Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/206

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A821699 — A821737
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A821698 (con.)

Business aachines corporation); 1Dec76; A821698.


IBM 3790 coaa'jnication system data entry confiquration host system transmission quids for DOS/VS, 0S/VS1 and 0S/VS2. 3rd ed. 16 p. (Systems) 8 International Business Machines corporation a. a. d. : IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines corporation); 12Nov76; 4821699.


3056 remote system console parts catalog. 2nd ed. 15 p. (IBM maintenance library) 6 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d. : IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 174U976; 4821700.


IBM 3600 finance communication system financial services terminals terminal installation quide. 2nd ed. 1 v- (Systems) 9 International Business Machines corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 4Nov76; 4821701.


Guidebook to Ohio taxes, 1977. 264 p. g Commerce Clearinq House, Inc.; 21Jan77; 4621702.


Stock values and dividends for 1977 tax purposes. 167 p. e Commerce Clearinq House, Inc.; 1'4Jan77; 4821703.


Stock values and dividends for 1977 tax purposes; Pennsylvania ed. 1 v. e commerce Clearinq House, Inc.; 1itJan77; 48217011.


Guidebook to yisconsin taxes, 1977. 220 p. Q Commerce Clearinq House, Inc. ; 1HJan77; 4321705.


Guidebook to California taxes, 1977 with special emphasis on relationship to Federal taxes. By Bussell S. Bock. 28th ed. 462 p. 8 Commerce Clearinq House, Inc.; 18Jan77; 4821706.


Improvinq speilinq performance; manaqement quide for teachers £ admi- nistrators. By Mildred Hiddleton. 334 p. 4ppl. au; Cedar Bapids Community Schools. 3 Cedar Bapids Community Schools; 1JU176; 4821707.


National price service. 1 v. 4ppl. au: John H. Dalton. NM: additions C revisions. © Henderson-Hazel corporation. National Price Service; 15Jan76; 4821708.


4merican Hospital 4ssociation statement: health plannlnq. Cataloq no. S025. 2 p. NM: additions & revisions. Q 4merican Hospital Association; 27Apr76: 4821709.


American Hospital Association statement: admission to qeneral hospitals of patients with alcohol and other draq problems. 2 p. NM: additions 6 revisions. 6 4merican Hospital 4ssociation; 274pr76; 4821710.


Adventures with a hand lens. By Bichard HeadstroB, illustrated by the author. 220 p. Prev. puD. 1962. NM: 2 paraqraphs on Bichard Ueadstrom; 4821711.


4rt oouveau display alphabets; 100 complete fonts. Selected & arranqed by Dan X. Solo from the Solotype typographers catalog. 100 p. NM: selections £ artanqement. 6 Dover Publications* Inc. ; 27Dec76; 4821712.


Steps to English 4; workbook. By Doris Kernaa. 92 p. 8 McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4821713.


Individualized learning guides for Elements of financial records, third edition. By David H. Heaver, J. Marshall Hanna, Freeman, Brower & Smiley. 224 p. (4ccountinq 10/12 series, pt. 1) NM: revisions 6 additions. e acGraw-aill, Inc.; 3Jan77; A821714.


Heekly money market, week ending .lanuacy 6, 1977. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Halvin B. Boesch & Bobert p. Sanna. @ Quantitative Analysis Service; 7Jan77; 4821715.


A Modeled promotional prospect for Devonian shale production. Paper no. SP£ 6362. By Jerry Plaster, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 3 p. Prepared for the 1976 Eastern Regional Meeting of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME held in Columbus. Ohio, Not. 18-19, 1976. e American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 18Nov76; 4821716.


Ose of water base spacer with thi- xotropic cement systems improves cement jobs. By 0. W. Crinklemeyer, 4. »- Puntney & James B. Sharpe, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of 4IME. 3 p. 4dd. ti: Special water base spacer and thixotrophic cement improve cement jobs. Prepared for the 1976 Eastern Regional Meeting of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of 4IME, held in Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 18-19, 1976. 9 American Institute of Mining, Metallurqical and Petroleum Enqineers, Inc.; 18Nov76; A821717.


Cakdale, LA, telephone directory, February 1977. 6 South Central Bell Telephone Company; 31Jan77; A821718.


Donaldsonville, LA, Napoleon ville, Pierre Part, Vacherie telephone directory, February 1977. e South Central Bell Telephone Company; 26Jan77; 4821719.


Key word out of context: KHOC list of Petroleum abstracts* exploration and production thesaurus and seldom-used descriptors from the supplementary word list: Petroleum abstracts, June 30, 1976. 5th sd. 59 p. © The University of Tulsa; 5Jan77; 4821720.

482172 I.

Introductory biostatistics for the health sciences. By Bobert C. Duncan, Rebecca G. Knapp fi M. Clinton Miller, 3rd. 163 p. Appl. states all new except for a small number of tables prev. pub. © John «iley and Sons, Inc. ; 26Jan77; 4821721.


The Insoluble problems of crime. By Bobert P. Rhodes. 2 69 p. Appl. states copyriqht is not claimed in any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources. John alley and Sons, Inc.; 31Jan77; A821722.


4rithmetic with pushbutton accuracy. By Herman B. Hyatt, Irving Drooyan £ Charles C. Carico, drawings designed & executed by John Balbalis, with the assistance of the alley Illustration Department. 304 p. © John alley and Sous, Inc.; 4Jan77; 4821723.


Oshkosh, HI, telephone directory, February 1977. © aisconsin lelepione Company; 27Jan77; 4821724.


Omro, Hinneconne, HI, telephone directory, February 1977-78. Q aisconsin Telephone Company; 27Jan77; A821725.


The Inspector general; an authoritative text ed. By Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, translated by 4ndrew Mac4ndrew. critical material selected & introduced by Henry Popkin. 160 p. Portions prev. pub. in 19th century Russian drama £ others. © on introductory £ critical material; 4von Books; 20Hay76; 4821726.


Hicked loving lies. By Rosemary Bogers. 667 p. © Bosemary Bogers; 200ct76; 4821727.


By Florence Hurd. 395 p. Hurd; 20Jun76: 4821728.


Bronte Hilde. i novel by Fanny Howe. 153 p. e Fanny Howe; 20Mar76: A821729.


The Signet book of cheese. By Peter Quimme, pseud, of John F. Halker £ S. Elin Halker. 27 1 p. © Peter Quimme (pseud, of John F. Halker £ S. Elin Balker); 50ct76; A821730.


The Downtown Jews: portraits of an immigrant generation. By Ronald Sanders. 395 p. Appl. au: The New American Library, Inc., employer for hire. © on pref , ; The New American Library, Inc.; 4Jan77 {in notice: 1976); A821731.


Sunday father. By John Neufeld. 159 p. © John Neufeld; 4Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A821732.


The New American guide to colleges; with the suppl. vital new facts for the late 197 0s. By Gene E. Hawes £ Peter N. Novalis. 4th ed., rev. £ enl. 584 p. © Gene R. Hawes; 4Jan77 (ia notice: 1976) : A821733.


Harvest of desire. By Rochalle Larkin. 310 p. © Bochelle Larkin; 1 1 Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4821734.


A Complete insurance package especially for apparel shops. Folder 6 2 p. © Dnico 4merican Corporation; 220ct76; 4821735.


4 Complete insurance package for sporting goods stores, hardware stores, auto supply stores. folder fi 1 p- @ Unico 4mecican Corporation; 220ct76; A821736.


A Complete insurance package especially for coffee shops. Folder £ 2 p. © Unico

American Corporation; 220ct76; A821737.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.