Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/177

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A820530 — A820568
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A820529 (con.)

Carolyn Balker CornueXl. 76 p. Prev. pub. Feb. 1976. UU: additions e revisions. 6 Carolyn W. Cornwell; 1«Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A820529.


The Busy bishop's nateboo)c. By Carol Lyuo Pearson. 1 v. 3 Boo)icra£t, Inc. ; 9NOV76: A820530.


Great days and great ttiouqlits; combines daily calendar with inspirational tliouqhts, 1977. 1 V. e Bookcraft, Inc.; 250ct76; 4820531.


Prepare nov to succeed on your oission. Bv Loren C. Dunn. 78 p. o Bookcra£t«  Inc.: 9NOT76: 4820532.


Goals. By Paul H. Dunn £ Bicliard a. Eyre. 1 v. BooJtcraft, Inc.; 8Noy76; 4820533.


Someone special starring Youth. By George 0. Durrant- 119 p. © Boo)icraft, Inc.: 220ct76; 482053U.


No more strangers. Vol. 3. By Hartmau Bector C Connie Bector. 178 p. e Boolccraft, Inc.; 9Nov76; 4820535.


T.O.O.L.'s. By Peggy 4. Bendric)c. 60 p. English 6 Greelc. 6 Pegqy 4. Bendric)^: 24Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4820536.


Assessing creative growth: the tests. Book 1. Edited by Angelo a. Biondi £ Sidney J. Parnes. 122 p. BH: compilation from the Journal of creative behavior, additions S revisions. 6 Creative Synergetic Associates, Ltd.; 29Dec76; A820537.


4ssessing creative growth: measured changes. Book 2. Edited by Angelo H. Biondi 6 Sidney J. Parnes. 261 p. UH: compilation from the Journal of creative behavior, additions 6 revisions. e Creative Synergetic Associates, Ltd.; 29Dec76; 4820538.


Adams apple C.B. handles. By Joyce H. Adams. 1 V. C Joyce Adams; 15Dec76; A820539.


Contemporary management incidents. By Bernard A. Deitzer £ Karl 4. Shilliff. 1914 p. O Grid, Inc.; 20Jan77; 4820510.


Simple car repairs. By Hilliam Scott Cheaves. 46 p. C U. S. Cheaves; 2Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A8205it1.


The Great Mukilteo To Friday Harbor Auto eace. A story book by Setb H. Seablom. 1 V. Seth H. Seablom: 14p£76; 4820542.

4820 543.

Strictly personal: black vignettes. Poems £ prose by Hary Bohanon. 96 p. Hary Bohanon; 3Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4820543.


nutrition and well-being. By Michael Ualczak 6 Beniamin B. Ehrich. 147 p. O Hichael Ualczak; 3Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4820544.


Interior design and decoration; a home study course. »ol. 1-4. Editor: Jan Heyer, assistant editor; oleva Uhite, issued by The Chicago School of Interior Decoration, a division of Career Institute, Inc. 4ppl. au: Career Institute, Inc. 6 Career Institute, Inc.; 15llar73; 4820545.


The Trial of Jesus from a lawyer's standpoint; illustrated edition. By Baiter a. Chandler, ilius. by Uilliam H. HcLaae. 1 v. un: revisions, compilation t additions. e The Harrison Company; 8Dec76; 4820546.


Digestive index of decisions of the Georgia Supreme Court. Vol. 3: N-Z. compiled by the Composition Department of the Harrison Company £ Electronic Data Processing Department of the Harrison Company. p. 4217-6573. Appl. au: The Harrison Company. tJtl: compilation, revisions, updating £ additions. 6 The Harrison Company; 21Dec76; A820547.


Digestive index of decisions of the Georgia Supreme Court. Vol. 2: E-H. Compiled by the Composition Department of the Harrison Company £ Electronic Data Processing Department of the Harrison Company. p. 2119-4215. Appl. au: The Harrison company. NH: compilation, revisions, updating fi additions. O The Harrison Company; 2 1Dec76; 4820548.


Florida practice and procedure. By Henry ?. Trawick, Jr. 1976 ed. 682 p. e The Harrison Company; 14Dec76; A820549.


Digestive index of decisions of the Georgia Supreme Court. Vol. 1: A-D. Compiled by the Composition Department of the Harrison company £ Electronic Data Processing Department of the Harrison Company. 2117 p. Appl. au: The Harrison Company. tin: compilation, revisions, updating £ additions. The Harrison Company; 21Dec76; Aa20550.


Journal of a young lady of Virginia. By Lucinda Lee. 1 v. Appl. au: Hrs. Uilliam Hunter DeButts. KK: illus. 6 Sobert E. Lee Memorial Association, Inc.; 140ct76; 4820551.


Historic Hampshire: a symposium of Hampshire County and its people, past and present. Edited by Selden H. Brannon. 516 p. S Hampshire County 4merican Bevolution Bicentennial, Inc.; 174ug76: 48205S2.


The Cobbs of the Tidewater. By Bruce Montgomery Edwards. 629 p. Montgomery Publishing Company; 16Aug76; Ae20553.


nurse at Sea Lair. By Isabel Cabot, pseud, of Isabel Capeto. 186 p. 6 Isabel Cabot, pseud, of Isabel Capeto; 200ct75; A820554.


Istoriia Gusskoi Bevoliutsii. By Leon Trotsk y, author of appendix: The Anchor Foundation, Inc. Facsimile ed., 1976. 480 p. Add. ti: History of the Russian Bevolution. Sussian. d The Anchor Foundation, Inc.; 15Jun76 (in notice: 1975); A820555.


Cocaine: its history, uses and effects. By Bichard Ashley. 232 p. a Bichard 4shley; 14Mar75; 4820556.


Management accounting fundamentals. By Frederick Staples. 1 v. HH: additional text. 6 Frederick Staples d. b. a. The Counting House Publishing Company; 41lav76; 4820557.


Velimir Khlebnikov — Snake train: poetry and prose. Edited by Gary Kern, introd. by Edward J. Brown, translated by Gary Kern, Aichard Sheldon, Edward J. Brown, Neil cornwell £ Lily Feiier. 338 p. English, romanized Bussian £ fiussian. Portions prev. pub. in Zoo or letters not about love 6 others. NH: compilation of material prev. unpub. in English translation 6 chronology. Ardis; 22Sep76; A820558.


Why drinking can be good for you. By Morris E. Chafetz. 191 p. Portions prev. pub. 1976 in Johns Hopkins magazine as Carry Nation had a drinking problem. O Morris E. Chafetz; 19Nov76; A820559.


Computers in the Navy. Edited by Jan Prokop. 243 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed on any material secured from official U.S. Govt, sources £ done within scope of Government employment. C Naval Institute Press; 280ct76; 4820560.

4820 561.

Military law. By Edward H. Byrne. 2nd ed. 745 p. 4ppl. states copyright not claimed on any material secured from official 0. S. Govt, sources. 8 United States Naval Institute; 180ct76; A820561.


Maria Montessori, Anais Nin, Frances Sterloff: Stars in my sky. By Valerie Harms. 124 p. e Valerie Harms; 1Nov76: A820562.


Cell motility. Book A, EEC. Edited by Bobert D. Goldman, Thomas D. Pollard £ Joel L. Bosenbaum. 3 v. e Cold Spring Harjor Laboratory; 180ct76; A820563.


Sweet salt. By Felix E. Goodson. 295 p 6 Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. ; 1IU176; 4820564.


Hothers of achievement in 4merican history, 1776-1976. Compiled by The 4merican Hothers Committee, Inc. 636 p. Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc.; lJun76; A820565.


Ask Alice Scott about small animal pets. 128 p. Alice Scott; 17Nov76; 4820566.


Uorld Uar 2 aircraft in combat. By Glenn B. Bavousett, edited by Stanley M. Olahoff. 144 p. NH: text. O Glenn Illustrators; 19Jul76; A820567.


Funk and Nagnalls Standard dictionary of the English language; international ed. with special supplementary features, revised. Vol. 1 £ 2. Appl. au: Albert 8. Harckwardt £ Sidney I. Landau. NH: editorial revision. J. G. Ferguson

Publishing Company; 26JU176; A820S68.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.