Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/216

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A822122 — A822164
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Violation as a fdadaoental concept in humanistic psychology- By Hugh Gordon Blount. Hicrofilm. d Hugh Gordon Blount: 20Jan76: A822122.


The Development of leadership and organization building in the black community of Los ingeles from 1900 to HU 2. By Ernest Frederick Anderson- aicrofilm. 9 Ernest Frederick Anderson; 3Jun76: A822123.


Chinese-Americans view their mental health. By Peter Bei-Ieh Chen. Microfilm, e Peter Mei-Teh Chen; 2itMay76; A822121.


A Study of John La Montaine^s trilogy of pageant-operas for Christmas. By Harold Alexander Oaugherty, Jr. Microfilm. 9 Harold Alexander Daugherty, Jr.; 28Hay76; A822125.


Relationship of sex and anxiety to convergent production, divergent production, achievement, self -concept, and other personal characteristics in fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade students. By Linda Louise Calvin. Microfilm. © Linda Louise Calvin; 2Jun75; A822126.


Doctor Title's Quick Height loss diet regimen- By Stanley H. Title, issued by Height Control Dynamics, Ltd. 8 p. (The Height control Dynamics plan) 6 Stanley H. Title; 2Jan76: A822127.


Passover recipes for Doctor Title's guick weight loss diet regimen. Issued by Height Control Dynamics, Ltd. 13 p. (The Height Control Dynamics plan) Appl. au: Stanley H. Title- 6 Stanley H- Title; 150ct76; A822128.


Doctor Title's Quick' n easy diet regimen. By Stanley H- Title. Folder- @ Stanley H- Title; 2Jan76; A822129.


Doctor Title's Quick weight loss diet regimen. ay Stanley H. Title. Folder. 8 Stanley H. Title; 1Jan76; A822130.


Passover haggadah. By Stanley H- Title. 30 p. English, Uebreu G romanized Hebrew. e Stanley H. Title; 10Har76; A822131.


Emergency capacity! Editor: Frank Harris, 3rd- 12 p. ippl. au: Percy H. Payne, Jr. (Percy C. Payne) @ Emergency Capacity Poetry Group; 111Iov76: 4822133.


Northwest colored trade bead chart. Vol. 9, no. 2. Editor: Gerald 8. Fenstermaker, associate editor; N. C. Buckwalter, photographer: B. Lee Heaver. 5 p. @ Gerald B. Fenstermaker; 6Nov7e; 4822134.


This is Livonia. Editor: Jeanette B. Katz. 80 p. e League of Homen Voters; 1NOV76; A822135.


Story of Frederick Douglass. By James C. Scott. Sr. 18 p. e James c. Scott, Sr.; 3NOV76; A822136.

A822137. Jenks, OK, telephone directory, 1977.


Penny-pinching postal poin everyone. By Edmund J. Gros 9 Edmund J. Gross; 10ct76; A822138.


Graham House review. Vol. 1, no. 1, summer 1976. Editors; Gerard Peter Balakian 6 others. 11 p. Appl. au: Bruce Francis Smith. © Peter Balakian £ Bruce Smith, co-owners Graham House Press; 94ug76; 4822139.


Daddy said I'd be a princess. Poems by Dixie Shade, edited by Terry L. Shorb. 10 p. S Dixie Shade; lDec76; 48221140.


Poems; Genesis, The Black stallion. Old lead and others. By Charles C. Steelman. 49 p. e Charles C. Steelman; 10Nov76; 4822141.


4nnemarie Arnold tells the Shalom group how she came to the Bruderhof, Hoodcrest, Hay 22, 1975. No. 81. 13 p. 4ppl. au: 4nnemarie 4rnold. @ Plough Publishing House of The Hoodcrest Service Committee, Inc.; 28Hay76; A822142.


August and Freda tell how they came to the Bruderhof, Hoodcrest, May 1 and 8, 1976. 37 p. Appl. au: August Dyroff E Freda Dyroff. h Plough Publishing House of The Hoodcrest Service Committee, Inc.; 8Sep76; 4822143.


Consecrated to Jesus Christ: Holy one-sidedness and holy many-sidedness; The Lord's supper, 4ugust 21, 1976 and Brotherhood meeting, August 27, 1976. Held by Heini Arnold at Hoodcrest. 25 p. Appl. au: Eberhard Arnold. Portion prev. pub. in Der Hahrheitszeuge, Cassel, Germany, 1915. KM: English translation. © Plough Publishing House of The Hoodcrest Service Committee, Inc.; 31Aug76; 4822144.


Grace, peace, joy. 1 v. Appl. au: Ma urine Hunter (Maureen Hunter) © qaurlne Hunter (in notice; Maureen Hunter); 22Dec76; A822145.


Cookie trains: how to bake and build them. By Byoma C. Baley. 2nd ed. 12 cards in folder 6 1 v. © Hyoma C. Baley; 13NOV76; A822146.


Little Blue Cape in outer space. By Varda Sazy, pseud, of Varda Goldman, illus. by Varda Bazy, pseud, of Varda Goldman. 1 v. A take off on Little aed Biding Hood. © Varda Eazy; 11Dec76; A822147.


Messengers of truth quartet. w Odell Dixon £ Virginia C. Dixon. 16 p. © Odell £ Virginia C. Dixon; 1Dec76; A822148.


Children's favorite foods featuring "I can do it" recipes. 89 p. Appl. au: ACCS Preschool staff £ parents. NM; revisions. © ACCS Preschool; 3Nov76; A822149.


The Ofx (new) tfdsfu (secret) bhfou (agent) dpef (code) cppl (book) Hritten by Robert H. Segula £ E. David Jaris. 11 p- © Jaris Publishing Company; 150ct76; A8221S0.


Home construction water problems in developing communities. 1 v. Appl. au; John Lauderdale. © Better Home Pub- lications, Inc. (in notice: Better Home Publication, Inc.); 14Sep75; A822151.


The Fruit of the song. Editor: 4my Jo Zook. 39 p. e Verse Hriters' Guild of Ohio; 19Jun76; 4822152.


The Age distribution of the Indian population: a reconstruction for the states and territories, 1881-1961- By Sudhansu Bhusan Mukherjee. 257 p. O East-Hest Center; 29Nov76; 4822153.


Questions to help you pass your driver's test. 8 p. 4ppl. au: Bruce G. Scott. SH: revisions. © Scott Publications, solely owned by Bruce G. Scott; 10Dec76; 4822154.


Hild boar forest. By Li Shau chwun, annotated £ edited by Donald Chang £ John D. Mitchell, drawings by Lorenzo T. Mitchell in collaboration with John D. E. Mitchell. 96 p. Chinese £ English. DM: annotations £ editing. © Morthuood Institute; 1Nov76; 4822155.


White collar

crime. 57 p.

Appl. au: Gary Clayton. © Gary Claytoi i; 22 Jan 77 4822156.


In retrospect; teaching in North Dakota; recollections of retired teachers. Compiler £ editor: Marie Mynster feidler, drawings by Iletta Holman £ Theresa Frederick. 301 p. © North Dakota Betired Teachers Association; 10Jua76; 4822157.


Cheyenne landmarks: a pictorial essay of interesting buildings in Cheyenne in 1976- 80 p- Add- ti: Cheyenne landmarks, 1976- Appl- au: Billiam E. Dubois, 3rd, James L- Ehernberger S Sobert B- Larson. © Laramie County Chapter, Hyoming State Historical Society; 1Sov76; A822158.


Directory of retired employees- 60 p. Appl. au; Marjorie Douglas. fi. E. Donnelley and Sons Company; 160ct76; 4822159.


New words. By Coleman Barks. 1 v. These poems first appeared in The Georgia review £ others. NM; compilation. © Coleman Barks; 4Nov76; A8 22160.


Colt American handgunning annual, 1976. Edited by Steve Ferber, art director: Hay Bodine. 96 p. Appl. au: Agua-Field Publications^ Inc. © Aqua-Field Publications, Inc.; 1Jal76: A822161.

A822162- Operat al for "The Assistant" model NC-10A ical control machi 26 p. £ blue line print- Appl- au; Allen Penn- © Sylvanhills Laboratory, Inc-; 1NOV76; A822162-


The contemporary world- 2 p. Appl. au: Max 4. Lebow. © Max A. Lebow; 15Nov76: 4822163.


Hedding photography, side line or full time. By Martin Luther Grose. 42 p.

© M. L. Grose; 24Nov76; 4822164.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.