Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/289

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A825077 — A825119
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Eucopean Markets for ledical uitrasODic equipneot, Noveaber 1976. 1 v. Add. ti: E194 aedical altrasonics larket xq Earope. Frost and SalliTan, Inc.: 1Nov76; A825077.


Collection of D-Carol patterns for 1976. 1 T. Appl. aui Carolyn H. DeAngelis. Carolrn a. OeAnqelis; 1Jal76: A82507e.


Pine Grove area eleientary kindergarten proqraa. By Joanne fl. Eofraao, AoA E. Bechsteiner S Katbryn L. Otto. 51 p. & Hoffian, Bechsteiner & Otto: 23Jan76: A8250 79.


The Sensuous line: Indian drauings froB the Paul F. Halter collection. By Pratapaditya Pal & Catherine Glynn. 72 p. Huseua Associates of the Los Angeles county Buseua of Art; 22Jun76: A825080.


Exhibit of isospacion. 1 p. Appl. au: Terry Dean Frick |I. Fcick) O Terry Frick: 1Feb77: A825081.


The College of Billiaa and ^ary in Virginia, 1976-1977, including faculty and staff aeabers, student directory. 1 v. Add. ti: Student directory, including faculty and staff: College of Hilliaa and Hary in Virginia, Moveaber 1976; Student directory of the College of Billiaa and aary: The College of Billiaa and aary telephone directory, 1976-77. Appl. au: College of Billiaa and aary S. Dean Olson. college of Billiaa aiid Bary in Virginia: 2Dec76: A8250a2.


Transaission lines: laboratory aanual for ELK 225. 1 V. C Bake Technical Institute; 17Dec76; A825083.


li-Guarde; instructions and playing surface. Sheets (J p.) Appl. au: aarco Fiorentino. C Sarco Fiorentioo: 27Dec76; A8250 8II.


The Scarab papers. Folder (6 p.) Appl. au: The Tellurian Coapany, Ltd. & Gene Kieffer (John Gichtel) Ba: new aaterial C revisions. C The Tellurian Coapany. Ltd. ; 10Dec76; A825085.


Flying saucers: an analysis of the Air Force Project Blue Book .special report nuaber 14, including The C.l. A. and the saucers. By Leon Davidson. 5th ed. 1 v. Leon Davidson: 25Dec76: 1825086.


Zodiacards. 4 p. Appl. au: H. P. Sheridan a. k.a. Billiaa P. Sheridan. O Billiaa P. Sheridan: 22Jan77: A825087.


TV outlines for Psychology 101: General psychology. Edited by Saauel B. Schnitzer. Sheets (78 p.) C Oepartaent of Psychology, Indiana State University: 7Jan77; A825088.


Franco- ao Industries, Incorporated rebuilt carburetors, fully guaranteed, exchange proqraa. 1 v. Franco-Ho Industries, Inc.: 23Dec76: A825089.


Bodel 2711 alara/control systea application/enqineeriuq/interface data and theory of operation. 2nd ed. 1 v. Appl. au: aaqnetic Controls Coapany. ADC, division of Hagnetic Controls Coapany (in notice: ADC) : 8Apr76: Ae25090.


1911 signal test unit user aanual. 2nd ed. 1 v. Appl. au: aagnetic Controls Coapany. 6 ADC, division of aagnetic Controls Coapany (in notice: ADC) : 5aay76; A825091.


aodel 27 11 alara/control systea systea aanual. 3rd ed. Sheets. fieprinted froa 2711 alara/control systea aanual. Appl. au: Hagnetic Controls coapany. 6 ADC, division of aagnetic Controls Coapany (in notice: ADC); 19Aug75: A825092.


aodel TC-llA transaission test controller user aanual. 2nd ed. 1 v. Appl. au; aagnetic Controls Coapany. ADC, division of aagnetic Controls Coapany (in notice: ADC): 16Apr7e; A825093.


Basic techniques of bluegrass banjo. All songs arr. Billiaa Joel Bivers. 34 p. Joel Bivers: 3Jan77: A825094.


Booa for thought. 1 v. Appl. au: Beqina Kotkovski. S Begina KotkoHski; 1Jun76: A825095.


Financing for Hew England faras: hov to raise capital by selling stock, a basic guide to equity financing and its application to the fara enterprise. Issued by Fara Equity Finance Division, Aaerican Board of Trade, Mew Haapshire, Inc. 10 p. Appl. au: Aaerican Board of Trade, B.U., Inc., Bea England Fara Finance Section. Aaerican Board of Trade. Bev Baapshire, Inc.; 14Jun76: 1825096.


Society of Bale Chauvioisa. 1 p. Appl. au: Jaaes S. Cronen. MB: revisions 6 additions. Jaaes S. Cronen; 9Dec76 ; 1825097.


The Poinsettia library of Christaas handicrafts. Vol. 1-5. O Tower Press, Inc.: 300ec76: A825098.


Deep woods and silent pathways. By Jaaes E. Bipley. 52 p. Appl. states all new except p. 5, pre v. reg. 197a. Jaaes a. Bipley: 10Dec76; Aa25099.


Jia Blecha photography. 1 v. Jia BlecLa d.b.a. Jia Blecha Photography; 7Dec76: 18^5100.


fiedwora order fora: Pineywoods Bora Gardens. 2 p. Add. ti: Pineywoods Bora Gardens redwora order fora. Appl. au: Jaaes 8. Lansdowne. d Jaaes K. Lansdoane; 290ec76: AS2510 1.


Pineywoods wora grower*s agreeaent. 1 p. Appl. an: Jaaes u. Lansdowne. 6 Jaaes B. Lansdowne: «Oct76: 1825102.


Passions in the sand. By Barbara Cartland. 167 p. d Barbara Cartland; 17aay76; 1825103.


In Inqel in hell. By Barbara Cartland. 150 p. Barbara Cartland; 14Jun76: A825104.


The Aaerican woaan's gazetteer. By Lynn Sherr 6 Jurate Kazickas. 271 p. O on new textual aaterial e new pictorial aatter; Lynn Sherr & Jurate Kazickas; 17Bay76: 1825105.


1 Handbook of the Onited Nations. By Jack Eraest Vincent. 238 p. MB: substantial editorial revision. Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 25Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 182S106.


Cheaistry. By Bichael J. Balsa e Stanley B. Kaplan. 1 v. (Barron*s Begents eiaas and answers) BB: additions. Barron*s Educational Series, Inc.; 25Jan77; A825107.


1 Dictionary of laerican idioas. By Hazine Tull Boatner t John Edward Gates, rev. ed. edited by Idaa Bakkai. 392 p. HHi update added. Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 26Jan77: A825108.


Honthly charts, aonth ending January 31, 1977. Vol. 1-2. Issued by Quantitative Analysis Service, departaent of Hertheia and Coapany, inc. Appl. au: Balvin B. Boesch G Sobert P. Sanna. Quantitative Analysis Service; lFeb77; 1825109.


Beeting h uaan needs. Vol. 2: additional perspectives froa thirteen countries. Editors: Daniel Thursz & Joseph L. Vigilante. 286 p. O Sage Publications, Inc.; 17Dec76: A825110.


Bespicatory distress syndroae of shock and trauaa: post-trauaatic respiratory failure. By Frank Billiaa Blaisdell t Frank B. Lewis, Jr. 237 p. O B. B. Saunders Coapany: 25Jan77: A825111.


Psychology; understanding behavior. By fiobert A. Baron, Donna Byrne t Barry B. Kantowitz. 652 p. H. B. Saunders coapany: 25Jan77; A825112.


Biology. By Claude .>. Villee. 7th ed. 980 p. O B. B. Saunders Coapany: 25Jan77: A825113.


Econoaics: a aodern view. By John Lindauer. 865 p. e B. B. Saunders Coapany: 25Jan77: A825114.


Buaerical coapoting and aatheaaticai analysis. By Stephen H. Pizer. 529 p. Ba: additional text. Stephen B. Pizer; 21Bar75; 1825115.


Data processing. By Bike Burach. 416 p. BB: additional text. O Bike Burach: 1lpr75; 1825116.


Borals and values: readings in theoretical and practical ethics. Edited by Barcus George Singer. 462 p. BB: general introd., chapter introductions, pref., note to the student 6 coapilation. e Charles Scribner's Sons; 4Jan77; 1825117.


Dalton Truabo. By Bruce Cook. 343 p. Bruce Cook; 4Jan77; A8251I8.


Gallows way. By Daoaa ainston. 351 p.

Daoaa Binston; 14Dec76: A825119.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.