Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1490

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AFO-87523 — AFO-07556
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Fichier safari. Ho 889-912. SHitzeriand. 24 cards E folder. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg« Philippe Duflon & Andre Estoppef. C Editioos BeocoDtre, S.A-: 10Dec76: AFO-87523.


L'Ateiier du potier. CoDceptioo 6 realisation de Antoine Dralec, pseud, of Jacques Cellard, £ Jean-Paul Houvier* dessins de Christiane Neuville, pseud, of Christiane Houvier, photos de Sophie Laverriere. France. 94 p. NH: nev text £ illus. £ compilation of illus. C Editions Gallimard; 15Har77; AFO-87524.


Socjologia a zdrowie. Pod redakcja naqdalena Sokolovska, Jacek Uolouka £ Antonina Ostrovska. Poland. 563 p. PanstHoiie gydatinictvo Maukove; 1SNov76; AFO-87525.


L'Uomiie precaire et la litterature. By Andre Halraux. France. 330 p. Uh: new text £ compilation of texts. 3 Editions Gallimard: iaFeb77; AFO-87526.


Le Vent paraclet. By Hichel Tournier. France. 293 p. NB: nev text £ com- pilation. Editions Gallimard; 18Feb77: AFO-87527.


Les Vaches sacrees. By Thierry Haulnier. France. 43<t p. SB: aev text £ compilation of texts. O Editions Gallimard: 18Fab77: AFO-87528.


Akhan: contes oraux de la foret indochinoise. By Jacques Dournes, illustres par Iqor Averianoff. France. 278 p. O Payot; 28Feb7 7 ; AFO-87529.


Un Staqe d* enseiqnants: or. La BeqressioD institutee: sociopsychanalyse et formation continue des enseiqnants. By Jacky Beillerot, pref. de Gerard tjendel. France. 278 p. Appl. au: Gerard Levy £ Claire fiueff. NH: new text £ compilation of texts. O Payot; 28Feb77; AFO-87530.


Deutsch Konversationsuebungen fuer polnische studenten. By Alicja Gaca. Poland. 365 p. C Panstvoue Hydavnictao NaukoHe; 23Dec76 ; AFO-87531.


Die Europaeische Gemeinschaft und Oesterreich. Serausqeber: Fried Esterbauer £ fieinhold Hinterleitner. Austria. 147 p. 6 Uilhelm Braumueller, Universitaets-verlagsbuch hand lung, G.H.B.H.: 27Jan77; AFO-87532.


Formen und Hethoden transnationaler fiaumplanunq europaeischer Grenzregionen. By Fried Esterbauer. Austria. 102 p. 6 Bilhelfi Braumueller, Oniversitaets- Veclaqsbuchhandlunq, G.H.B. H.; 27Jan77: AFO-87533.


Oesterreicher Foederalismus: vom patrimonialen zum kooperativen Bundes- staat. Von Felix Ermacora. Austria. 364 p. Q Hilhelm Braumueller, Universitaets- Verlaqsbuchhandlunq, G.H.B.H. : 27Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-87534.


Poligcama pauta musical ISarun guia del teclado, universalmente original, metodo mecanografico para piano y organo; con nuevas figuras de ootas y silencios pauta vertical, transf ormacion tecnologica de la escritura musical. Mexico. 104 p. Appl. au: naouel Harun. tlanuel tlarun; 26Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-87535.

AF 0-87536.

Un Meurtre est-il facile? Cinq heures vingt-cing. By Agatha Christie, illus originaies de Jacques Bozier. Swit- zerland. 326 p. e on illus.; Edito-Service, S.A.; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFO-87536.


L'Amour s'en va-t-en guerre. By Guy Des Cars, illus originaies de Kurt Van Strub. Suitzerland. 264 p. 6 on illus.; Edito-Service, S.A.; 17Dec76; AFO-87537.

AFO-8753 8.

La Cathedrale de haine. By Guy Des Cars, illus originaies de narina Harrington. Svitzerland. 245 p. S on illus.; Edito-Service. S. A. ; 140ct76; AFO-87 53S.


L* Off icier sans nom. By Guy Des Cars, illus originaies de Daniel Boudineau. Switzerland. 210 p. 6 on illus.; Edito-Service, S.A.; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-87539.

AF 0-87540.

OSS 117 s'en occupe. OSS 117 n'est pas fflort. By Jean Bruce, illus originaies de Heinz Stieger. Switzerland. 380 p. C on illus.; Edito-Service, S.A.; 17Dec76; AFO-87 540.


Trahison. Travail sans filet. By Jean Bruce, illus originaies de Heinz Stieger. Switzerland. 375 p. (OSS 117) 6 on illus.; Edito-Service, S.A. ; 261lov76; AFO-87 541.


Proces socjalizacji dzieci i mlodziezy. By Zbiqniew Skorny. Poland. 254 p. (Biblioteka psycholoqiczna, 7) C Hydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne ; 30Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-87542.

AF 0-87543.

Old Enqlish and Hiddle English poetry. By Derek Pearsall. England. 352 p. (The Boutledge history of Enqlish poetry, vol. 1) e Derek Pearsall: 3Feb77; AFO-87543.


Correspondence principle and growth of science. By iladyslaw Krajewski. Holland. 138 p. (Episteme, vol. 4) 6 D. Reidel Publishing Company; 14flar77; AFO-87S44.


Discovering the nev world. Edited by Hichael Alexander. Great Britain. 224 p. Based on the works of Theodore De Bry. e Hichael Alexander; 30ct76; AFO-87545.


Dynamics of brain edema. Edited by Hanna H. Pappius £ William Feindel. Best Germany. 404 p. Proceedings o£ the third international Workshop on Dynamic Aspects of Cerebral Edema, Hontreal, Canada, June 25-29, 1976. 6 Springer- Verlag; 300ec76; AFO-87546.


aodern three-hadron physics. Edited by Anthony H. Thomas. West Germany. 250 p. (Topics in current physics, vol. 2) Appl. au: Iraj E. Afnan. Springer-Verlag; 2Jan77; iFO-87547.

AF 0-87548.

The Immune system. Edited by Fritz Helchers £ Klaus Bajewsky. Uest Germany. 299 p. Proceedinqs of the 27. Colloquium der Gesellschaft fuer Biologische Chemie, 29. April-1. Bai 1976 in Hosbach/Baden, West Germany. Appl. au: G. Adam. O Springer-Verlag; 29Dec76; AFO-87548.


Novae and related stars; proceedings of an international conference held by the Institut d* Astrophysigue, Paris, France, 7-9 September, 1976. Edited by B. Friedjung. Holland. 228 p. (Astrop- hysics and space science library, vol. 65) English £ French. Appl. au: Brian Warner, e D. Beidel Publishing Company: 14Har77: 4FO-S7549.


Supernovae; the proceedings of a special lAU session on supernovae held on September 1, 1976, in Grenoble, France. Edited by David N. Schramm. Holland. 192 p. (Astrophysics and space science library, vol. 66) Appl. au: L. Bosino £ J. L. Culhane. 6 D. Beidel Publishing Company; 16Har77; AFO-87550.


fletal-ligand interactions in organic chemistry and biochemistry: proceedings of the Ninth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry held in Jerusalem, Barch 29th-April 2nd, 1976. Edited by Bernard Pullman £ Natan Goldblum. Holland. 396 p. (The Jerusalem symposia on quantum chemistry and biochemistry, vol. 9, pt. 1) O D. Beidel Publishing Company; 4Har77; AFO-87551.


Compilatiou, critical evaluation and distribution of stellar data; proceedings of the International Astronomical Union colloquium number 35, held at Strasbourg, France, 19-21 August, 1976. Edited by C. Jaschek £ G. A. Wilkins. Holland. 316 p. (Astrophysics and space science library, vol. 64) Q D. fieidel Publishing Company; 14Mar77; AFO-87552.


Infrared and submillimeter astronomy: proceedings of a symposium held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania^ U.S.A., June 8-10, 1976. Edited by Giovanni G. Fazio. Holland. 223 p. (Astrophysics and space science library, vol. 63) Proceedings of the Symposium on Infrared and Submil- limeter Astronomy. Appl. au: P. G. fiezger £ J. E. Wink, e D. Beidel Publishing Company; 25Feb77; AFO-87553.

AFO- 87554.

Higher combinatorics; proceedings of the HATO Advanced Study Institute held in Berlin, West Germany, September 1-10, 1976. Edited by Bartin Aigner. Holland. 256 p. (NATO advanced study institutes, series C) (Mathematical and physical sciences, vol. 31) Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Combinatorics. Appl. au: Dominique Foata. Q D. Beidel Publishing Company: 22Apr77; AFO-87554.


Thermodynamics in geology; proceedinqs of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Oxford, England, September 17-20, 1976. Edited by Donald G. Eraser. Holland. 410 p. (NATO advanced study institutes, series C) (Mathematical and physical sciences, vol. 30) Appl. au: Bernard J. Wood. 6 D. Beidel Publishing Company; 224pr77; AFO-87555.


Die Zeit mit Onkel Bodo. By Edith Biewend. Uest Germany. 203 p. Franz Ehrenwirth Verlag, G.M.B.H G Co.. K.6.;

28Feb77; AFC-87556.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.