Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/189

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A821010 — A821052
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Field application of a diamond bit pectoraaace analysis model; an ASflE publication. By David S. Bonley, Hare £. Skeea I Bruce a. Walker £ Bichard fi. Biedel. lip. 6 Christeosen* Inc.; 20Sep76: 4821010.


Our Horld of science; liquid duplicating asters. Grades 2-6, no. S-9. By Fred Justus. 24 p. ippl. au: ESP, Inc. e ESP, Inc.; 20Dec76; 4821011.


Hasterinq multiple meaoinqs, B2; D and U suppottive reading slcills. By Bichard A. Bouinq. 1 V. e Dexter and Bestbrook, Ltd.; 2«Jan77; A821012.


Hasterinq multiple aeaninqs, B7; D and u supportive readinq skills. By Bichard A. Boninq. 1 V. Deiter and Hestbrook. Ltd.; 2«Jan77: A82iai3.


Hasterinq multiple meaninqs, B8 ; D and H supportive readinq skills. By Bichard A. Boning. 1 v. @ Dexter and Hestbr/iok, Ltd.; 2«Jan77: A8210111.


Hasterinq multiple meaniaqs, 85; D and W supportive readinq skills. By Bichard A. Boninq. 1 v. C Dexter and Hestbrook, Ltd.; 2l4Jan77; SS21015.


Hasterinq multiple leaninqs, BU ; D and «  supportive readinq skills. By Richard A. Boninq. IV. 6 Dexter and Hestbrook, Ltd.; 2*lan77: Ae21016.


Hasterinq multiple meaninqs, B6; D and U supportive readinq skills. By Richard A- Boninq. 1 V. Dexter and 'estbrook, Ltd.; 2i4Jan77; A821017.


Hasterinq multiple meaninqs, 81; C and H supportive readinq skills. By Richard A. Boninq. 1 v. e Dexter and Hestbrook, Ltd.; 2ltJan77; A821018.


Hasterinq multiple meaninqs, 83; and H supportive readinq skills. By Bichard A. Boninq. 1 V. e Dexter and Hestbrook, Ltd.; 2'4Jan77; A821019.


Suzuki service repair handbook: 50-120 cc sinqles, 1964-1976. By David Sales, editor: Jeff Bobinson. 146 p- Appl. au: Clymer Publications a.a. d. o. Andleer, Inc. H.1: revisions. O Clymer Publications a.a.d.o. Andleer, Inc.; 20Jan77; A821020.


Farm years. By Hilliam Airth Kindree. 1 V. Hilliam Airth Kindree t Bary Anne Kindree; 30Dec76: A821021.


truck tractors and lowbed trailers: Federal OSUA requirements. Dec. 1976 revision. 24 p. Add. ti: OSHA requi- rements quide. Equipment Guide-Book Company; 15Dec76; Aa21022.


Trucks and haul units (of f-hiqh«ay) : Federal OSHA requirements. Sov. 1975 revision. 28 p. Add. ti: OSHA requi- rements quide. C Equipment Guide-Book company; 15Nov76; A821023.


What is stewardship? Polder. Appl. au: Francis A. Novak. e national Catholic


Table of conversions. By Kenneth A. Hoore. 15 p. O Kenneth 4. Hoore (in notice: Ken Hoore) ; 5Jan77; A82102S.


National farm tractor and implement blue book valuation quide. Vol. 38, no. 1. 1977 ed. 1 V. O National Harket Beports, Inc.; 5Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A821026.


The Students* survival quide to San Diego. By Barbara H. Peters 6 Philip J. F. Hopkins. 57 p. C Barbara a. Peters 6 Phil Hopkins; 12Jan77; 4821027.


Physics of solar planetary environments; proceedings of the International Symposium on Solar-Terrestrial Physics, June 7-18, 1976, Boulder, Colorado. Vol. 1-2. Edited by Donald J. uilliams. C American Geophysical Union; 6Dec76; 4821028.


Embassy, FL, community telephone directory, dial directories, 1977. 3rd ed. & Dial Directories, Inc.; 21Jan77; A821029.


American Type culture Collection 1975 annual report. 57 p. 6 4merican Type culture Collection; 20Apr76; 4821030.


Burnt offerings: the personal dedi- cation. By Hilliam E. Hoore. 13 p. e William E. Hoore; 19Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4821031.


Tne Moble official catalog of Bureau precancels. I<anaging editor: Gilbert U. Noble, listings by Horace Q. Trout. 59th ed. 236 p. Add. ti: The Noble official catalog of United States Bureau pre- cancels. e Gilbert H. Noble; 26Jan77; 4821032.


Criminal justice evaluation: papers from Hashinqton State Evaluation Exchanqe Conferences, 1975-1976. Edited by Karen L. Horell. 143 p. Hashinqton State Law and Justice Planninq office; lNov76; A821033.


IFfi pocket simulator procedures. By Henry H. Culver, Jr., illus. by Daniel Pearlmutter. 30 1 p. « Henry H. culver, Jr.; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A821034.


With love to the monsters under my bed. By Anne Corliss Horris, original pen & ink drawings by Ken Spiering. 54 p. O Anne Corliss Horris; 30Dec76; 4821035.


Introspection dans I'inconnu. By Bene S. Benjamin, pref. by Lionel Laine. 164 p. Prev. pub. 1972 £ 1975 in Haiti observateur £ 1975 in La Voix d'Haiti. NH: pref. Bene S. Benjamin; 1Gct76; 4821036.


Hings of mystery. Art illus.: Joseph Ambrose. 1 v. Appl. au: Dennis 4. Ambrose. O Dennis A. Ambrose; 24Jan77; 4821037.

Bobert Ualp. H. Sobert Walp; 3Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4821038.

482 1039.

Covenant yearbook, 1976. Hanaging editor: Gerard Johnson. 386 p. Appl. au: Clifford w. Bjorklund. e The Evangelical Covenant church of America: 250ct76; Ae21039.


Standards of urologic nursing practice. Issued by American Nurses* Association Division on Hedical-Surgicai Nursing Practice £ 4merican Urological 4sso- ciation, 411ied. 12 p. 4ppl. au: 4merican Nurses* 4ssociation. 6 4merican Nurses* Association; 5Jan77; 4821040.


Yet other springs; selected poems. By Ethel Johnston flcNauqht, illustrated by Carol coombs. 79 p. C Esther H. Wolfe; 19Jan77; 4821041.


Nature of scientific knowledge scale. 6 p. 4ppl. au: Peter 4nthoDy Bubba« Jr. Peter A. gubba, Jr.; 100ct76: 4821042.


Training manual for savings bank tellers. 94 p. C Thrift Publishers, Inc.; 14Jan77; 4821043.


Zeus has two urns. By Charles E. Jarvis. 248 p. e Charles E. Jarvis; 20Hay76; 4821044.


43027 electric governing fuel control 8230-068. Woodward bulletin no. 82803. 67 p. 3 Woodward Governor Company; 12Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4821045.

482 1046.

2301 reverse acting systems. Woodward bulletin no. 82542. 7 p. O Woodward Governor Company; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A821046.


0G8 dial and lever governor troub- leshooting and adjustments. Woodward bulletin no. 03033. 13 p. Woodward Governor company; 7Jan77; 4821047.


The Clark's Cave bone deposit and the late Pleistocene paleoecology of the central Appalachian Hountains of Virginia. Bulletin of Carnegie Huseum of Natural History, no. 2. By John E. Guilday, Paul H. Parmalee fi Harold U. Hamilton. 87 p. O The Trustees of Carnegie Institute; 19Jan77; A821048.


Becording: guidelines for social workers. By Suanna J. Wilson. 161 p. Suanna J. Hilson; 29Dec76; Ae21049.


Oeutschland erwacht: Werden, Kampf und Sieg der NSOAP. New material: Larry L. Fleischer, old material — 1933: Wilfrid Bade £ Ueinrich Hoffmann. 180 p. German; historical background, acknowledgements £ captions in English. Prev. pub. abroad 1933. NH: translation from German, additions* editing fi compilation. 6 Larry L. Fleischer d.b.a. Polo Press Publi- cations; 1Nov76; A821050.


How to make your own educational materials. By Cynthia Stokes Brown £ Bay Nitta. 72 p. e Center for Open Learning and Teaching, Inc.; 3Jali77; A821051.


Primary progress assessment chart


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.