Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/32

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A814651 — A814694
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Introduction to history and the social sciences; course syllabus S-F. University Biqh. prepared by Hichaei Gluck C Kathleen Atlass. 1 v. d Hichaei Gluck E Kathleen Atlass; 7Sep76; 1814651.


Instiqations: Ezra Pound and Eemy de Gourmont. A thesis presented by Richard Baymond sieburth. 301 p. Appl. au: Ezra Pound- © The Trustees of the Ezra Pound Literary Trust; 14Jun76; A814652.


Monsters! monsters! a fantasy game providinq equal time for the monsters. Designed by Kenneth E- Saint Andre, edited by Steve Jackson, chiefly illustrated by Liz Danforth. 40 p. 6 folder. o Ken Saint Andre: 25Auq76: A814653.


Smokehouse recipes from the house of Schiermeier; a neu method of smokinq in your own oven. 8 p. Appl. au: Theodore Louis Schiermeier. © Theodore Louis Schiermeier; 1Dec76: A814654.


Instant series Editor; Tyashare manuals, IYHC0H-9. 18 p. e Tymsliare, Inc.; 200ct76: A814655.


Electricity for the preschooler. By David Richard King, Jr. 13 p. David Bichard King, Jr.; lNov76; &814656.

A8146 57.

E-z sketch cartooning kit. Set 6. Illustrated by Janet M. Flood. Kit. Add. ti: Cartoon kit, set 6. 6 Janet H. Flood d.b.a. Traceables; 80ct76; Aei46b7.


E-Z sketch cartooning kit. Set 5. Illustrated by Janet «. Flood. Kit. Add. ti: Cartoon kit, set 5. 6 Janet a. Flood d.b.a. Traceables; 80ct76; A8146S8.


E-Z sketch cartooning kit- Set 1- Illustrated by Janet H. Flood. Kit. Add. ti: Cartoon kit, set 1- 6 Janet B. Flood d.b.a- Traceables; 80ct76; AB146S9-


E-Z sketch cartooning kit. Set 3. Illustrated by Janet u. Flood. Add. ti: Cartoon kit, set 3. 8 Janet H. Flood d.b.a. Traceables; 80ct76; AB14660.


E-Z sketch cartooning kit. Set 4. Illustrated by Janet H. Flood. Add. ti; Cartoon kit, set 4. a Janet a. Flood d.b.a. Traceables; 80ct76; A814661.


E-Z sketch cartooning kit. Set 2. Illustrated by Janet H. Flood. Kit. Add. ti: Cartoon kit. set 2. © Janet a. Flood d.b.a. Traceables; 80ct76; A814662.


Metrics made E-Z. Vol. 1-3. Appl. au: Donald Balph Severeid. 8 Donald R. Severeid; 11Har76: A814663.


Texas sales and use tax: a manual for Texas institutions- 1 v. 6 Fields and Associates; 19Sov76; A814664.


California sales and use tax: a manual for California institutions. 1 v. iS Fields and Associates; 16Sep76; A814665-

A814666. Cassidy- 2nd annual deluxe ed- 160 p. S Milliau J- Cassidy (in notice: Hiliiam L- Cassidyl; 1Jun76; A814666.


Sprocket tool. Card- Appl. au: Arni Nashbar. 9 Nashbar/Associates (Bulk Bike Division) (in notice: Bulk Bike); 21Jui76; A814667.


Why chart-your-own-course to lose weight and keep it off; the why book- By Edward Victor, pseud, of Edward V. Hardway, Jr. 25 p. C Spearhead, Inc.; 24Nov76; A814668.


Keep your heart running; a graduated, total health and fitness program for people of all ages- By Paul J- Kiell 6 Joseph Sherman Frelinghuysen. 264 p. e Paul J. Kiell S Joseph S. Frelinghuysen; 260ct76; A814669.


The Roses race around her name; poems from fathers to daughters. Edited by Jonathan cott. 145 p. SB: introd. £ compilation of poems- © stonehill Publishing Company (in notice: Stonehill publishing Company, a division of Stonehill Communications, Inc- ); 6Nov74; 68 14670.


Writers, critics, and children; articles from Children's literature in education. Edited by Geoffrey percival Fox 6 others. 245 p. 6 on pref., compilation, abridgment £ editorial revision; Geoff Fox; 19JU176; A814671.


Myth and education. By Ted Hughes. (In Briters, critics, and children, p- 77-94) a Ted Hughes; 19Jul76; A814672.


Credit manual of commercial laws, 1977- Editorial board: Robert D. Goodwin, Lester Nelson E George Kohlik- 994 p- © National Association of Credit Banagement; 14Dec76; A814673.


History of aacon County, 1976. Editor: 0. T. Banton- 555 p- Add- ti; Bacon County history, 1976. 8 Macon County Historical Society; 17Dec76: A814674.

A8 14675.

Scientist as subject; the psychological imperative. By Bichael J. aahoney. 249 p. O Foundation for Applied Inquiry; 19JU176; A814675.


Ray 611en"s Beet the Meters. Illus- trated by Hazel Levy. 1 v. £ cards. a Raymond Allen Jr.; 60ct76; A814676.


Insta-Date profile analysis- 6 p. Appl. au; Hallace L. Cook. e Wallace L. Cook; 1Sep76; A814677.


Gardening for greenbacks: the home gardener's bonanza. Vol. 1- By Elvin Sebert. 50 p. 9 Elvin Sebert; 12Sep76; A814678.


Other sources; an American essay. 128 p. Add. ti: San Francisco Art Institute, September 17-November 7, 1976. NM; critical essays £ interviews on p. 8-29, 54-81 6 puc. biographies. © San Francisco Art Institute; 17Sep76; A814679.

A814680. Declaration of faith. Preparation of this material was directed by H. Hollis Gause. 94 p. Appl. au: Church of God Continuing Education Prograo. 6 Church of God Continuing Education Program; 15Jan76; A814680.


George H. Bush, early black pioneer. Historical narrative by Iris Heikeli. 72 p. An adaptation prev. pub. in 12 issues of Bulletin, beginning 13Aug75. NB: editorial revisions £ additional text- S Iris Heikeli; 28Jun76; Aei4681.


Program for profits. Folder. Appl. au; John £ Barbara Colossi- © Colo Enter- prises; 25Sep76; A814682-


Introducing new 3 in 1 bar-b-q cutting fork. 2 p. Appl. au; John £ Barbara Colossi. 9 Colo Enterprises; 25Sep76; A814683.


Hiley's Book to understand the book for electric bass- Book 2. By Cornell D- Wiley- 3 p- NM: additional text E illus- © Cornell D- Biley; 100ct76; A8146e4.


Fecalism. 1 p. 6dd. ti: Fecalite manifesto, Appl. au: Gerald K. Oolan (Kevin Dolan) S Kevin Dolan; 10ct68; 6814685.


Line drawings. By Louis M. Ponderoso. 1 V. 8 Louis a. Ponderoso; 20Nov76; A814686.


Round up; text of rules. 5 p. Appl. au; Herbert Alexander Estreicher. © Herbert 61exander Estreicher; lSep76; 6814687.


Skid Bow; a wide-ranging bibliography. 24 p. Appl- au: John Randolph Gregson, 2ud. MB: additional compilations. John Randolph Gregson, 2nd; lDec76; 6814688-


Ban, space, time, and beyond. By Richard A. Gierak. 1 v. © Bichard A. Gierak; 14Dec76: 4814689.


Poems by Arthur C. Ontiveros- 1 v- © Arthur Charles Ontiveros; 140ct76; A814690.


Claim your rightful share of the social security giveaway — at any age! 68 p. Appl. au: Jeffrey Feinman. 8 FNF Corporation; 20Nov74; A814691.


103 affordable homes for quality living- Vol. 13. Editor: aargo Gampel £ other editors, consulting architect; Samuel Paul, art director: Franc L. Roggeri. 96 p. e Homes for Living, Inc.; 15Sep76; A814692.


A Han lives- By Thomas V. Leach. 1 p. e Thomas V. Leach; 4Feb76; A814693.


Michael Pakenham on wine: the first 100 columns from the Philadelphia inquirer. By Bichael Pakenham. 113 p. Portions prev. pub. in The Philadelphia inquirer. NB: pref. , additions £ compilation.

© Michael pakenham; 19Nov76; A814694.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.