Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/205

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A821662 — A821690
JAN.-JUN. 1977

4821661 (con.)

Neliatollahl. 1 v. Jay Nematollatil; IJan77; 4821661.


Double your iDcome. By otto Dean George. 1 w. e Otto D. George; 2«Jan77; 4821662.


Life of our aavior; teacher's notes, September 27, 1976. By Bargaret Schultz. 1 V. 4ppl. au: our Sunday Visitor, Inc. Our Sunday Visitor, Inc.; 2Dec76; 4821663.


Together again: an autobiographical history. By Sophia Parker Stapley, with the assistance of Paul B. Mico 6 Helen S. Boss. 327 p. e Third Party 4ssociates, Inc.: 25Dec76: 48216611.


Question for all huaanity. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Dennis J. Coyne. 3 Deunrs John Coyne; 22Jan77; 4821565.


Thoughts to rhyoe. 1 w. Appl. au; Michael E. Cutillo — Eyan Hichaels. O Byan Michaels (is the pseud, of Michael B- Cutillo) ; 5NOV76; 4821666.


Typing for the individual. Lessons 1-10. By contemporary Learning. 12 p. 4ppl. au: Jeaoetce La Barb a.k.a. contemporary Learning. e Jeanette La Baro d.b.a. contemporary Learning; 30Sep76; 4821667.


Innovative ideas in nutrition educatioa. By Cynthia H. Sueetland. 30 p. e Cynthia H. Sueetland; <t4ug76: 4821668.


Composite of truths: metaphors and epigrams. By Buford S. 4nderson. 1 v. Buford S. 4nderson; 1SNov76; 4821669.


Stop smoking in three months without cutting down. 1 p. 4ppl. au: 4. F. Za-jon. O 4. F. Zaion; imov76; 4821670.


Poems, sayings, and writings. By Bobert Freeman Ferris. 7 p. Bobert F. Ferris d.b.a. Bobert Ferris Publishing Company; 13Dec76: J82167I.


The Sew York times index, 197<4: a book of record. Vol. 62. Editor: James L. Bauer 6 other editors. 1 v. in 2. 4ppl. au: The New fork Times Company. 3 The New York Times Company; I54ug75: 4821672.


The Coast Guardsman's manual. 6th ed. 643 p. 4ppl. states copyright not claimed on any material secured from official 0.3. Govt, sources. S United States Naval Institute; 130ct76: 4821673.


If you love me. 1 v. NM: arr. e Eugene B. Shea d.b.a. The Unprofitable Servants: 1ilov76; AB2167I4.


Jewish law and decision-making through the ages. Vol. 1: criminal law. By 4aron H. Scbreiber. Sheets. Aaron M. Schreiber; 21Dec76 (in notice: 1975); 4821675.


4n Introduction to kl'.ngenberg planes. Vol. 1. By Phyrne Youens Bacon. 2nd ed.


Siouxland, Sioux City, 14, South Sioux City, NE, and nearby communities telephone directory, January 1977. O Northwestern Bell Telephone Company; 7Jan77; 4821677.


Data processing technology and economics. By Montgomery Phister, Jr. 573 p. NM; revisions, updating 6 additions. c9 Montgomery Phister, Jr.; 8Dec76; 4821678.


Michael D'Ambrosio presents The Original high quality coloring book. Vol. 1: astrology. 6 Michael H. 0*4mbrosio; 10Dec76; 4821679.


Computerized transcription of the Egyptian hieroglyph: revised. By Elizabeth Louise Meyers. 1 v. NM: additions 6 revisions. 3 Elizabeth Louise Meyers; 22Dec76; 4821680.


Public defender criminal jury ins- tructions. By Baymond H. Thoenig. 301 p- 4dd. ti: Seattle-King County Defender 4ssociation jury instruction manual, e The Defender Association a.a.d.o. Seattle-King County Public Defender (in notice: Seattle-King County Public Defender): 7Jun76; 4821681.


IBM 3203 printer models 1, 2, n reference summary for operators. Pt. 1896413, form G433-1519-1. 2nd ed. Folder (10 p.) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation; 7 Dec 76 ; 4821682.

482168 3.

IBM 3270 information display system problem determination guide. 4th ed . 37 p. (Systems) & International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines corporation); 290ct76; 4821683.


0OS/V3 system utilities. Belease 33. 3rd ed. 1 v. (Systems) C International Business Machines corporation a.a.d.; IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 94ug76; 4821684.


VIAM macro language guide. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. GN27-1574) NM: revisions 6 additions. © International Business Machines Corporation (in notice: IBM corporation); 70ct76; A821685.


OS/VS analysis program-1 (AP-1) logic; program no. OS/VS 1 574 1-VS1, 0S/VS2 (MVS) 5752-VS2, feature no. OS/VSl 5020-5021, 5418-5419, 0S/VS2 (MVS) 5058-5059. 5448-5449. 73 p. (Systems) 6 Inter- national Business Machines Corporation a.a.d. IBM corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Cor- poration) ; 17May76; A821686.


IBM series/1 parts catalog. 56 p. e International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d. IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 13Jaii77 (in notice: 1976); A821687,


OS PL/1 optimizing compiler: general information. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. GN33-6160) NM: revisions t, additions. O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: ISM Corporation; 260ct76; A821688.


OS PL/1 checkout compiler: program logic. Vol. 2. 1 V. (IBM technical newsletter, no. LN33-6178) NM: revisions 6 additions, e International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM corporation; 190ct76; A821689.


IMS/VS version 1 system programming reference manual; program no. 5740-KX2, release 1.2. 5th ed. 1 v. (Program product) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d. ISM Cor- poration (in notir-:;: International Business Machines Corporation); 12Jul76: A821690.


OS PL/1 checkout compiler: execution logic. 1 V. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN33-6174) NM: revisions S additions. O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM corporation; 190ct76: A821691.


DOS PL/1 optimizing compiler: CMS user's guide. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN33-6165) NM: revisions 6 additions. 13 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM corporation; 130ct76; A821692.


5415 central processing unit parts catalog. 5th ed. 78 p. (IBM maintenance library) 3 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation]; 27Dec76: A821693.


DOS/VS sort/merge 2 general information; program no. 5746-SM2. 29 p. (Prograu product) NM: revisions £ additions. 3 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM corporation (in notice; International Business Machines corporation); 2Dec76; AB21694.


Customer information control system- /virtual storage (CICS/VS) version 1 release 3: IBM 3790 guide; program no. 5740-XZl (CICS/OS/VS) , 5746-XX3 (CIC- 3/DOS/VS) 18 p. (Program product) NM: revisions & additions. 3 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 8Dec76; 4821695.


4 Guide to using the test request feature on IBM 3270 information display systems. 4th ed. 18 p. (Systems) 3 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation); 250ct76; 4821696.


System/370 model 168 operating procedures. 3rd ed. 95 p. (Systems) International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines corporation); 28Jun76; 4821697.


IBM 3203 printer component description and operator's guide. 5th ed. 83 p. (Systems) e International Business Machines corporation a.a.d.: IBM

Corporation (in notice; International


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.