Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/191

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A821096 — A821138
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A821095 (con.)

manual o£ pceveatxoa and escape tec- hniques. Bt Juditn A. U. Lucbsinger. 78 p. e Dillon Press, Inc.; 7Jan77; A82109S.


Eagle Electric Supply Coupany catalog. 1 I. e Ueinbecg and BcKee. Inc. ; 30Sep76: 1821096.


Industcial Tool and Supply Coapany catalog. 1 -/ . O Heinbecg and HcKee, Inc.; 30Dec76; 4B21097.


Pacific Industrial Supply company catalog t. 339 p. 6 Ueinl>erg and DcKee. Inc.; 200ct76; 4821098.


Triplex Supply Conpany tools: industrial cutting tools, aill and factory supplies. Catalog no. 77. 420 p. C Ueinberg and acKee, Inc.; 21Dec76; 1821099.


Tools and Supplies, Inc. catalog. 445 p. Beinberg and ncKee, Inc.; 9Dec76; 1821100.


yesterday and today in the D.S.I.: internediate ESL reader; teacher's oajaual. By Inna Harris Live. 36 p. 6 Prentice- Hail, Inc.; 15Sep76; 1821101.


Out of this world. By Irthur Daigon & Hilliam J. Gannon, Jr. 188 p. O Preotice-aall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1821102.


Sociology, third edition, by David Popenoe; instructor's manual. By fiicbard Irvin. 174 p. NH: revision £ updating. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1821103.


Social problems, second edition; study guide and i^orkbook. By Joseph Julian. 171 p. KM: revisions 6 updating. Prentice-Hall. Inc.; 3Jan77; 1821104.


Social problems, second edition; test item file. 9y Joseph Julian. 13S p. NN; revisions 6 updating. Prentice-Hall, Inc.: 3Jan77; 1821105.


Social problems, second edition; instructor's manual. By Joseph Julian. 99 p. Sa: revisions. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1821106.


Child care careers. By Xenia P. Fane. 122 D. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77: 1821107.


Food careers. By Donna Newberry Creasy. 122 P. BH: text. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1821108.


lour memory: how it works and how to improve it. By Kenneth L. Higbee. 208 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1821109.


Imerican woman today: free or frus- trated? By Elsie a. Gould. 2nd ed. 120 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1821110.


Education and opportunity: for what and for whom? By Gordon a. Seely. 2nd ed. 120 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1821111.


Foreign policy: intervention, invol- vement or isolation? By llvin Wolf. 2nd ed. 120 p. e Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1821112.


Food, nutrition, and you. By Fergus a. Clydesdale & Frederick J. Francis. 248 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1821113.


Social learning theory. By llbert Bandura. 247 p. 6 Prentice-Hail, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1821114.


The Hospitalized child: communication techniques for health personnel. By Dennis a. Klinzing & Dene s. Klinzing. 168 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 18 21115.


Urban anthropology: cities in their cultural settings. By Bichard Gabriel Fox. 176 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1821116.


The Plant kingdom. By Harold Charles Bold. 4th ed. 310 p. e Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1821117.


Religion and the human image. By Carl 1. Raschke, James A. Kirk £ Hark c. Taylor. 274 p. 6 Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1821118.


Heritage of Western civilization. Vol. 1. Edited by John Louis Beatty £ Oliver A. Johnson. 4th ed. 433 p. © Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 3Jau77; 1821119.


Our best and our worst; teacher's guide. By Arthur Daigon £ Lois a. Bernier. 41 p. 6 Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A821120.


Heal estate principles and practices: questions and problems, eighth edition; answers. By Alfred A. Binq £ Jerome Dasso. 4th ed. 137 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A821121.


out of this world; teacher's guide. By Arthur Daigon £ Hilliam J. Gannon, Jr. 41 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; A321122.

1821 123.

Electronic systems: theory and applications; instructor's manual. By Henry Zanger. 94 p. C Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1821123.


The New doctor's handbook of "PC tax shelters. 12 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3Jan77: 1321124.


Toward a new commitment to education; College Entrance Examination Board annual report 1975-197o. 32 p. O College Entrance Examination Board; 210ct76; 1621125.


Program 4: English composition test. Form H1C4. 1 V. G Educational Testing Service; 15Jan49; 1321126.


Family estate planning guide, second edition, by Homer I. Harris. Cumulative suppl. issued Dec. 1976. By Edward S. Schlesinqer. 160 p. O The Lawyers


Trial handbook for aichigan lawyers; cumulative suppl. issued Dec. 1976. By Harry a. Philo. 84 p. e The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Comoany; 29Dec76; A821128.


Beautiful men. By Crawford Barton. 1 V. © Liberation Publications, Inc. ; 200ct76; 1821129.


Hccall's Stitchery for baiy. Vol. 5. By the editors of HcCall's needlework and crafts, editorial director: Bosemary acaurtcy, editors: Gena Bhoades £ celia Bryant, art director: flay Tatro, photography by Ulricks Garn. 64 p. Ippl. au: The HcCall Pattern Company. HB: revised text £ pictorial matter. O The acCall Pattern Company; 22Jan77; 1821130.


HcCall's Iron-on transfers for tots. Vol. 3. 1 V. NH: revised text 6 pictorial matter. The acCall Pattern company: 22Jan77; A821131.


aacmillan mathematics; parent- child activity masters. Series H, grade 3. By Bobert Bechtel £ L. Doyal Nelson, senior authors: Tina Thoburn £ Jack E. Forbes. 1 V. Add. ti: aacmillan mathematics enrichment activity masters. Ippl. au: aacmillan Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire. 6 aacmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; 13Sep76; A821132.


Discover Imerica — spring '77. 16 p. Idd. ti; aetro's Discover Imerica — spring '77. e Hctro issociated Services, Inc.; 19Jan77; A821133.


Spring feelings. 16 p. Idd. ti: aetro's spring fashion section, 1977, O aetro Issociated Services, Inc.; 19Jan77; 1821134.


Index to psychology; multimedia. 2nd ed. aicroficbe. Appl. au: Oniversity of Southern California. O University of Southern California (in notice: National Information Center for Educational aedia (NICEa) £ the University of Southern California); 4Apr75; 1821135.


Index to health and safety education. 2nd ed. aicroficbe. Ippl. au: University of Southern California. University of Southern California (in notice: National Information Center for Educational aedia (NICEBJ E the University of Southern California) ; 4Apr75; A821136.


Index to ecology; multimedia. 2nd ed. 311 p. Appl. au: University of Southern California. C Oniversity of Southern California (in notice: National Information Center for Educational aedia (NICEa) £ the University of Southern California): 31Aug73: A821137.


NICEa update of nonbook media. Vol. 1, 1975. 216 p. Appl. au: University of Southern California. Oniversity of Southern California (in notice: National Information Center for Educational aedia (NICEH) £ the University of Southern

California); 12Jan75: 1821138.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.