Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/192

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A821139 — A821182
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Pcotecting youc bike aqainst the elements. 2 p. &ppl. au: Robert S. Haao. NH: compilation, abridgment £ editorial revision. 8 Nirvana, Inc.; 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A821139.


Seiner, TN, Bethel Sprinqs, including Adamsville S others telephone directory, February 1977. 6 South Central Bell Telephone company; 19Jan77: 4821110.


Ashland City, TN, Pleasant View telephone directory, February 1977. © South Central Bell Telephone Company; 20Jan77; A821141.


Saint Tammany Parish, LA, telephone directory, February 1977. 9 South Central Bell Telephone Company; 1JJan77: AB21ia2.


Greater Columbia, including Eastover, following the yellow pages, listings of Chapin, Lexington, SC, telephone directory, January 1977. e Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; i|Jan77; A821143.


Sheboygan Falls, WI, telephone directory, January 1977-78. 6 Hisconsin Telephone Company; 19Jan77; A8211i»it.


Sheboygan, UI, telephone directory, January 1977-78. 6 Hisconsin Telephone company; 18Jan77; A82111S.


Calling careers: a careers awareness series for intermediate grades; teacher suppl. 1976 ed. 33 p. 6 Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Instructional Television, Curriculum- /Development utilization; BSep76; A8211ite.


Calling careers: a careers awareness series for intermediate grades; teacher manual. 1976 ed. 89 p. © Haryland State Department of Education, Division of Instructional Television, Curriculum- /Development Otilizatiou section; 8Sep76; 4821147.


Heat name transfers. 1 v. Appl. au: Jacob Uarchosky. © Jacob Elarchosky; 23NOV76; 4821143.


Structured design. By Edward Yourdon & Larry L. Constantine. S99 p. S Edward Yourdon £ Larry L. Constantine; 2Dec75; A821149.


Under the ice. 301 p. Appl. au: Roger C. Sold, e Eoqer C. Uold; 26Apr76; A821150.


Women in Africa: studies in social and economic change. Edited by Nancy J. Hafkin £ Edna G. Bay. 306 p. © The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University; 23Sep76; 4821151.


fltisic in American society, 1776-1976, from Puritan hymn to synthesizer. Edited by George Mccue. 201 p. © Transaction, Inc.; 15Jan77; A821152.


American folk medicine, a symposium. Edited, with an introd. by Uayland D. Hand. 347 p. proceedings of the UCLA conference on American Folk Medicine, held Dec. 13-15, 1973. © The Regents of the University of California; 4Aug76; A821153.


The Remembered village. By H. N- Srinivas. 356 p. © a. N. Srinivas; 16Dec76; 4821154.


flontesguieu and the old regime. By dark aulliung. 258 p. 9 The Regents of the University of California; 12Dec76; 4821155.


Keaton: the silent features close up. By Daniel Moews. 337 p. © The Regents of the University of California; 6Jan77; 4821156.


Japanese industrialization and its social consequences. Edited by Hugh Patrick, with the assistance of Larry Heissner. 505 p. © The Regents of the University of California; 134ug76; 4821157.


Viator: medieval and Renaissance studies. Vol. 7, 1976. Editors: Lynn ahite, Jr. £ others. 455 p. © The Regents of the University of California; 210ct76; 4321158.


Polyhedra, a visual approach- By Anthony Pugh. 118 p. © The Regents of the University of California; 134uq76; 4821159.


An Introduction to Tensegrity. By 4nthony Pugh. 121 p. © The Regents of the University of California; 13Aug76; A821160.


Historical atlas of Oklahoma. By John Uesley aorris, Charles Robert Goins £ Edwin C. HcReynolds. 2nd ed., rev. £ enl. 1 V. © University of Oklahoma Press, publishing division of the University; 23Dec76; A821161.


Of children: an introduction to child development. By Guy R. Lefrancois. 2nd ed. 443 p. e Hadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4821162.


Introductory calculus for business, economics, and social science. By Dennis G. 2ill. 377 p. 9 Hadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 3Jan77; A821163.


Applied finite mathematics. By Robert F. Brown S Brenda H- Brown. 549 p. © Hadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 4Jan77; A321164.


American legal processes. By Hilliam P. HcLauchlan. 218 p. (Viewpoints on American politics) 4ppl. states U.S. copyright not claimed on any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources. © John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 4Jan77; 4821165.


Ecological anthropology. By Donald L. Hardesty. 310 p. 6 John Hiley and Sons, Inc. : 4Jan77; 4821166.


Finding the job you've always wanted. By Burdette E. Bostwick. 243 p. Appl. states U.S. copyright not claimed on any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources, e John Wiley and Sons, Inc. ; 4Jan77; A821167.


Elementary algebra: structure and skills. By Irving Drooyan, Halter Hadel £ Frank J. Fleming. 4tb ed. 390 p. © John Hiley and Sous, Inc.; 4Jan77: A821168.


Living nutrition. By Fredrick John Stare fi Margaret Hcwilliams. 2nd ed. 497 p. '0 John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 4Jan77; 4821169.


Calculus: an intuitive and physical approach. By Morris Kline. 2nd ed. 943 p. e John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 4Jan77; A821170.


Process control instrumentation technology. By Curtis D. Johnson. 428 p. O John Hiley and Sons, Inc. ; 5Jan77; A821171.


Green winter: celebrations of old age. By Elise Haclay. 134 p. © Blise Maclay; 31Jan77; A821172.


Fremont, explorer for a restless nation. BY Ferol Egan. 582 p. aa: text. 8 Ferol Egan; 14Jan77; A821173.


Life and things like rocks; a book of prayers and poems for children. Compiled S edited by Jane N. Bhite, illustrated by Paul Blumenthal. 64 p. NH: compilation. © Jane N. Hhite; 22Dec76; A821174.


Great tribulation is coming! Bjf A. Thorn, pseud, of Allen T. Hhite. 71 p. e Exposition Press, Inc.; 24Dec76: A821175.


Thirty years of smoke, heat and hell. By Harren W. 4briel. 159 p. 9 Warren H. Abriel; 7Dec76; 4821176.


The Swinging banker; being the adventures — amorous, humorous, and otherwise — of a former bank manager. By Harry Kaye. 103 p. e Harry Kaye; 1Aug75; 4821177.


Soliloquy in a Stygian urn. An essay by R. Nathaniel Scott. 95 p. © R. Nathaniel Scott; 26NOV76; 4821178.


Harvest of death; a detailed account of the Army of Tennessee at the Battle of Franklin. By Carey C Jewell. 87 p. © Carey c. Jewell; 6Dec76; 4821179.


aindrape: a diary of endogenous depression. By Frank Emery Sugar. 76 p. © Frank Emery Sugar; 28Dec76; A821180.


American jurisprudence, second edition. Vol. 15A. 1007 p. Appl. au: The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company fi Bancrof t-Hhitney Company NH: revision. © Jurisprudence Publishers, Inc. ; 15Dec76: A821181.


Purchasing and materials management; text and cases. By Lamar Lee, Jr. £ Donald W. Dobler. 3rd ed. 700 p.

e acGraw-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77; A821182.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.