Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/183

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A820731 — A820808
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Federal income taxation* principles and policies; suppl. on the Taz reform act of 1976. By Emin N. GrisBold 6 Micnael J. Graetz. 70 p. e The Foundation Press, Inc.; 3Jan77: i820771.


Civil code of Louisiana (1961 edition! Bevisions, aaendaeDts & repeals, 1961-1976. 1976 pocket part, replacinq 19711 pocket part in 1961 voluae. Edited by Joseph Oainoii. 84 p. west Publishing Coapany; 5Jaa77; i820772.

i8 20773.

Best's Hichiqan digest. Dec. 1976, directly supplenenting 1976 pocket parts. 240 p. Vest Publishioq Company: 7Jan77; A820773.


1977 suppleient to Hart and Uechsler 's The Federal courts and the Federal systea, second edition. By Paul H . Bator, Paul J. nishkin, David L. Shapiro £ Herbert Bechsler. 281 p. Add. ti: The Federal courts and the Federal system, 1977 supplement. C The Foundation Press, Inc.; 5Jan77; 4820774.


Purdon's Pennsylvania legislative service. No. 6, 1976. p. 565-848. Appl. au: Uest Publishing Company, employer for hire. G Uest Publishing Company £ George T. Bisel Company; 7Jan77; 4820775,


1976 supplement to Illinois revised statutes, 1975; state bar association ed. 713 p. e Best Publishing Company: 6Jan77 lin notice: 1976); 4320776.


January 1977 supplement to fourth editions uodern criminal procedure: cases, comments, questions and Basic criminal procedure: cases, comments, questions. By rale Kamisar, Bayne 8. LaFave £ Jerold H. Israel. 312 p. Add. ti: Criminal procedure, fourth edition, 1977 sup- plement. © Best Publishing Company: 3Jan77: A820777.


Manual for teachers to accompany cases and materials on The Law of sales and sales financing, fourth edition. By John d. 188 p. Add. ti: Hancial for rs — Honnold — cases on sales and financing. NH: compilation, text, ts, vith revisions £ additions. Foundation Press, Inc.; 5Jan77: Hon no teach sales comme The 4820778.


Modern Federal practice digest and Best's Federal practice digest, second. Jan. 1977, cases reported to Oct. II, 1976, supplementing 1976 pocket parts. 985 p. O Best Publishing Company: 6Jan77; A820779.


Uicniqan court rules annotated: forms. 1977 pocket part. By Jason L. Honigman £ James 4. Oartin. 274 p. Best Publishing Company; 29Dec76; A820780.


Colorado digest; consolidated ed. Vol. 1-15, 1977 cumulative annual pocket parts. 15 V. in 25. Best Publishing Company; «Jan77: 4820781.


Hichigan court rules annotated, second edition. Vol. 1-6, 1976 pocket parts. By Jason L. Honigman £ James 4. Martin. 6 Best Publishing company: 29Dec76; 4820782.


Jrizona digest. Vol. 1-8, 1977 cumulative annual pocket parts. 8 v. in 17. Best Publishing Company: 4Jan77: Ae20783.


Onited States Code annotated. Dec. 1976, pamphlet no. 4, pt. 1-3. 3 v. 4dd. ti: u S c 4. Best Publishing Company; 27Dec76; 4820784.


Modern bank accounting and auditing forms. 1977 cumulative suppl. By George J. Scully £ Ilaxuell 4. H. Bakely, Kith the assistance of the editorial staff of The Banking law journal £ The Bankers magazine. Sheets. Q Barren, Gorham and Lamont, Inc.; 6Jan77; A820785.


Federal income taxation of banks and financial institutions; a summary of the Tax reform act of 1976. 1977 cumulative suppl., no. 1. By David Sachs. Sheets. O Barren, Gorhaa and Lamont, Inc.; 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A820786.


The Law of bank deposits, collections, and credit cards. 1976 cumulative suppl. By Barkley Clark. 220 p. Barren, Gorham and Laaont, Inc.; 17Dec76: A820787.


Bittkec and Eustice's Federal incoae taxation of corporations and shareholders, third edition. 1976 cumulative suppl., no. 2. By Jaaes s. Eustice. 1 v. O Barren, Gorhaa and Lamont, Inc.; 310ct76; 4820788.


Hertens Law of federal income taxation. Current tax highlights, vol. 18, no. 13, Sept. 9, 1976, by James J. Doheny: requlations release no. 27 S rulinqs volume, release no. 44, Sept. 9, 1976. 4 p. & sheets. 6 Callaghan and Company; 17Sep76; 4820789.


Hew lork rent control, with ail amendments through and includinq 4uqust 1, 1976. Cumulative suppl., issued Dec. 1976. Prepared by Joseph fiasch. 204 p. The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing company; 23Dec76; 4820790.

482079 1.

41abaaa Pattern Jury instructions- -civil. Cumulative suppl., issued Dec. 1976. Prepared by the Committee on Pattern Jury Instructions — Civil. 155 p. O Alabama Pattern Jury Instructions Committee; 21Dec76: A820791.


4merican -jurisprudence proof of facts supplemental quick index, covering P0P2d, volumes 1-11. 83 p. d on additions £ revisions: The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company £ Bancrof t-Bhitney Company: 9Dec76; 4820792.


New lork landlord and tenant, including summary proceedings. Vol. 1-3. Cumulative suppl., issued Dec. 1976. By Joseph Rasch. 2nd ed. The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company: 27Dec76: 4820793.

482079 4.

Advance legislative service for the Annotated laws of Massachusetts, 1976. Pamphlet no. 8: acts 1975, chap. 366-553. By the editorial staff of The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company. 394 p. Add. ti: 4LM advance leqislative service The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company: 31Dec76: 4820794.


4n Introduction to criminal justice. By Charles D. Edelstein E Robert J. Bicks, case studies prepared by James Edward Keoqh. 296 p. O HcGraw-Bill, Inc.; 7Jan77; A820795.


A Complete insurance package especially for apartment buildings. Folder £ insert (2 p.) NM: editorial revision £ additions. Onico American Corporation; 234uq76: A820796.


A Complete insurance package especially for apartment buildings. Polder £ insert (2 p.) Onico American Corporation; 14May76; 4820797.


4 Complete insurance program packaged especially for florists and plant shops. Folder £ 1 p, NM: editorial revisions. Unico 4merican Corporation; 19Feb76: 4820798.


A Complete insurance program packaged especially for florists and plant shops. Folder E insert (2 p,) O Onico 4merican Corporation: 2Jul75; 4820799,


4 Complete insurance proqram packaged especially for liquor dealers and junior markets. Folder E sheets (3 p. J nm editorial revision £ rearranqement. O Unico 4merican Corporation: 16Jul76: 4820800.


A Complete insurance packaqe especially for liquor dealers and junior markets. Polder £ sheets (2 p.) NM: editorial revision £ rearranqement. Unico American Corporation: 12Mar76; 482080 1.


4 Complete insurance program packaged especially for liquor dealers and junior markets. Folder 6 sheets (2 p. ) Unico 4merican Corporation; 194ug75; 4820802.


A Complete insurance program packaged especially for hardwar3 stores. Folder £ insert. O Onico 4Derican Corporation; 19Aug75; 4820S03.


4 Complete insurance package especially for service stations. Folder £ insert (1 p,i 6 Unico 4merican Corporation: 12Mar76: 4820804,

482080 5.

A complete insurance package especially for service stations. Folder £ sheets (2 p.) Nil: editorial revisions. Unico American corporation; 6Jul76; 4820805.


4 Complete insurance program packaged especially for dry cleaners and laundries. Folder. G Unico American Corporation; 2May75; A820806.


Dry cleaners and laundries. Folder G 2 p. NM: editorial revision, & new £ rearranged text £ pictorial matter. O Unico 4merican Corporation: 5Nov75; 4820807.


& Complete insurance proqram packaged especially for dry cleaners and laundries. Folder. NM : editorial revision, 6 new £

rearranged text £ pictorial matter.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.