Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/184

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A820009 — A825802
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A820808 (con.)

Q Unico American Corporation; 2Jul75; A820808.


Dry cleaners and laundries. Folder 6 insert (2 p.) NH : editorial revisions. e Unico American corporation; 23Auq76; A820809.


Dry cleaners and laundries. Folder £ insert (2 p.) NH: editorial revision & rearranqed text. © Unico American Corporation: 19Feb76: A820810.


A Complete insurance proqram packaged especially for auto supply stores. Folder & 1 p. © Unico American Corporation; 19Auq75: A820811.


Child day care program guides. 222 p. Revision of Child day care guidelines- NB: revision £ additions. e Haryland State Department of Health and Hental Hygiene; 4Bov76; A820812.


Selected readings for peer counselors. Edited by Joseph J. Ilarchi. 189 p. NM: compilation, pref. fi introductions. 9 Joseph J. Ilarchi: nNov76; A820813.


Psychology review for G8E advanced psychology test. By Leslie H. Halpert. 188 p. e Academic Review; 160ct76; A8208H4.


Two-way radio's dealer handbook. Editor: Paul Haxwell £ other editors, art director; Steven Riley, assistant art director: Liz Petrus- 1 v. Add. ti: Two-way radio dealer handbook. Appl. au: litsch publishing. Inc. S Titsch Publishing, Inc.; 91lov76: A820815.


Skilled nursing facilities lower of cost or charges appeals and other reimbursement topics. Introd. £ definition: Jim Zanavich, examples: Tom Keener, manus- cripts; Jim Price, Tom Keener, Gary Zara E Jerry Ehoads. 74 p. Sppl. au: Clifton, Gunderson and Company. S Clifton, Gunderson and Company; 111ov76; A820816.


cars of Pacific Electric. Vol. 2: interurban £ deluxe cars. Interurbans special 36- Editor: Jim Walker, original staff editor: Ira L. Swett £ associate editor: Raymond E. younghans. p. 225-448. HM: foreword £ additions, e Interurbans Publications; 150ct76; A820817.


Victim rescue. 276 p. © Trade and Industrial Education, Instructional Materials Laboratory; 7Dec76j A820818.


Hal Leonard artist series presents Bill Thompson: all organ ed. Vol. 1. 32 p. NM: playing tips. © Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation: aDec76; A820ei9.


E-Z Play music favorite Latin songs. 48 p. Add. tl: Canciones favoritas. English £ Spanish. NU: compilation. © Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation; 21Dec76; A820820.


E-Z Play music Spanish melodies. 48 p. Add. ti: Helodias espanolas. English £ Spanish. BB: compilation. © Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation; 20Dec76; A820821.


Kimball creates instant entertainment. Book 3. 40 p. Add. ti: Kimball creates an audio-visual contemporary learning adventure for popular organ: instant entertainment. NM: text, instructional material fi illus. © Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation; 13Dec76; A820822.


Kawai owner's manual, model E90/E90G. 16 p. Add. ti: Kawai electronic organ: owner's manual, model E90/E90G. NB: text £ instructional material. © Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation; 23Dec76: A820823.


Kawai owner's manual, model £235. 16 p. Add. ti: Kawai electronic organ: owner's manual, model E235. NH: text, inst- ructional material £ registrations. © Hal Leonard Publishing corporation; 23Dec76; A820324.


Viola. Level 2. By Thomas J. Disniewski 6 John H. Higqins. 44 p. (Learning Unlimited string program: an orchestral and individualized beginning method) Accompanied by sound recording. NB: text, instructional material, instrumental exercises, illus. £ new arrangements. © Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation; 13Dec76; A820825.


Bomen! Unit 4. Project editor £ program guides: Barion Wilson. 36 p. £ 2 filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recording in box. Appl. au: Prentice-Hall Hedia, Inc. © Prentice-Hall Hedia, Inc. ; 2Feb77; A820826.


Women! Unit 3. Project editor E program guides: Harion Wilson. 35 p. £ 2 filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recording in box. Appl. au: Prentice-Hall Media, Inc. © Prentice-Hall Hedia, Inc. ; 2Feb77; A820827.


Signs and symbols. created by Alphaventure for Xerox Education Publications, teacher's guides by Patricia Moran Dunselman, Tish Gainey E Clare O'Brien, artist (filmstrips £ posters): Ramon Glas. Kit. (Amiguitos, kit 3) Accompanied by sound recording in box; English E Spanish. © Xerox Corporation; 1Jun76; A820828.


Home and family. Created by Alpha- venture for Xerox Education Publications, teacher's guides by Patricia Moran Dunselman, Tish Gainey £ Clare O'Brien, artist (f ilmstrip £ posters) : Ramon Glas. Kit. (Amiguitos, kit 4) Accompanied by sound recording in box; English £ Spanish. © Xerox corporation; 1Jun76; 4820829.


Community helpers. Created by Alphaventure for Xerox Education Publications, teacher's guides by Patricia Boran Dunselman, Tish Gainey £ Clare O'Brien, artist (f ilmstrip 5 posters): Ramon Glas. Kit. (Amiguitos, kit 5) Accompanied by sound recording in box; English £ Spanish. © Xerox Corporation; 1Jun76: A820830.


Interactions of drugs of abuse. Edited by Elliott S. Vesell £ Honigue C. Braude. 489 p. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 281) Proceedings of the First Conference on Interactions of Drugs of Abuse, held in New lork. Mar. 9-11, 1976. Ippl. au: The Hew York Academy of


Avalanche atlas: San Juan County, January 1976. By Leonard Miller, Betsy fi. Armstrong E Richard L. Armstrong, prepared for San Juan County Commissioners £ in cooperation with the San Juan County Land Use Planner. 231 p. (University of Colorado Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research occasional paper 17) © The Regents of the University of Colorado; 12May76; A820832.


Archie Solomon and Associates, Inc. catalog, 1976/77. 798 p. Appl. au: Archie Solomon. © Archie Solomon and Associates, Inc.; 9Dec76: A820633.


Acu-roll. By Cook Printing. 1 v. Appl. au: Burt G. Cook, Jr. © Burt G. Cook t. a. Cook Printing; 7Sep76: A820834.


Feeling good. Kit. Appl. au: Gloria Blum £ Barry Blum. © Gloria J. Blum; 21NOV76; A820835.


What am I? Folder. Appl. au : Gary Edward Williams. © Gary Edward Williams d.b.a. PoleLock; 250ct76; A820836.


American National Standard supplement to Safety code for elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators and moving walks, A17.1 — 1971. ANSI A17.1g, 1976. Secretariat: Kational Bureau of Standards, The American Institute of Architects E The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 4 p. © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; ,19Nov76; A820837.


ASME text booklet SI units in ther- modynamics. ASHE SI — 4. 53 p. © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 17NOV76; A820838.


ASBE-MPC Symposium on Creep-Fatigue Interaction, 1976. BPC-3. Edited by R. M. Curran. 432 p. Presented at the winter annual meeting of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, Dec. 5-10, 1976- Appl. au: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 2Dec76; A820839.


Ocean Resources Utilization. OED — vol. 3. Edited by Neil T. Monney. 153 p. Presented at the winter annual meeting of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, Dec. 5-10, 1976. Appl. au: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 16Dec76; A820840.


Numerical/Laboratory computer Methods in Fluid Mechanics, Edited by A. A. Pouring £ V. L. Shah. 389 p. Presented at the winter annual meeting of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, Dec. 5-10, 1976. Appl. au: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 22NOV76; A820841.


Code cases, 1974. Suppl. no. 19. Sheets. © The American Society of

Mechanical Engineers; 8Dec76; A820842.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.