Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/225

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A822075 — A822510
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A8224I4 (con.)

tin notice: Doi n); I8llay76: A822474.


The Finnish "orcy-stone. 3 p. Add. ti: SuoDii Burhe kivi. Appl. an: Lavona N. Dokken. e Lavona N. Dokken; 19llov76; A822475.


System: youc daily ioq book, December 1976. 31 p. Add. ti: System: your daily loq book for December 1976. c Fred B. Estabcook company. Inc.; 3&5ep76; A8224 76.


BemoBook daily reminder, November 1976. 30 p. Add. t i: Estabrook BemoBook, November 1976; MemoBook daily reminder for November 1976. C Fred B. Estabrook company. Inc.; 31Auq76; A822477.


System: your daily log book, November 1976. 30 p. Add. ti: System: your daily loq book for November 1976. O Fred B. Estabrook Company, Inc.; 31Auq76; A822478.


MemoBook daily reminder, December 1976. 30 p. Add. t i: nemoBook daily reminder for December 1976; Estabrook nemoBook, December 1976. fi Fred B. Estabrook Company, Inc.; 30Sep76; A822479.


Fellowcraft postinq key. 12 p. Portions pcev. req. 1965. NH: additions. 6 Grand Lodge Free and Accepted nasons of Uisconsin; 20Dec76; A8224B0.


Entered apprentice postinq key. 11 p. Portions prev. req. 1965. NM: additions. G Grand Lodqe Free and Accepted nasons ot Wisconsin; 20Dec76: A822431.


Master nason postinq key. 10 p. Portions prev. req. 1965. Nff: additions. e Grand Lodqe Free and Accepted nasons of Uisconsin; 20Dec76; A822482.


Dot's fishinq quide; 1977 tide tables, coast 6 Columbia Biver, Astoria district. 1 V. Add. ti: 1977 tide tables and Dot's fishinq quide, coast and Columbia fiiver, Astoria district. Appl. au: frank S. Elliott. Appl. states copyright not claimed on data taken from Govt, sources. e Frank S. Elliott; 16Dec76: 4822483.


Guide to feedinq doqs and cats. Folder. e The Anti-Cruelty Society; 26Nov76; A822484.


Lynniiood Associates. 12 p. Appl. au: Milan F. Doerinq. 6 Hilan P. Doerinq d.b.a. Lynnwood Associates; 19Nov76; A822485.


This, beloved, is love. By Mary Lucas Draper. Folder. Add. ti: To comfort you, we send you our love. © Mary Lucas Draper; 9Dec76: 4822486.


TheraDerm; a patented medically proven natural skin care method. Folder. TheraDerm Skin Care Products, Inc.; 1Dec76: A822487.


The Nest eqq primer. 1 v. NM: editorial revision. S Hutco Enterprises; 7Sep76; A822488.


BitchBlock. 1 v. Appl. au: Joseph J. Brady, Philip L. Bowdler E Francis K. Brady. O Joseph J. Brady, Philip L. Boirdier £ Francis X. Brady; 4Dec76; Aa22489.


Pastel naves. By Allen Bichard Dovhie. 62 p. 411en Bichard Donhie; lDec76; 4822490.


Hypnotism and you. By LeHoy Hocken- smith. 50 p. 3 Lee Hockensmith; 14Dec76; 4822491.


Beverages metric converter and party planner. Appi. au: U. Clifton Morse. O Morse 4ssociates; 2Dec76; A822492.


No lock on the door. h & drawings by Veola Victoria Barnes. 15 p. Veola Victoria Barnes; 10ct7t; A822493.


You too! can cut your electric bill SOS. By James E. Hall. 4th ed. 51 p. O James E. Hall; 190ct76; A822494.


Sylvia's Polish cooking. Britten by Sylrich, pseud, of Sylvia Hehrmeister. 80 p. iJ Sylvia Webrmelster, whose pseud, is sylrich; 210ct76; A822495.


A New command: the life of Bruce Hedaris, Maior General, USA, retired. By Gordon Harris. 3 13 p. O Logos Inter- national; llJan77 (in notice: 1976); A822496.


Get youc new used car loan from your credit union. No. n-28. Folder. i3 CUN4 Supply corporation, a subsidiary of CDNA Service Group, Inc.; 17Jan77 (in notice; 1976); A822497.


Summer fun loans. No. M-26. Folder. O CUNA Supply Corporation, a subsidiary ot CUNA Service Group, Inc.; 13Jan77 (in notice; 1976) ; A822498.


Back-to-school loans. No. H-25. Folder. CUNA Supply Corporation, a subsidiary of CUNA Service Group, Inc.; 15Jan77 (in notice: 197b); A822499.


Higher education loans. No. M-23. Folder. O CUNA Supply corporation, a subsidiary of CUNA Service Group, Inc.; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A822500.

482250 1.

Your credit union, for money any month of the year. No. M-21. Folder. fi CUNA Supply corporation, a subsidiary of CUNA Service Group, Inc.; 21Jan77 (in notice: 1976): A822501.


Saving and borrowing at your credit union for what you need now, for what you want in the future. No. M-29. Folder. O CUNA Supply Corporation, a subsidiary of CUNA Service Group, Inc.; 21Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A822502.


Betirement savings plans? No. n-34. Folder. O CUNA Supply Corporation, a subsidiary of CUNA Service Group, Inc.; 19Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A822503.

A822504. CUNA Supply Corporation, a subsidiary of CUNA Service Group, Inc.; 20Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A822504.


Inside out: a spiritual manual for prison life, compiled 6 edited by Ravi Dass, pseud, of Eonald Zimmatdi. 198 p. e Hanuman Foundation; 23Auq76; 4822505.


Alia breve loving. By Carolyn Deiores Uright. 30 p. Some poems prev. pub. in Barataria review £ others, a Carolyn Deiores Bright; 12Nov76; A822506.


ith and chemical dependency. By Anne Ludcke. 18 p. Appl. au: compcare Publications, e CompCare Publications, a division of Comprehensive Care Corporation; 10Jan77; A822507.


Blueprint for fourth step inventory. By Muriel Zink. IS p. Appl. au : CompCare Publications. C CompCare Publications, a division of Comprehensive Care Corpo- ration; 18Jan77; 482250B.


Kays to live more comfortably with your alcoholic. By Muriel Zink. 11 p. Appl. au: CompCare Publications. ^ CompCare Publications, a division of Comprehensive Care Corporation; I0Jan77; 4822509.


Family's guide for the fourth step. By Muriel zink. 15 p. 4ppl. au: CompCare Publications. 6 CompCare Punlicat ions, a division oi Comprehensive Care Corpo- ration; 18Jan77; A822510.


SO your alcoholic is sober. By Muriel Zink. 11 p. Appl. au: CompCare Publications. o CompCare Publications, a division ot Comprehensive Care Corpo- ration; 10Jan77; 4822511.


Recovery: turning negatives into positives; alibis and failures, part of the disease, part of *'e recovery. By Muriel zink. IS p. ....1. au : CompCare Publications. O CompCare Publications, a division of Comprehensive Care Corpo- ration; 10Jan77; 4822512.


Let's try barter, the answer to inflation — (and the tax collector) By Charles Morrow Uilson, introd. by Karl Hess. 2nd rev. ed. 184 p. Prev. pub. 1960, 4450091. C Charles Morrow Bilson; 21JU176; A822513.


Boss celestial nomogram. Folder. e Jack 8. Bench. Jr.; 2esep76; 4822514.


Speak up! your life is at stake! Written by Don Gossett. 50 p. O Don Gossett; 310ct76; 4822515.


ABIB. 28 p. Appl. au: Carl O'Beirn. O The Church of God; 150ct76; A822516.


Freedom forever; thirty-thres successful money making methods designed to financially support and perpetuate full time travel. By Bob Van Groningen. 90 p. O Bob Van Groningen; 50ct76 ; 4822517.

By Robert Gordi


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.