Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/215

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A822078 — A822121
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Boll around a poiot. By Duaoe Cole. 93 p. NH: cevisioQS. O Daiae Cole: 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4822 078.


JiDffly Carter reneabers. 1 p. Appl. aux Francis V. Gardner. Francis V. Gardner; 27Jan77: A822079.


Study of Book of the Revelation. By Dora Spencer Beydlec. 1 09 p. Dora Spencer Beydlec: 700176; 1822080.


San Flai catalog. 210 p. Add. ti: Flax artist materials. Saa Flai, Inc.; 8Jan77 (in notice; 1976); 1822081.


Heldco, Inc.; everythinq for welding. Catalog A. 319 p. O Ueldco, Inc.; 25Jan77; 1822082.


Correspondence: an exhibition of the letters of Bay Johnson: North Carolina Museum of irt, Oct. 31-Dec. 5, 1976. Sheets in folder. S North Carolina nuseuu of Irt; 310ct76; A822083.


Successful autoaotive selling nethods; IMPICT nariteting. 249 p. Appl. au: Michael J. Brassil. O Michael J. Brassil; 21Jan77: 1822084.


Boses froB the desert. Poetry by llbiua B. Davis. 29 p. C llbina B. Oavxs; 17Jan77: 1822085.


Love d usti translations of an alcheinxst. By a. Geoffrey Hoser. 192 p. H. Geoffrey Hoser; 12Jan77; A822086.


Europe — for the first time. By Marion Doris Brohl. 50 p. S Marion Ooris Brohl; 17Jan77; A822087.

18220 86.

So dearly bedeviled. By Teresa Marie Hires. 175 p- Teresa Marie Hires; 20Jan77; A822088.


Spillman's BandbooX of conversion factors. By Janes 8. Spillman. 224 p. O Janes B. Spillman; 20Jan77; A822089.


Get a permit you nitwit. By D. Loqsdon Smith, vith cartoons by Tom Scott. 105 p. O D. Logsdon Smith; 23Dec76; A822090.


The Joy of learning. By Aaron Stern. 314 p. A seguel to The Malcing of a genius. NM: augmenting. 6 Aaron stern; 27Jan77; A822091.


The BlacJc cross. By Pekri Fayez Aziz. 190 p. Appl. au: F9lcri Fayez Aziz — Select Boolcs. Fekrl Fayez Aziz, president £ oiinec of Select Boolts; 16Dec76: 1822092.


Keeping a horse in the suburbs. By Lloyd H. Davis, drawings: Karl Stuecklen. 164 p. O Lloyd H. Davis; 29Nov76; 1822093.

18220 94.

Hind-catchers: Imerican windmills of yesterday and tomorrow. By Volta Torrey. 226 p. Volta Torrey; 26Nov76: 1822094.


Industrial archeology: a new loolc at the American heritage. By Theodore Anton Sande. 152 p. Theodore Anton Sande; 26SOV76; 1822095.


Bussian revolutionary literature collection, Houghton Library, Harvard University; a descriptive guide 6 Jcey to the collection on microfilm. Compiled by Kenneth E. Carpenter. 220 p. S Besearch Publications, Inc. ; 7Jun76; A822096.


Private independent schools, 1976; the Bunting and Lyon blue book, a compre- hensive guide to American elementary & secondary private schools. 29th ed. 743 p. Bunting and Lyon, Inc.; 21Jun76; 1822097,


Directory of research grants, 1976-77. Compiled by William K. Uilson, edited by Betty L. Hilson. 23 5 p. The Oryx Press; 14Dec76; A822098.


Arkansas gazette index: au Arkansas index, 1819-1829. By Shannon J. Henderson. 133 p. O Arkansas Tech University Library; 19Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4822099.


Illustrated world encyclopedia. Editor-in-chief; fioger Bobley 6 other editors. 1619 p. NM: updating S additions. o Mer-Fried Corporation: 3Jan77; A822100.


A Heart that yearned for ioi: Abraham Lincoln, his life and faith. By G. Frederick Owen, foreword by Billy Grahaa C Mrs. Billy Graham. 232 p. 6 G. Frederick Owen; 20Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A822101.


Medicines and drugs: problems and risks. By Brent Q. Hafen £ Brenda Peterson. 526 p. Brighan young Dniversity Publi- cations; 27Dec76; A822102.


Contemporary native American address. Edited by John £. Maestas. 424 p. Q Brigham young University Publications; 17Dec76; A822103.


Do-it-yourself diet evaluation. By Susan L. Bichards £ Lara Beth Larson. 27 p. Brigham young University Publi- cations; 1BNOV76; AB22104.


Learning the Nemeth braille code: a manual for teachers. By Buth H. Craig. Sheets (86 p.) Brigham young University Publications; 7Jan77; A822105.


Physics of light and photography; physics 17? suppl. and workbook. By £. John Eastmond. Bev. ed. Sheets (53 p.j Brigham Young University Publications; 30Jan7b; A822106.


German phonetics and pronunciation. By Marvin H. Folsom 6 Paul F. Luckau. 85 p. NM: editorial revision £ additional text. O Brigham Young University Publications; 5IIOV76; 1822107.


iilho's who in marriage and family counseling. By Margaret Hoopes. 74 p. Id Brigham Young University Publications; 7Jan77; 1822108.


From hickory stick to human relations. 123 p. Proceedings of the First Innual Midyear Conference on Classroom Mana- gement, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, 1976. Appl. au: Education Department. O Brigham Young Dniversity Publications; 18Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4822109.


Fort Supply: Brigham Young's Green Biver experiment. By Fred Gowans C Eugene E. Campbell. 83 p. Brigham Young University Publications; 30Mov76: 4822110.


Chemistry 112. By J. B. Goates, J. Bevan Ott £ Eliot Butler. Sueets. C Brigham Young Dniversity Publications; 30NOV76; A822111.


Visual lessons: aids far family home evening, Sunday lessons. Hard Library. By Alma Beaton. 247 p. Brigham Young University Publications; 17Dec76; A822112.


It's a family matter. Grade 7-9. Kit. 9 Pioneer Girls, Inc.; 21Jan77; 1S22113.


Our Lady of Lourdes Pediatric Foundation feasibility study for endowed program in pediatric catastrophic hematology and oncology. 1 v. Appl. au: TriBrook Group, Inc. e TriBrook Group, Inc. E Our Lady of Lourdes Pediatric Foundation; 17Jan77; Aa22114.


Saint Luke's Hospital long range plan of health care services and facilities, 1976-1986. I V. ippi. au: TriBrook Group, Inc. 6 TriBrook Group, Inc. £ Saint Luke's Hospital; 24Jan77; 1822115.


George H. Lanier Memorial Hospital and Nursing Home long range plan for health care services and facilities, 1977-1986. 1 V. Appl. au: TriBrook Group, Inc. TriBrook Group, Inc. 6 George H. Lanier Memorial Hospital and Nursing Home; 12Jan77; A822116.

A822117. The Creative use of contemporary musical resources for worship. By Bruce H. Leafblad. Microfilm. © Bruce H. Leafblad; 25May76; A822117.


The Lonely profession: a study of the psychological rewards and negative aspects of the practice of psychotherapy. By Bay Hilliam London. Microfilm. 6 Bay Hilliam London; 1Jun76; 4822118.


Development and construct validation of the primary pictorial self esteem test. By Billiao J. Kirkwood. Microfilm. Hilliam J. Kirkwood; 23Apr76; A822119.


The Psychological dimensions of three measures of critical thinking and twenty-four str ucture-of-intellect tests for a sample of ninth-grade students. By Richard Elliot Landis. Microfilm. Bichard Elliot Landis; 1Jun76; A6 22120.


An Experimental investigation in unanesthetized man of the hypothesis of oscillating arterial blood gas tensions as stimuli for the hyperpnea of exercise. By Terry N. Lauritsen. Microfilm. Terry

8. Lauritsen; 3Jun76; A822121.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.