Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/226

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A822119 — A822553
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A822518 (con.)

2iia auqo. ed. 3t0 p. O Robert Gordis; 7JU171: A822518.


Herbaliv yours. By Penny C. Eoyal, pseud, of Jrlene Lyman 6 Alice clcgq._^ 117 p. 8 Sound Nutriti 22Dec76; A822519.


Deluxe checii printers: predictable and consistent qronth. By Barry k. Gluck. 9 p. Appl- au: Drexel Burnhan and company. Inc. & Drexel Burnham and Company, Inc.; 200ct76: .1822520.


The Gay enqaqement calendar, 1977. Compiled by Martin Greif. 6 Bain Street Press, Inc.; iaoct76; &822521.


Kinqsborouqh community resources handbooli, 1976. Prepared by Kinqsborouqh Institute for Public Service, Kinqsborouqh Community Colleqe. 130 p. Appl. au: Kinqsborouqh community College. e Kinqsborouqii Community Colleqe; mov76; A822522.


Passionate feelings and other poems. By Catrinqton Bonner. «5 p. Some poems prev. pub. J" Black times 6 others. NH: compil.^tion- e Carcinqton Bonner; 17Feb75 (in notice: 197a); J822523.


Slovenia under Nazi occupation, 1941-19'I5. By Helqa H. Harriman . 91 p. O Studia Slovenica; 3Jan77; J82252it.


Seamless knitting. By June C. Scheetz. IV. June c. Scheetz; 7Jan76; A822525.


Adhering to medical regimens: pilot experiments in patient education and social support. By Robert D. Caplan, Elizabeth A. S. Bobinson, John R. P. French, Jr., John B. Caldnell, Marybeth Shinu, with the assistance of Velma Thiesen, Carolyn Morris, Sharon No£- fsinqer, Gary Jusela, Cathy Kaunisto B Judith Slininq. 28i| p. University of Michigan; 12Jul76: A822526.


Cooi book "76. Compiled by Jan» Ann Moored. 98 p. C Jenison Junior High School: 1Jun76: A822527.


Fruitful valley: a chronicle of Williamston, Best Virginia. Editor: Elizabeth K. Fenton, photos.: Raymond Heath. 203 p. Appl. au: Peg Hurdock, Frances Sidell E Martha Dhl. 6 Uil- liamstoun Historical committee; 5Nov76 ; A822528.


God's key to health and happiness. By Elmer A. Josephson. 224 p. MM: revisions E additions. 6 Bible Light Publications; 1Dec76: A822529.


Thoughts of success. By Robert C. Coulson, cartoons by Loyd Littlepage. 1 V. e Robert c. Coulson; 16Dec76; A822530.


California Bicentennial poets anthology. Edited by Allan D. Uinans. 217 p. Add. ti: California poets. Some poems prev. pub. in Aisling E others. SM: compilation £ additions. i3 Second Coming Press; lSep76; A822531.


Home. By Merle I. Olson. 1 v. Some poems prev. pub. in flroaduay boogie £ others. NM: compilation. © Toby Olson; iajun76; A8225J2.


Appearance. By Merle T. Olson. 125 p. Add. ti: Changing appearance. Poems prev. pub. in 1970 S others. NM: compilation. iS Toby Olson; 19Dec75: 4822533.


Lemurxan rhapsodies. By John Allen Cann, drawings by John Allen Cann. 1 v. some poems prev. pub. in The Fly £ BockDottom. MM: introd., drawings £ text new, except for 4 poems. ^ John Allen Cann; 5Dec76; 4822 534.


.lentzer-Straesser Veruacdtschaft family lore; a compilation of family lore of interest to those who have Halter, Imler, Hentzer, Straesser E Schmalz family ties. By Naomi Mentzer. 45 p. o Naomi Mentzer; 20Dec76; 4822535.


Golden oldies: antiques and junque. Pt. 1. 16 p. (The Buy Bord) Appl. au: Ele^ine Sweeney Smith E Joanne Herrmann. 9 Smith/Herrmann Publications; 91Jov76; A822536.


Resale treasure trails. 20 p. (The Buy Bord) Appl. au: Elaine Sseeney Smith E Joanne Herrmann. e Smith/Herrmann Publications; 9Sep76: 4822537.


"Busing for integration" is this a hypocrisy of the N.A.A.C.P. and the black clergy? By Thomas J. Jones. 76 p. & Thomas J. Jones d. b. a. Jones Publishing company; 290ct76: A822536.


Household moving policy and procedures. 8 p. 6 Best Bay Movrng and Storage Company; 1!lov76; 4822539.


Kaleidoscope. By Lilla A. Hughes Tyler. 39 p. MM: compilation £ additions. a Lilla Hughes Tyler; 29(iov76; A822540.

A82254 1.

Virginia: from many. one. By John P. Bouen. 10 p. Jppl- states all new except chap. 1, p. 1-2, headed o, happy Virginia. S John P. Bouen: 3Dec76; A822541.


Directory of ethnobotanists, 1976. 17 p. English, Spanish, French £ other languages. Appl. au: Paul Edward Minnis. 8 Paul Edward Minnis; 1Dec76; A822542.


Your roots go deep in this nation; an open letter to my grandson. By Cecil Martin Cooper, rev. fi edited by his sister, Veda Cooper Spangler. 22 p. e Veda Cooper Spangler; 6Dec76; A322543.


Toll-free telephone directory, 1977; a guide to toll free telephone numbers. By the staff of sunset Press. 72 p. e Sunset Press; 1Jan77; A822544.


The Imagiaary eagle. 10 p. Appl. au: Gerald Frederick Mlodoch. 2nd. 6 Gerald Frederick Mlodoch, 2nd; aoct7S; A822545.


Roots, flouers and fruits. Poems by Kamald'een Agboola Ibraheem. 42 p. S Kamaldeen Agboola Ibraheem; 10Jan77; A822546.



Snyder, Hermleigh, TX, telephone directory, December 1976. e Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 27Dec76; A822547.


Is it bankruptcy! Pt. 3; studies in the financial plight of New York, group bankruptcy in blighted areas. By Arthur C. Holden. 43 p. S Arthur C. Holden; 19NOV76; A822548.


Northwest Indiana suburban Criss-cross directory, 1977. e Haines and Company, Inc.; 17Jan77; A822549.


5705-XX1. Irintout. MM: additional programming, editorial revision £ error correction. © International Business Machines Corporation a. a- d. ; IBM corporation; 12Nov76; A822550.


IBM system/3 model 15 system services programs logic manual; program numbers: 5704-SC1, 5704-SC2. 3rd ed. 1 v. (IBB systein/3) 6 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM corporation (in notice: International Business Machines corporation); 27Dec76; A822551.


5707-F12. Printout. 6 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation; 30Nov76; A822552.


S796-AJR. Printout. 6 Carlin-Black Systems Corporation; 103ec76 (in iiotice: 1975) ; A822553.


5796-AJK. Printout. 6 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM corporation; 3Dec76: A822554.


5748-H11. Printout. NM: additions £ revisions. © International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation; 19Mov76; A822555.


APL concepts and facilities materials of instruction; education guide. 1 v. International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 21Jan77 (in notice: 1976, 1977) ; A822556.


Installing the IBM 3793 communication system for use with 0S/VS2 MVS; SNA system components: VSAfl, VTAM, NCP, SSS, version 2.0 of program no. 5744-BZ3. 1 v. (Systems) 6 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 16Dec76; A822557.


VTAM macro language guide. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. GH27-1582) MM: editorial revision fi additional text. © International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM corporation; 29Nov7b; A822558.


0S/VS2 MVS system programming library: VTAM. 1 V. (IBM technical newsletter, no. GN27-1578) NB: editorial revision £ additional text. O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM

corporation; 15Nov76; A822559.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.