Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1517

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AI-16065 — AI-16097
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AI-16464 (con.)

KluqdoD. 193 p. iiilliaii Coiiias Sods and Company, Ltd.; 1itFeb77; AI- 16164.


Lanquaqe nan. Japan. Kit. English £ Japanese. Appl. an: Owiqht Speoser & Bobert Uhitinq. Daiqht Spenser £ Bobeirt Uhitinq; 1»o»76; AI-16465.


Cicatrix optima: techniques for ideal uound healinq. By Janos Zoltan, Enqlish- lanquaqe ed. edited by E. F. Shaw Uilqis, Fredecik Hansen & Bernard ncGibbon. Hunqary. 215 p. C Akademiai Kiado; 20Apr77; AI-16466.


Lanquaqe in Africa: an introductory survey. By Edgar A. Greqerseo. Great Britain. 237 p. C Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc. ; 18flar77; AI-16467.


dementi; bis life and music. By Leon Plaotinqa. United Kinqdoa. 346 p. O Oxford University Press; 24Feb77: AI-16468.


The Politics of South Africa; democracy and racial diversity. By Howard Herwin Brotz. England. 164 p. Howard Brotz; 31Har77; 41-16469.


4 Taste of terror. By Kartha Albrand, pseud, of Katrin Lamon. Enqland. 192 p. O Hodder and Stoughton; aOct76: 41-16470.


Ugly pieces of metal: a short story- By Ullliam J. Leahy, illustrated by Paul Peter Piech. England. 1 v. O Uilliam J. Leahy; 1SDec76; AI-16471.

41- 16472.

How can I help my child read? By Uarren Allen Stewart. South Korea. 39 p. uarren Allen Stewart; 10nar77; AI-16472.


Electronic engineers catalogue, 1977. United Kinqdoa. 1 v. Add. ti: Cataloque de 1* electronigue pour les ingenieurs, 1977; Der Produktlcatalog fuer Elekt- rouiker, 1977. English, French £ German. Appl. au: Arthur I. Babb £ Bobert J. Males. O United Technical Publications, Inc.; 3Har77 (in notice: 1976); AI-16473.

AI- 16474.

Dynamics of brain edema. Edited by Banna M. Pappius £ Hilliam Feindel. West Germany. 404 p. Proceedings of the third international Workshop on Dynamic Aspects of Cerebral Edema, Montreal, Canada. June 25-29. 1976. Appl. au: B. A. Fishman £ I. Klatzo. O Springer-Verlag; 30Dec76; AI- 16474.


Hodern three-hadron physics. Edited by Anthony H. Thomas. West Germany. 250 p. (Topics in current physics, vol. 2) 4ppl. au: Ronald Aaron £ Balph D. Amado. O Springer-Verlag; 2Jan77: AI-16475.

AI- 16476.

The Immune system. Edited by Fritz aelchers £ Klaus Bajewsliy. West Germany. 299 p. Proceedings of the 27. Colloquium der Gesellschaft fuer Biologische Chemie, 29. April-1. nai 1976 in Hosbach/Baden. West Germany. Appl. au: L. B. Amzel £ Y. Y. Chui. e Springer-Verlag; 29Dec76; AI-16476.


Six white horses. By Janet Dailey. England. 138 p. C Janet Oalley; 12Jan77; AI-16477.


Strands of light; inspirational poems. By Eose W. Kupperman. India. 95 p. Bose W. Kuppetman; 5Jan77; AI-16478.


Nicholas Bacon: the making of a Tudor statesman. By Bobert littler. Great Britain. 256 p. C Bobert littler; 17Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 41-16479.


Bentham. By James Steintrager. Great Britain. 133 p. O George Allen and Unwin (Publishers) Ltd.; 21Apr77; AI-16480.


The Periodic system, 1920-1923. Edited by J. Bud Hielsen. The Netherlands. 765 p. (Niels Bohr collected works, vol. 4) North-Holland Publishing Company; iaApr77; AI-16481.


Handbook of sexology. Edited by John Honey £ Herman nusaph. xhe Netherlands. 1402 p. Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press; 21Apr77; AI-16482.

AI- 16483.

Biomedical and clinical aspects of coenzyme U; proceedings of the Inter- national Symposium on Coenzyme u, held at Lake lamanaka, Japan, Sept. 16-17, 1976. Editors: Karl Folkers £ (. yamamura. The Netherlands. 315 p. O Elsevier /Nor th Holland Biomedical Press; 19Apc77; AI-16483.


Physics of magnetospheric substorms. By Syun-Ichi Akasofu. Holland. 599 p. (Astrophysics and space science library, vol. 47) O D. Beidei Publishing Company; 16Feb77; 41-16484.


Besistance in the desert: Horoccau responses to French imperialism, 1881-1912. By Boss £. Dunn, illustrated by Jeanne Dunn. England. 291 p. Parts of chap. 2 £ 4 prev. pub. in Arabs and Berbers: from tribes to nation in North Africa, p. 85-107 £ in African historiai studies, 4. no. 2 (1971) NH: rev. £ enl. version ol author's doctoral dissertation. 1968. Boss E. Dunn; 31Ilar77; 41-16485.


Novae and related stars; proceedings of au international conference held by the Institut d 'Astrophysique, Paris, France. 7-9 September, 1976. Edited by a. Friedjunq. Holland. 228 p. (Astrop- hysics and space science library, vol. 65) English £ French. Appl. au: Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin £ Warren a. Sparks. 6 D. Beidel Publishing Company; 14Har77; 41-16486.


Supernovae; the proceedings of a special lAU session on supernovae held on September 1, 1976, in Grenoble, France. Edited by David N. Schramm. Holland. 192 p. (Astrophysics and space science library, vol. 66) Add. ti: Suoernovae. Appl. au: Stirling 4. Colgate. D. Beidel Publishing Company; 16aar77; AI-16487.

AI- 16488.

Hetal-ligand interactions in organic chemistry and biochemistry; proceedings of the Ninth Jerusalem symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry held in Jerusalem, March 29th-April 2nd, 1976. Edited by Bernard Pullman £ Natan Goldblum. Holland. 396 p. (The Jerusalem symposia on quantum chemistry and biochemistry, vol. 9, pt. 1) Appl. au: Thomas J. Kistenmacher £ Luigi G. aarzelli. C D. Beidel Publishing Company; 4Har77; AI-16488.

AI- 16489.

Compilation, critical evaluation and distribution of stellar data; proceedings of the International Astronomical Union colloquium number 35, held at Strasbourg, France, 19-21 August, 1976. Edited by C. Jaschek £ G. 4. Wilkins. Holland. 316 p. (Astrophysics and space science library, vol. 64) Appl. au: a. S. Davis £ Gart Westerhout. & D. Beidel Publishing Company; 14aar77; 41-16469.


Infrared and submillimeter astronomy; proceedings of a symposium held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. U.S.A.. June 8-10. 1976. Edited by Giovanni G. Fazio. Holland. 223 p. (Astrophysics and space science library, vol. 63} Proceedings of the Symposium on Infrared and Submil- limeter Astronomy. Appl. au: Frank J. Low. O D. Beidel Publishing Company; 25Feb77; AI-16490.


Higher combinatorics; proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Berlin, West Germany, September 1-10, 1976. Edited by Hartin Aigner. Holland. 256 p. (NATO advanced study institutes, series c) (Hathematical and physical sciences, vol. 31) Proceedings of U.e NATO Advanced Study Institute on Combinatorics. Appl. au: George E. AnUiey^ 6 Bichard Askey. O U. Ueidel Publishing Company; 224pr7V; 41-164^1.

AI- 16492.

Thermodynamics in geology; proceedings ol the NATO Advanced Study Institute hold in oxford, England, ieptembor 17-20. 1976. Edited by Donald G. Eraser. Holland. 410 p. (NATO advanced study institutes, series c) (hathematical and physical sciences, vol. 30) Appl. au: Bobert C. Newton £ John Grower. O 0. Beidel publishing Company; 22Apr77; AI- 16492.


International journal of clinical pharmacology and biopharaacy. Vol. 15, no. 4, Apr. 1977. Editor-in-chief ; a. P. Kuemmerle £ other editors. West Germany. 200 p. Appl. au: I. H. Cho £ W. A. Bitschel. Q Urban and Schwarzenberg, Inc.; 12Apr77; AI-16493.


Bef lections on biochemistry in honour of Severo Ochoa. Editors: Arthur Kornberg £ other editors. Great Britain. 465 p. Papers presented at the International Symposium on Enzymatic Mechanisms in Biosynthesis and Cell Function, Hadrid £ Barcelona, Sept. 1975. Appl. au : F. Lipmann, £. Backer £ B. L. Horecker. e Pergamon Press, Ltd. ; 20Dec76; 41-16494.


Karma and the fallacy of reincarnation. By Jamshed K. Fozdar. Malaysia. 115 p. NM: text £ compilation of quotations, a Jamshed K. Fozdar; 11Jan77; 41-16495.

41- 16496.

Paradise lost. By Evelyn Barter (Evelyn Harter Glick) India. (In The Illustrated weekly of India, Dec. 19-25, 1976, p. 61, etc.) O Evelyn Barter; 19Dec76; AI-16496.

AI- 16497.

An American in Epernay. By Lloyd

McCune. Portugal. (In The Anglo-


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