Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1516

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AI-16131 — AI-16161
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Biochemistry of cutaneous epidermal differentiation; proceedings of the Japan-U.S- Seminar on Biochemistry of Cutaneous Epidermal Differentiation. Edited by Hakoto Seiji S I. 4. Bernstein. Japan. Sla p. Held in Sendai, Japan, June 2-U, 1976. ippl. au; Georqe F. Odland £ Joseph HcGuire. S University of Tokyo Press: 14pr77; AI-16t31.


&tlas of colposcopy. By Per Kolstad £ 4dolf Stafl. 2nd re». ed. Norvay. 152 p. © Universitets Forlaqet; 154pr77; 41-161(32.


Junipero Serra in his native isle, 1713-1749. Text: Annie Francis Hoore BoHden, photos.: Stefan Laszlo, drawings: Xam. Spain. 170 p. English £ Spanish. @ 4nnie Francis tloore Bouden (Dina) (in notice: Dina Hoore Bouden) ; 30Dec76: 41-161133.


Physical work and effort; proceedings of the first international symposium held at the Henner-Gren Center, Stockholm, December 2-1, 1975. Edited by Gunnar Borg. Great Britain. 139 p. (Benner- Gren Center international symposium series, vol. 28) Appl. au: B. S. Cain, S. a. Horvath £ H. C. Knuttgen. S Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 23Feb77; 41-16131.


Hello: Robert Creeley. New Zealand. 1 V. Add. ti: Hell'; poems: Robert Creeley. O fiohert creeley; 31Dec76; 41-16135.


Blueqrass king. By Janet Dailey. England. 187 p. C Janet Dailey; 6Feb77; 41-16136.


Best meets East, an encounter with Korea. Selected writings by James Bade. South Korea. 252 p. NH: revisions e editing. James Bade; 23Feb77 (in notice: 1975); AI-16137.

41-1613 6.

G = 11m c/r2: a new road to relativity. Pt 1-2. By Morris Redman Spivack. Sweden. 1 p. Add. ti: The Gravitational attraction between two bodies varies directly according to the product of their masses multiplied by the velocity of light and inversely according to the square of the distance between them- A revision of Newton's inverse-sguare law. NU: pt. 2 completely rewritten. 3 Morris Redman Spivack; 1Feb77; 41-16138.


Sheridan and the drama of Georgian England. By John Loftis. Great Britain. 171 p. e Basil Blackwell a.a.d. for Basil Blackwell and Hott Ltd.; 7Dec76; 41-16110.


Harvard studies in classical philology. Vol. 80. Great Britain. ?13 p. Appl. au: Albert Henrichs. 6 The President and Fellows of Harvard College; 9aar77; 41- 16111.


Frederick Rolfe: Baron Corvo; a biography. By Miriam J. Benkovitz. England. 332 p. S Miriam J. Benkovitz; 13Jan77: 41-16112.

41- 16113.

Cerebellar dentate nucleus: organi- zation, cytology and transmitters. By Victoria Chan-Palay. West Germany. 518 p. a Springer-Verlag; 28Feb77; AI-16113.


The Evolution of pancreatic islets; proceedings of a symposium held at Leningrad, Sept. 197 5. Edited by T. Adesanya I. Grille, L. leibson £ A. Eppie Great Britain. 377 p. Appl. au: S. J. Chan £ P. P. Foa. o Pergamon Press, ltd. 21Jan77; 41-16111.


Anthropology of southern 4frica in periodicals to 1950; an analysis and index. Compiled under the direction of Nicolaas Jacobus Van Barmelo. South 4frica. 1181 p. e Government Printer; 23Feb77; 41-16115.

of the domestic and Editors: Karl Brunner £ 411an H. Meltzer. The Netherlands. 318 p. (Carnegie-Bochester conference series on public policy, vol. 5) 9 North-Holland Publishing Company; 1Apr77; 41-16116.


Estimating the parameters of the Markov probability model from aggregate time series data. By T. C- Lee, G. G. Judge fi A. Zellner. 2nd rev. ed. The Nether- lands. 260 p. (Contributions to economic analysis, 65) e North-Holland Publishing Company; 2Mar77; AI- 16117.


Latent variables in socio-economic models. Editors: D. J. 4igner £ A. S. Goldberger. The Netherlands. 383 p. (Contributions to economic analysis, 103) O North-Holland Publishing Company; 25Feb77: AI-16118.


Unity of science. By fiobert L. Causey. Holland. 185 p. (Synthese library, vol. 109) KM: additions £ revisions. D. Reidel Publishing Company; 15Apr77; AI-16119.


Orga'nizational careers: some new perspectives. Edited by John Van Maanen. England. 199 p. id John Biley and Sons, Ltd.; 1Feb77; 41-16150.


The Notebooks of Edgar Degas: a catalogue of the thirty-eight notebooks in the Bibliotheque Natiouale and other collections. Vol. 1-2. By Theodore Reff. United Kingdom. NM: all text £ editorial apparatus. © Oxford University Press; ,10Har77 (in notice: 1976); 41-16151.


Clinical refraction and visual science. By John R. Levene. England. 316 p. e Butterworth and Company (Pui>lishers) Ltd.; 21Jan77; 41-16152.


Metal-ligand interactions in organic chemistry and biochemistry. Pt. 2. Edited by Bernard Pullman £ Natan Goldblum. Holland. 100 p- Proceedings of the 9th Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry, held in Jerusalem, Israel, Mar. 29-Apc. 2, 1976. Appl. au: HinslOH S. Caughey £ John C. Maxwell. (9 D. Beidel Publishing Company; 1Mar77; 41-16153.


Transport in plants, 3: intracellular interactions and transport processes. Edited by C. H. Stocking £ U. Beber. Best Germany. 517 p. (Encyclopedia of plant physiology, new series, vol. 3) Appl. au; E. H. Falk £ B. J. Graesser. @ Springer- Verlag: 20Dec76; 41-16151.

AI- 16155.

Methods of algorithmic language implementation. Edited by A. Ershov £ C. H. A. Koster. Best Germany. 351 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 17) Appl. au: E. Deak 6 J. Schwartz. © Springer-Verlag; 25reb77; AI-16155.

AI- 16156.

CNO isotopes in astrophysics; pro- ceedings of a special lAO session held on Aug. 30, 1976, in Grenoble, France. Edited by Jean Audouze. Holland. 195 p. (4strophysics and space science library, vol. 67) 4ppl. au: Robert P. Kraft £ James L. Nocar. © D. Eeidel Publishing Company; 74pi77; 41-16156.


Tumors of the male genital system. Edited by Ekkehard Grundmann & Binfried Vahlensieck. Best Germany. 268 p. (Becent results in cancer research, 60) Add. ti: Tumor of the male genital system. 7th international symposium of the Gesellschaft zur fiekaempfung der Krebskrankheiten Nordrhein-Bestf alen, E. v., Duesseldorf, Oct. 21/25, 1975. Appl. au: E. Johnson £ F. K. Mostofi. © Springer-Verlag; 22Har77; 41-16157.


K-theory and operator algebras; proceedings of a conference held at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, Apr. 21-25, 1975. Edited by Bernard B.. Morrel £ Isadore Manuel Singer. Best Germany. 191 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 575) Proceedings of the Conference on K-Theory and Operator 41gebras. Appl. au: Richard B. Carey & Joel D. Pincus. O Springer-Verlag; 22Bar77; AI-16158.


Reviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology. No. 78. Editors: B. H. 4drian fi others. Best Germany. 183 p. 4dd. ti: Beview of physiology, bioc- hemistry and pharmacology, 78. 4ppl. au: Bobert Crane. Formerly Ergebnisse der Physiologie, biologischen Chemie und experimentellen Pharmakologie. 9 Springer-Verlag; 28Feb77; 41-16159.


Microbial products. Editors: I. K. Ghose, A. Fiechter £ N. Blakebrough, managing editor: A. Fiechter. Best Germany. 185 p. (Advances in biociiemical engineering, vol. 5) Appl. au: E. F. Gomez. © Springer-Verlag; 23Feb77; 41-16160.

AI- 16161.

Coincidence degree, and nonlinear differential equations. By Robert E. Gaines & Jean L. Hawhin. Best Germany. 262 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 568) © Springer-Verlag; 28Feb77; AI- 16161.


Lumbar disc adult hystrocephalus. Edited by E. Huellenweber £ others. Best Germany. 3 38 p. (Advances in neuro- surgery, 1) Proceedings of the 27th annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesel- lschaft fuet Neurochirurgie, Berlin, Sept. 12-15, 1976. Appl. au: P. M. Black. ©Springer-Verlag; 23Feb77; 41-16162.


Climb every mountain; the story of Granny Brand- By Dorothy Clarke Wilson. England. 222 p. Add. ti: Granny Brand. O Dorothy Clarke Bilson; lBov76; AI-16163.

AI- 16161.

The Lord Mayor of death. By Marian

Babson, pseud, of Buth Stenstreem. United


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.