Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/33

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A810695 — A814729
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Eqreiiioot, 1756-1976; a history. Coppiled, edited 6 written by the Eqcemont Bicentennial CODuaittee: Gail Hennessey, Hiai L. HacDonaid, Oliver wiilcoi, Robert tloran, Nancy Lehnbeck, Daude u. Uood & Mary Loaise Frataloae. 1 v. 6 Eqceuont Bicentennial Committee; 30Sep76; 481K695.


Earth, moon and Mars; a Biceotenoial souvenir. By £ileen 4. Blackman (Eileen 4. Pearson- Blackman) 11 p. NM: additions S revisions. C Eileen 4. Blackman, whose pseud, is Eileen Pearson-Elackman; 11JU176; 4814696.


Tennis stroke analysis. Pt. 1. 7 p. 4ppl. au: Frank B. Ualker. 6 Frank B. Balker; 23Nov76; 4814697.


Book buyer's handbook, 1976-1977. Sheets (672 p.) £ 18 p. C 4merican Booksellers Association, Inc.; 15Sep76; 4814698.


Origins and evolution of language and speech. Edited by Stevan R. Harnad, Horst D. Steklis S Jane Beckman Lancaster. 914 p. (Annals of the New york 4cademy of sciences, vol. 280) 4ppl. au: The New York Academy of Sciences. e The New York 4cademy of Sciences; 280ct76; 4814699.


The Biology of physical activity. 64 slides in box. Add. ti: Edinqton biology 35 millimeter slides. 4ppl. au: Dee H. Edington. Nd; slides no. 49-62. (S Houghton Hifflin Company; 7Jan76; A814700.


J33 super cakes and cookies. Vol. 3, no. 1. Editorial director: Arthur Hettich, editor: Barie T. Walsh, associate editor: Jean naguire. 128 p. Add. ti: Family circle 333 super cakes and cookies. 4ppl. au: The Family Circle, Inc. NH: front cover, p. 1-14, 16-65 6 67 through back cover. 8 The Family Circle, Inc.; 27Dec76; 4814701.


4 Bicentennial history, market facts book and international directory tor manufacturers, distributors and suppliers. Editor: Jerry L. Hess. 253 p. Add. ti: Snack food blue book. 1976. Appl. au: Barcourt Brace Jovanovich Publications, Inc., employer for hire. Na: approx. 94* new. e Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publications, Inc.; 1Dec76; 4814702.


Schools and careers. By Edwin L. Herr, editinq supervisor: Hitsy c. Kovacs, art director: flarsha Cohen, illustrator: Sullivan-Keithley, Inc. 136 p. e HcGraw-Hill, Inc.; JJan77; A8I4703.


Knowing your self. By Bill a. Kidwell 6 Vernon 4. Wallace, editing supervisor: Frances D. Bond, art director: narsha Cohen, illustrator: Sullivan-Keithley, Inc. 136 p. e acGraw-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4814704.


Religions of the world. By Lewis a. Uopfe. 308 p. Na: compilation of iilus. fi text, except for scattered quotes. O Lewis a. Hopfe; 5Jan76; A814705.


Solo guitar playing; a complete course of instructions in the techniques of guitar performance. Book 1. By Frederick a. Noad. 2nd ed. 233 p. <3 Frederick H. Noad; 15Dec75; A814706.


Metro's Spring home improvement. 26 p. Add. ti: Home improvement, 1977. C aetro Associated Services, Inc.; 8Dec76; A814707.


The Taxi project: realistic solutions for today. Edited by Emilio Ambasz. 160 p. Appl. au: The auseum of Modern Art, employer for hire. O The Museum of Modern Art; 16Jun76; 4814708.


Drawing now. By Bernice Rose. 96 p. Appl. au: The auseum of Modern Art, employer for hire. g The auseum of aodern 4rt; 1oJan76; 4814709.


The New York times index. Vol. 64, no. 20, Oct. 16-31, 1976. 122 p. B The New York Times Company; 12Dec76: 4814710.


Index to 16 millimeter educational films. Vol. 3. 6th ed. 631 p. Add. ti: NICEM index to 16 millimeter educational films. G University of Southern California; 310ct76; 4814711.


Sky Prints aviation atlas; for use Jan. thru Dec. 1977. Managing editor: Paul F. Dydo. 16th annual ed. I v. Add. ti: Aviation enroute aUas, 1977; Sky Prints aviation (enroute) atlas. 1977. Appl. au: Sky Prints Corporation. e Sky Prints Corporation; 15Dec76 (in notice: 1977); A814712.


High fidelity's Buying guide to speaker systems. Editorial director: Leonard Barcus £ other editors, art director: Bob aaddocks. 1977 ed. 123 p. Appl. au: Editors of High fidelity magazine. H ABC Leisure aaqazines. Inc. (in notice: ABC Leisure Magazines, Inc., a subsidiary of the American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.); 23NOV76; 4814713.


High fidelity's Test reports. Compiled 6 edited by Wayne Armentrout £ other editors, graphics: Bob Haddocks fi Roy Lindstrom. 1976 ed. 294 p. 4ppl. au: Editors or High fidelity magazine. e ABC Leisure aaqazines. Inc.; 15Jan76 (in notice: 1975); 4814714.


Modern Photography bringt ihnen den Foto Einkaufs-Fuehter, 1976. Eedakteur: Jason Schneider, Assistent 6 Uebersetzer: Eva Essenthier. 160 p. 4dd . ti: aodern photography Foto Einkauf s-Fuehrer, 1976. 4ppl. au; Editors of Modern photography magazine. C 4BC Leisure aagazines. Inc. (in notice: Verlag 4BC Leisure Magazines, Inc.); 15Jan76; 4814715.


Buyer's guide to the world of tape, 1977. Editor: Wayne 4rmentrout £ other editors, art director: Bob Haddocks. 116 p. 4ppi. au: Editors of High fidelity magazine. g ABC Leisure aagazines. Inc. (in notice: ABC Leisure aagazines. Inc., a subsidiary of American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.) ; 210ct76; A814716.


Photo information almanac, '77. By the editors of aodern photography. 120 p. a ABC Leisure Magazines, Inc.; 190ct76; A8 14717.


Modern photography's Pnoto buying guide. 1977. Editor: Harold Martin. 8th ed. 152 p. Appl. au: Editors of Modern photography magazine. & ABC Leisure Magazines, Inc.; 16Sep76: A8147ia.


Musical America: 1977 international directory of the performing arts. Editorial director: Leonard Marcus £ other editors, advertising art director: Robert aaddocks. 500 p. Appl. au: Editors or High fidelity/musical America magazine. « ABC Leisure Magazines, Inc.; 2Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A814719.


Whiteside Ohio appellate practice. 1976 cumulative service, by Alba L. Whiteside. Federal rules of appellate procedure. 2 V. Appl. au; Banks-Baldwin Law Publishing Company. S Banks-Baldwin Law Publishing Company; 28Dec76; A81U720.


Essay writing for college students: a process approach. Edited by Stephen P. Witte. 309 p. Portions prev. pub. in Basic skills in composition series. NM; additional text, compilation of prev. pub. articles E editorial revisions. « Stephen P. Witte; 3Sep76; A814721.


Answers to questions in A Laboratory guide to Human physiology: concepts and clinical applications. By Stuart I. Fox. 26 p. e William C. Brown Company Publishers; 19Aug76; A814722.


Guide to teaching strinqs. By Norman Lamb. 2nd ed. 180 p. (3 William C. Brown Company Publishers; 19Nov76; 4814723.


Physical science with environmental applications; laboratory investigations. By Frank Fazio, Geno Zambotti, J. J. Costa £ Frank Ballas. 80 p. Na: additional text, compilation of prev. pub. articles £ editorial revisions. 6 Frank Fazio, Geno Zambotti, J. J. Costa £ Frank Ballas; 254ug76; 4814724.


Dear 4bby, January 10-16, 1977. By 4bigail Van Buren, pf \d. 1 p. Appl. au: Chicago Tribune-New 1^ k News Syndicate, Inc. a Chicago Tribune-New York News Syndicate, Inc.; 23Dec76 (in notice: 1977); A81472S.


Brothers and sisters of good will. 4 p. Appl. au: Mark L. Prophet a.k.a. El Morya. The Summit Lighthouse, Inc.; 2feb67; 48 147 25.


CGP: using your CGP report; comparative guidance and placement program. Prepared for toe College Entrance Examination Board by Educational Testing Service. 23 p. NM: updating. e College Entrance Examination Board; 250ct76 (in notice: 1972. 1975) ; 4814727.


CGP: what it's like; comparative guidance and placement program. Prepared for the College Entrance Examination Board by Educational Testing Service. 19 p. NM: updating. C College Entrance Examination Board; 250ct76 (in notice: 197 1. 1972, 1975) ; 4814728.


The Family educational rights and privacy act of 1974 (the Buckley amendment) By Lois D. Rice. 7 p. Appl. au: College Entrance Examination Board. 'S College Entrance Examination Board;

210ct76; A814729.


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