Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/188

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A820967 — A821009
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A820966 (con.)

13 PUaath, 1976. Vol. 13. Editor- in-cliie£; Neil H. Duffy. 58« p. S Public Utilities Eeports, Inc. ; 1Nov7«: A820966.


Rand UcNally international bankeirs directory; the Bankers Blue Book. Final 1976 ed. 1 V. 6 Baud HcNally and Company; 26Nov76; 4820967.


Basic human physiology: normal function and mechanisms of disease. By Arthur C. Guyton. 2nd ed. 931 p. 6 H. B. Saunders Company; 18Jan77; AB20968.


Hockey for beqinners. By Kevin Ualsh. 129 p. e Kevin Halsh; 15Dec76; 4820969.


Psvchocalisthenics. By Oscar Icha^o^ photos, by Peter Schlessinger. 107 p. Appl. au: The 4rica Institute. 6 The 4rica Institute. Inc. ; 15Dec76; 4820970.


The Journal of the 4ncient Hear Eastern Society of Columbia University. Vol. 6: 197^4. Editor: Eduard L. Greenstein £ other editors. 138 p. 4dd. ti: JANES, volume 6. 1974. 4ppi. au: Journal of the 4ncient Near Eastern Society. 6 4NE Society a.a.d.o. Ancient Near Eastern Society; 31Jan75; 4820971.


Introductory microbiology; laboratory manual. By Thomas J. Kerr. 138 p. e Thomas J. Kerr; 3Jan77; 4820972.


Biological science; laboratory manual. Pt. 2. By Hary U. Connell. 15il p. a Mary 0- Connell; 10Jan77; A820973.


Biology in the modern uctld; laboratory manual. By Tommy £. Hynn. 204 p. e Tommy E. Hynn; 10Jan77; A820974.


Truckers Supply, Inc. serving the industry nationiiide. 24 p. @ Truckers Supply, Inc.; 12Jul76; A820975.


Instruction manual, voltage regulator, model numbers: KE2f, KE4F, KE7F. Ka2FF, KE4FF, KK7FF. Publication no. 9 1160 00 99X, Dec. 13, 1976. 16 p. 9 Basler Electric Company; 20Jan77; 4820976.


Biography: the study of biographical literature, a curriculum guide in English for secondary schools; phased elective program. 23 p. Sil: additional & rev. material. @ Board of Education of the city of Chicago; 24Nov76 (in notice: 1974); 4820977.


Communication and mass mediat proposed curriculum guide, an elective for high school English; Horking draft, 21 p. 3 Board of Education of the city of Chicago; 8Nov76; A820978.


4 Proposal to develop a super clock for the J/B Enterprise- By Jim Bray, 1 v, 4dd. ti: Proposal to develop a super clock "superstar." 6 Jim Bray; 230ct7b; 4820979.


55 miles per hour: panacea or escape from reality, cure-all or cop-out? Folder, Appl. au: Benjamin C. Bogue. e Beniamiu C. Bogue; 14Dec76; A820980.


Technical information 82-1340 chocolate agar (with VX) plate. 2 p. S Granite Diagnostics, Inc.; 9Dec76; 4820981.


Learn to sew with Arlene presents: Sew easy with stretch knits; a special course in stretch knits- By 4rlene M. Borg (Learn to Sew Kith Arlene.) 28 p. NU: additions. 8 4rlene H. Borg (in notice: Arlene Borg d.b-a. Learn to Sew With Arlene) ; 17Jan77; 4820982.


Hetric geoboard activities- 7 v- Appl, au: Jane Diana Benjamin Kaasa. Q Jane Diana Benjamin Kaasa; 7Jan77; 4820983-


Weight control center: manual to weight control. By Susan Surcency. 1 v. 9 Susan Surrency ; 20Jan77; A820984-


Taxes and a new budget; student workbook- Folder (3 p.) (Practical family life) e Channing L. Bete Company, Inc.; 19NOV76 (in notice: 1977); A820985-


Dissolutiou of marriage; student workbook- Folder (3 p-) (Practical family life) 3 Channing L, Bete Company, Inc- ; 19NOV76 (in notice: 1977); 4820986.


Three is a family; student workbook. 7 p- (Practical family life) 6 Channing L- Bete Company, Inc.; 22Nov76 (in notice: 1977) ; A820987.


Disaster! student workbook- 7 p- (Practical family life) 8 Channing L- Bete Company, Inc-; 23Nov76 (in notice: 1977) ; 4820988-


Preparing for marriage; student workbook- 7 p- (Practical family life) e Channing L, Bete Company, Inc.; 23Nov76 (in notice: 1977) ; 4820989,


Insurance; student workbook. 7 p. (Practical family life) O Channing L. Bete Company, Inc.; 30Mov76 (in notice: 1977) ; 4820990.


First year of marriage; student workbook. 7 p. (Practical family life) 8 Channing L. Bete Company, Inc.; lDec76 (in notice: 1977); 4820991.


5th year of marriage; student workbook. 11 p. (Practical family life) 6 Channing L. Bete Company, Inc.; 14Dec76 (in notice: 1977); 4820992-


4bout the new rite of penance: the sacrament of reconciliation. Folder. Q Channing L. Bete Company, Inc.; 30Dec76; 4820993-


Siender now suggested weight loss program. Folder, NH: general revision, e Seyforth Laboratories, Inc.; 1Jan77 (in notice: 1975, 1976); 4820994,


Financial liberation: a seminar on "how to" successfully handle your income. By James T. Brockway, Jr. lip. @ James T, Brockway, Jr, ; 25Apr76; 4820995,


Color, cut and fold art book- By Edward John Horawski- 1 v. S Edward John Borawski; 24Jan77; 4820996.


Making or assembling products in your home. By Barry J. Lucas. 6 p. (New venture report, no. 21) e Harry J. Lucas; 11Jan77; A820997.


Down to Business. Vol. 4, no. 1, Jan. 1977. Folder- 6 Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc-; 28Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; 4820998-


No room for error: it's true of this difficult job as well as the task of settling your estate- Folder. (New Directions in financial planning, January 1977) e Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 28Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; 4820999.


Set more from your investments with a helping hand from professionals like us, 7 p, (Estate and Tax Topics, January 1977) e Kennedy Sinclaire. Inc. ; 28Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; A821OO0.


Modern executive on the move? your financial plan must be valid--no matter where you hang your hat. Folder (5 p.) (Tax Talks, January 1977) 8 Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc. ; 28Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; A821001.


Tax Trends, January 1977. 7 p. e Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 28Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; A821002.


A Tax-sheltered retirement plan can mean big benefits for your employees at low cost to your company- 7 p. (The Pension and Profit-Sharing Eeporter, January 1977) e Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc. ; 28Dec76 (in notice: 1977); A821003.


Does your will reflect the changes wrought by the new estate tax laws? If not, your family could pay a heavy price. Folder, (Money Matters, January 1977) e Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc, ; 28Dec76 (in notice: 1977); A821004.


Recent Decisions, January 1977; affecting wills, trusts 6 taxation, with estate planning comment, 7 p- 3 Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc. ; 28Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; 4821005.


Helping you save money and protect your family is one way of saying "thank you" for your support. Folder. © Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29Nov76; 4821006.


What you and your clients should know about the unified estate and gift taxes. Folder. (The Estate Analyst, January 1977) 6 Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc. ; 28Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; A821007.


Modified Thayer Martin medium for isolation of pathogenic Neisseria; 82-3100 technical information. Folder, @ Granite Diagnostics, Inc.; 8Nov76; A821008.


Nautech NC-2 data flow procedure and helpful hints for most efficient use. 1 p. NM: revisions 6 additions. 8 Nautech

Maritime corporation; 31Dec76; 4821009.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.