Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/290

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A825120 — A825161
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Mortal lessons. By Richard Selzer. 219 p. NHi compilation 6 additions. e Eichard Selzer; 15Dec75; A825120.


Jupiter: studies of the interior, atmosphere, oaqnetosphere and satellites- Edited by Ton Gehrels »ith the assistance of Mildred Shapley Hatthens. 12514 p. HH: 85S. e Arizona Board of Eegents; 6Aug76; A825121.


Those of the street; the Catholic- Jews of Hallorca. By Kenneth Moore. 218 p. e Oniversity of Notre Dane Press; 17Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4825122.


Lucian: seventy dialogues. Introd. 6 commentary by Harry Louis Levy. 316 p. Portions prev. pub- in Lucian, vol- 7. NM: additions. 6 University of Oklahoma Press, publishing division of the University: 29Dec76; 4825123.


Our energy future. By Don E. Kash, Michael Dennis Devine, James 8. Freim, Martha Winters Gilliland, Eobert Barren Eycroft 6 Thomas J. ttilbanks. «69 p. University of Oklahoma Press, publishing division of the University; 28Dec76; 4825124.


Modern's market guide- 1977 ed. 507 p. 4ppl. au: Modern Beauty Shop Magazine. O Vance Publishing Corporation: 2Nov76: 4825125.


North eastern reporter, second series- Vol. 353. 1 V. NH: compilation, revisions e additions. Q Best Publishing Company: 7Jan77; A825126.


4tlantic reporter, second series. Vol. 361. 1 V. NH: compilation, revisions S additions. 6 Uest Publishing Company; 29Dec76: 4825127.


South eastern reporter, second series. Vol. 227. 1 V. NM: compilation, revisions & additions. O Best Publishing Company; 28Dec76; 4825128.


Federal reporter, second series. Vol- 538. 1 V. NM: compilation, revisions 6 additions. Rest Publishing Company: <(Jan77; 4825129.


Alaska digest; 1977 cumulative suppl. 619 p. Hest Publishing Company: 5Jan77; 4825130.


Problems, readings and materials on the lavyer as a negotiator. By Harry T. Edvards E James J. Bhite. 4814 p. NM: compilation, editorial revisions & additions. Vest Publishing Company: 3Jan77; 4825131.


Handbook of the lav of antitrust. By Lawrence 4nthony Sullivan. 886 p. 6 West Publishing Company; €Jan77; 4825132.


Cases and materials on judicial process and social change: constitutional litigation. By Jack Gieenberq. 666 p- NM: compilation & editorial selection- O Uest Publishing Company; 3Jan77: 4825133-


Cases and materials on California community property. By Harold E. Verrall. 3rd ed. 547 p. C Best Publishing Company: 3Jan77: A825134.

A82513 5.

Engineering heat transfer. By Bhaichandra V. Karlekar 6 Bobert M. Desmond. 580 p. © Best Publishing company: 3Jan77; A825135-


Intcoduction to engineering thermod- ynamics. By Howard F- silver & John E- Sydahl. 557 p. 6 Best Publishing company; 3Jan77: 4825136.


Idaho digest. Vol. 8; railroads — trover and conversion. Cumulative suppl. 1 v- 4dd- ti: Idaho digest, annotated. MM: compilation, revisions 6 additions, e Best Publishing Company: 5Jan77; A825137.


Cases and materials on labor law- By 4cchibald Cox, Derek Curtis Bok 6 Bobert A. Gorman. 8th ed. 1315 p. Add. ti: Cases on labor law. Q The Foundation Press. Inc.; 3Jan77; 4825138.


Cases and materials on mass media law. By Marc A- Franklin. 878 p. NM: compilation S additions. e The Foundation Press, Inc.; 3Jan77; A825139.


Securities regulation: cases and materials. By Bichard H. Jennings £ Harold Marsh, Jr. 4th ed. 1431 p. e The Foundation Press, Inc.: 3Jan77: A825140.


Constitutional criminal procedure: cases, questions, and notes. By James E- Scarboro 6 James B- Bhite. 875 p. NM: compilation C additions. Q The Foundation Press, Inc.; 3Jan77; A825141-


Cases and materials on decedents' estates and trusts. By John Bitchie, Neill H. 41ford, Jr. fi aichard B. Effland. 5th ed. 1400 p. 6 The Foundation Press, Inc.; 3Jan77; A825142.


Civil practice law and rules. CPLR 501-1005, 1006-2200. Practice commen- taries by Joseph a. McLaughlin. 2 v. (McKinney' s Consolidated laws of New York annotated, book 7B) Appl. an: Best Publishing Company, employer for hire. NH: compilation, revision G additions- e Best Publishing Company; 29Dcc76; 4825143.


Tennessee practice. Vol- 5-6: civil procedure forms, with practice comments. By B. Harold Bigham. 2 v. BH; com- pilation £ additions. & Best Publishing Company: 5Jan77; A825144.


Oklahoma statutes annotated. Titles 32-36. 2 V. NM: compilation, revisions £ additions. 6 Best Publishing Company: 28Dec76: A825145.


Ferguson: a city and its people- Britten for the Ferguson Historical "Society by Irene San ford Smith. 150 p. e Ferguson Historical Society; 24Sep76; 4825146.


Forecasting methods for management. By Steven c. Rheelwright £ Spyros G. Makridakis. 2nd ed. 266 p. e John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; 4Jan77; A825147.


Fundamentals of fire prevention. By Billiam K. Bare- 213 p. O John Wiley and Sons, Inc-: 4Jan77; 4825148-


The Minicomputer in the laboratory: with examples using the PDP-11- By James Billiam Cooper. 365 p- 6 John Biley and Sons, Inc-; lajan77: A825149.


Composite construction methods- By John Philip Cook. 330 p- 9 John Wiley and Sons, Inc-; 4Jan77: 4825150-


Early childhood education: a perceptual models curriculum- By Doris Pronin Fromberg- 342 p- 6 John Biley and Sons, Inc.; 10Jan77; 4825151.


An Anthropological analysis of food-getting technology- By Wendell H- Osvalt, with the assistance of Gloria Mann £ Leonn Satterthwait, illustrated by Patrick Finnerty, 310 p- Appl. states all new except prev- pub- illus- © John Biley and Sons, Inc.; 10Nov76: 4825152.


Properties and management of soils in the tropics- By Pedro A- Sanchez. 618 p- 4ppl. states copyright not claimed on any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources. e John Biley and Sons, Inc.; 22Dec76; 1825153.


Stability and constancy in visual perception: mechanisms and processes. Editor: Billiam Epstein. 463 p. 4ppl, states copyright not claimed on any portion of work done as part of D. s. Govt. employee's official duties. C John Biley and Sons, Inc.; 13Jan77: 4825154.


Legal issaes in pediatrics and adolescent medicine. By 4ngela Roddey Holder, foreword by Howard A. Pearson. 350 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed on any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources, & John Biley and Sons, Inc.; 7Jan77; A825155.


Case studies in spirit possession. Edited by Vincent Crapanzano £ Vivian Garrison. 457 p. 6 John Biley and Sons, Inc. ; 18Jan77; A825156.


Occupations and society: toward a sociology of the labor market. By Paul p. Hontagna. 456 p- Appl. states copyright not claimed on any material taken from B.S- Govt- sources- 6 John Biley and Sons, Inc-; 4Jan77: A825157-


Applied nonstandard analysis. By Martin Davis. 181 p. e John Biley and Sons, Inc.; 4Jan77; A825158.


HOW to profitably buy and sell land. By Rene A, Henry, Jr, 203 p, 8 John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; 4Jan77: A825159.


Intermediate accounting. By Donald E- Kieso £ Jerry J. Beygandt, 2nd ed. 1165 p. @'John Biley and Sons, Inc.; 24Jan77; A825160.


Iromunobiology for the clinician. By

Hugh B, K. Barber, foreword by Philip J.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.