Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/187

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A820922 — A820966
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A820921 (con.)

pub. ludei: the title Fciedcichs Bai- lettlexikOD vod a-z. O od English ed. & all new oatecial; Oxford University Press; 13Jan77; A820921.


neural regulation of the heart. Edited br Halter C. Sandall. HHO p. e Oxford Universitr Press, Inc.; 13Jan77; A820922.


Binary fluorides: free molecular structures and force fields, a bibliog- raphy (1957-1975) Compiled by Donald T. BawXins, Laurence s. Bernstein. Uarren £. Falconer £ Hilliam Klemperer. 238 p. IFI/Plenua Data Coapany, a division of PlenuB Publishing Coapany (i.e. Cor- poration) : 70ct76: A820923.


Engineering theraodynaaics. By Bichard £. Balzhiser & Hichael B. Samuels. 612 p. O Prentice-Ball, Inc.; 3Jan77; A820921.


City governaents and urban probleas: a new introduction to urban politics. By Deaetrios Caraley. 448 p. Add. ti: City government and urban probleas: a new introduction to urban politics, e Prentice-Hail, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4820925.


The Exceptional individual. By Charles Uitt Telford C Jaaes H. Saurey. 3rd ed. 535 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4820926.


Accidents and disasters: causes and counteraeasures. By 41ton L. Thygerson. til p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4820927.


Auditory perception of speech: an introduction to principles and probleas. By Derek 4. Sanders. 216 p. Soae aaterial reprinted from Language by ear and by eye & Hodels for the perception of speech and visual form. C Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A820928.


Coaaunity-based corrections. By Vernon Brittain Fox. 320 p. O Prentice-Ball, Inc.; 3Jan77; A820929.


The Beauty of sport; a cross-discip- linary inquiry. By Benjaain Love. 327 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A820930.


Food and beverage cost control. By Michael H. Coltman. 228 p. C Prentice- Ball, Inc.; 3Jan77; A820931.


The Science of engineering aaterials. By Charles 0. Saith. 2nd ed. 191 p. e Prentice-Bali, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4820932.


Administrator's guide to new programs for faculty aanageaent and evaluation. By Bita Stafford Dunn C Kenneth J. Dunn. 291 p. O Parker Publishing Company, Inc. ; 3Jan77; A820933.


Guidances a behavioral approach. By Bichard Hill Byrne. 386 p. Prentice- Bail, Inc.; 3Jan77; A820931.


Strategies for teaching young children. By Judith A. Schickedanz, aary E. York, Ida Santos Stewart 6 Doris white. 306 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A820935.


Handbook of electronic safety pro- cedures. By Edward A. Lacy. 269 p. e Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A82093b.

48 209 37.

Dairy cattle judging techniques. By George U. Triaberger. 2nd ed. 338 p. C P-entice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4820937.


Intermediate quantum theory of crystalline solids. By 41exander 0. E. 4niaaiu. 516 p. C Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4820938.


Professional selling. By B. Bobert Anderson. 356 p. O B. Bobert Anderson; 3Jan77; 4820939.

48 20910.

Seaiconductor electronics design. By Frad K. Hanasse. 562 p. Prev. pub. 1967 as flodern transistor electronics analysis and design. NH: additional & revised text. © Prentice- Hail, Inc.; 3Jan77: 4820910.


Design, planning and developaent aethodology. By Benjaain Ostrofsky. 10 1 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 48.^091 1.


Handbook of basic electronic troub- leshooting. By John D. Lenk. 239 p. C Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4820912.

48 20913.

Physical education and sport philosophy. By Earle P. Zeigler. 260 p. C Prentice- Hall, Inc. ; 3Jan77; 4820913.


Tennis without lessons. By Jim Brown. 159 p. O Prentice-Hail, Inc.; 3Jan77;



Proaotion; advertising, publicity, personal selling, sales promotion. By Bichard E. Stanley. 391 p. e Prentice- Hail, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4820915.


How to use astral power: key to a airaculous new life. By Begijiald OeKoven HacNitt. 215 p. 6 Parker Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4820916.


4ssessaeut of persons. By Boraan D. Sundberg. 353 p. Prentice-Ball, Inc. ; 3Jan77; 4820917.


The Aaerican legislative process: Congress and the States. By Hilliaa J. Keefe £ Borris S. Ogul. 1th ed. 197 p. O Prentice-Hail, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4820918.


Steel design for structural enginaers. By Bogdan 0. Kuzaanovic £ Nicholas Billeas. 509 p. O Prentice-Bali, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4820919.


Marketing channels. 3y Louis a. Stern £ 4del I. Ei-4usary. 590 p. C Prentice- Hall, Inc. ; 3Jan77; 4820950.


Calculus and its applications. By Larry Joel Goldstein. David C. Lay £ David I. Schneider. 530 p. e Prentice-Hail, Inc.; 3Jan77; A820951.


International politics: a fraaework for analysis. By Kalevi J. Holsti. 3rd ed.


Pour parler: manuei de conversation francaiss. By Aune-Marie Despres Bryan, articles by Jean Duche. 2nd ed. 252 p. O Prentice- Hail. Inc.; 3Jan77; A820953.


heal estate principles and practices. By Alfred A. Binq 6 Jerome J. Dasso. 8th ed. 715 p. Prentice-Uall, Inc.; 3Jan77: 4820951.


Introduction to oceanography. By David A. Boss. 2nd ed. 138 p. 6 David A. Boss: 3Jan77; Ae20955.


Idea and action in Aaerican history. By Marion Brady £ Boward Brady. 536 p. e Prentice- Hail, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4820956.


Skystone and silver: the collector's book of southwest Indian jewelry- By Carl Bosnek £ Joseph Stacey. 166 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 9Nov76; 4820957.


Personal destinies; a philosophy of ethical Individ uaiisa. By David L. Norton. 398 p. Appl. states all new except aaterial listed on p. xiii. © Princeton University Press; 23Dec76; 4820958.

A82 0959.

Orban village: population, coaaunity, and faaily structure in Geraantown, Pennsylvania, 1683-1800. By Stephanie Grauman Uolf. 361 p. e Princeton University Press; 29Dec76; A820959.


"The Survivor" and other poems. By Tadeusz Bozewicz, translated £ introduced by Magnus J. Krynski £ Bobert A. Maguire. 160 p. NH: translation £ additions. O Princeton University Press; 21Dec76; A820960.


The Model ombudsman: institutionalizing New Zealand's democratic experiment. By Larry B. Hill. Ill p. Appl. states all new material but sections from chap. 3 £ 9 prev. pub. in paraphrased form, portion of chap. 7 prev. pub. O Princeton University Press; 17Dec76; A820961.


Les Contemplations of Victor Huqo: an aileqory of the creative process. By Suzanne Nash. 229 p. O Princeton University Press; 23Dec76; A820962.


Optimization: a theory of necessary conditions. By Lucien H. Neustadt. 121 p. Appl. au: H. Thomas Banks. e Princeton University Press; 11Dec76; A820963.


Bed star on the Nile: the Soviet- Egyptian influence relationship since the June Har. By Alvin Z. Bubinstein. 383 p. O Princeton University Press; 11Jan77; A820961.


Ihe Sculpture of Edgar Oeqas. By Charles V. Miilard. 1 v. Appl. states all new aaterial with the exception of chap. 8 which has been prev. pub. Princeton University Press; 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A820965.


Public Utilities reports (fourth series)


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.