safari Karten. Nr. 529-552. Switzerland. 24 cards £ folder. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. ti on German translation; Editions Bencontre, S.A.; 7JaD77 (in notice; 1976J ; AFO-e7519.


Safari-Karten. Nr. 553-576. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg. Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. ti on translation; Editions Bencontre, S.A.; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFO-87520.


Fichier safari. No 913-936. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. C Editions Bencontre. S.A. ; 10Dec76; AFO-67521.


Flchier safari. No 937-960. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg. Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. C Editions Bencontre, S.A.;

10Dec76; AfO-87522.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.