Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/176

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A620490 — A820529
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A820489 (con.)

Isaac Klein. 106 p. Enqli*. Hebreu £ romanized Hebre*. ippl. au: Youth Coomissiun, United synagogue of, America. Portions prev. pub. in coamentar y £ others- ^ United Synagogue Youth; 26Dec76; A820489.


Poems from the pen of Ken. 18 p. ippl. au: Kenneth Moodson Brooks (Kenwood) Poem, Hurricane mills prev. reg. 1970. e Kenneth Hoodson Brooks; 1Jun76 (in notice: 1975) ; A820490.


Dermatology: a practitioner's guide. By Bay 0. Sooiin. 269 p. S Medical Examination Publishing Company, Inc. ; 18Jan77: &820491.


Intensive care nursing: continuing education revieu- By Janet A. Hilliamson, Bonnie L. aetzger S Barbara A. Therrien. 125 p. ^ Medical Examination Publishing company. Inc.; 13Jan77: A820it92.


The complete book of button making. By James H. Wallace. 101 p. 6 James H. Wallace; 28Dec76: A820H93.


Standards of neurological and neu- rosurgical nursing practice. 12 p. American Nurses' Association; 5Jan77; A82049H.


You and your money. By Dorothy Y. Goble, illus. by Don Collins. 58 p. NH: revised £ updated, new illus. 6 Steck- ¥aughn Company; 12Jan77; A820U95.


Pennsylvania negligence. 1976 suppl. By Glenn A. Troutman, material added from 1971 onward prepared by Arthur U. Hankin. 3 V. S 1 p. S George I. Bisel Company: 25Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A820<t96.


Ihe Aulacanthidae (Eadiolaria: PhaeodariaJ of the Antarctic seas. Paper 2. By John Francisco Tibbs. 65 p. (Biology of the Antarctic seas, 5) (Antarctic research series, vol. 23) Appl. au: American Geophysical Union. 3 American Geophysical Union; 30Dec76; A820497.


Species of Asellotes (Isopoda: Paraselloidea) from Anvers Island, Antarctica. Paper 1. By George A. Schultz, edited by David L, Pawson. 35 p. (Biology of the Antarctic Seas, 6) (antarctic research series, vol. 26) Appl. au: American Geophysical Union, e American Geophysical Union; 30Dec76; A820lt98.


Boston area yellow pages telephone directory, 1977. 6 New England Telephone and Telegraph Company: I7Jan77; A820499.


South aacomb County, al, address telephone directory, 1977. O Michigan Bell Telephone Company; 10Jan77; A820500.


The Soads they made: women in Illinois history. By Adade Mitchell Rheeler. with co-author of chap. 4 5 5: aarlene Stein Sortaan. 213 p. S Adade aitchell Wheeler; 10Jan77; A820501,

A820502. guide to manuscripts, artifacts, documents, serials, music and illus- trations. By Lowell John Bean 6 Sylvia Brakke Vane. 227 p. O Ballena Press; 10Jan77: A820502.


Truck wheel buyer's guide for use with catalog B-525, January 1977. Form no. BG-527. 7 p. <3 national Wheel and Kim Association; 20Jan77; Aa20503.


NUBA catalog of truck wheels; wheels for comnerciai vehicles, compact trucks, trucxs one-half — two and one-half tons, January 1977. Form no. H-525. 9 p. National liheel and Bim Association; 20Jan77; 1820504.

A8 2050S.

The Income tax audit and you- By Sunday Akinyemi. Folder- O Sunday Akinyemi; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A820505.


Workbook for one-day assertiveness training workshop. By Laura Uanis, Kari Lockwood, Sanny Nutter, June aochizuki 6 Berry Pattison. 15 p. Add- ti: assertiveness training workbook © Western Michigan university; 15Jan77; A820506.


Greek history workbook- Pt. 2. By aae Carden- 137 p- O aae Carden, Inc.; 29Dec76; 1820507.


Computer science fundamentals: an algorithmic approach via structured programming. By Elizabeth 1. Onger fi Nasir ihmed. Sheets, e Elizabeth 1. Unger 6 Nasir Ahmed; 14Jan76: A820508.


Caring for the surgical patient. 19 p. C Boston Hospital for women, division of Affiliated Hospitals Center, Inc.; 17Jan77; A820509.


Growth chart. 2 p. Add. ti: Growth facts. © Boston Hospital for Women, division of the affiliated Hospitals Center, Inc.; 19Jan77; A820510.


Great shape. 61 p. O Learning Dynanics, Inc.; Ii(0crt76; A82 0511.

A8 20512.

aarine power. Catalog no. 77. 67 p- Appi. au: Roger i<ehman. Prev. reg. 1755316. Na: revisions £ additions. a aarine Engine Center; 12Jaa77; A320512.


Information: from the National Trust for Historic Preservation, commercial area revolving funds for preservation. 15 p- Appl. au: Peter a. Brink S The Pre- servation Press, National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States; 29Dec76; 1820513.


What's wrong with Star trek? By Anne Trowbridge- 164 p- Appl. au: Jeffrey David Williams. Portions prev- pub- in I and tnou £ others- d Anne Trowbridge S Jeffrey David Williams; 22Jan77; A820514-


Crosstickers- By Hunt Andrews, pseud, of Frank E. Stevens £ Anne T. Stevens. 1 V. e Hunt Andrews; 17Jan77; A820515-


Little children, can you tell?; green prekindergarten 2 parents/learners packet. written by Carole Greene, art by Aline Cunningham. 3 v. in envelope. Accompanied by sound recording. Appl. au: Concordia publishing House. <9 Concordia publishing House; 16Dec76; A820516.


Little children, can you tell?; green prekindergarten 2 leaders/teachers packet. Written by Carole Greene, edited by Daniel E. Burow. Sheets (4 p.), 63 p. £2 posters. Accompanied by sound recording £ 2 filmstrips. Appl. au: Concordia Publishing House. d Concordia Publishing House; 16Dec76; 1820517.


The "How to" Drucker ; a practicing manager's day-to-day guide. By Peter F. Drucker. 26 p- Iccompanied by sound recording in folder. 6 Peter F. Drucker; 21Jan77; 1820518.


Ihe Social sciences: concepts and values; teacher's notes, red. 2nd ed. Folder. Accompanied by sound recording in box. ^ Har court Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 3Dec76; A820519.


Stenospeed shorthand dictionary- Prepared by the staff of Career Institute, Inc., plates written by Frances Greer. 376 p. Idd. ti: Stenospeed shorthand: 25,000 word dictionary. NB: revisions. a Career Institute, Inc. ; 15Jun76; A820520.


Ihe National Trophy Industry directory of manufacturers and suppliers. 175 p. O Trophy Industry of America, Inc.; 19Jan77; 1820521.


Ag business management account book. Prepared by Lynn E. Schluckebier. 1 v. NM: additions £ revisions. Adele Publishing Company; 10Dec76; A820522.


The Best of sail. Paintings by Jack Spurling, text by Basil Lubbock, edited by F- A. Book, with an introd. by Alan Villiers. 179 p. Appl. au : Grosset and Dunlap, Inc. (abridging) NB: on introd. 6 abridgment; 6 Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.; 150ct75; A820523.


Four extra pay checks; "personal income and expense control." By Philip A. Santasiero. 17 p. 6 Philip A. San- tasiero; 22Jan77; A820524.


The Wheel at the crossroads of time. By Jerry Gibson. 187 p. © Jerry Gibson; 20Dec76; a820525.


Houses of the Revolution in Hanover, Hassachusetts- By Barbara Onderhill Barker, Lucy Josselyn Bonney £ Anne Bonuey Henderson- 151 p. fi insert- © Hanover Historical Society; 19Dec76; 1820526.


The wonderful world of wine; everything you wanted to know about wine, but hesitated to ask I By Philip J. Caine. 139 p. a Philip J. Caine; 20Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A820527.


50 soups from 50 states- By Benjamin Eisner- 57 p, © Benjamin Bisner; 5Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 1820528.


Philadelphia children's authors and

illustrators at a glance. compiled by


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.